Sql Commands Through Client!

Talk about helbreath here.
MOG Hackintosh
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Post by MOG Hackintosh »

Fellow posters, I have made it! And now for only two thousand and five hundred american dollars you can have whatever you want on HB USA or HB inter!
For that money I can set you up with my gen-u-ine SQL command-o-matic for use with your gen-u-ine HB client program. This here invention of mine was originally conceived by my cousin Franklin Benjamin after running around in the rain flying a kite. He had an HB client cd on the end of the string and got hit by lightning 4 times when he came up with his invention. It was o-riginally conceived to bring in Mary Jooana into Tee Juana. Now it can be yours for the amee-cable price of only $2500.
If you buy one now at this low introduc-toree price I can also throw in a gen-u-wine three coloured armour set, worn by Slim Pickens, Soupy Sales and Teddy Roosevelt III when they played HB. It will look great with your official gen-u-wine Kloness "Mogulator" sword, signed by MOG herself.
You mean you DON'T have an official gen-u-wine "Mogulator" sword, signed by MOG herself? Why you should be ashamed of your-self. But don't give up hope! For only $50 extra dollars you are entitled to your OWN autographed gen-u-wine Mogulator sword. Of course, that sword will look even better in your 3-coloured armour set, which you will get free buying my hack for the insanely low-price of $2500.
You can of course edit your own 3-coloured set if you buy my hack, but what about COLLECTABILITY? Why, this set of armour was engraved with a lover-ly picture of George Washington throwing a silver dollar over the Potomac river, hitting Jefferson Davis's grandfather in the head, therefore planting the seed of what would ex-plode into the american civil war 100 years later.
Very well, but realise I can edit any item anywhere now, and you will too if you buy my specially priced SQL command-o-matic.exe

MOG "Haney"
<b>"I think im a hillbilly so pay me for my uber shiz" - Slipknight</b><span style='color:red'><br>yes and the dutch are always celebrating<br>thats holland:<br>"i got a new bicycle!" CHAMPAGNE! :D<br>"new marijuana bar opened" CHAMPAGNE :D <br>"it stopped raining for an hour" CHAMPAGNE! :D <br>"my condom didn't break" CHAMPAGNE! :D <br>"jews moved in next door" CHAMPAGNE! :D<br>"Look! A windmill!" CHAMPAGNE! :D</span>
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Post by Jaap »

One problem: no one plays usa/int. So not very useful sadly :(
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Post by RageIlluminati »

MOG Hackintosh wrote: For only $50 extra dollars you are entitled to your OWN autographed gen-u-wine blablablaa
get a fcking job n00b
<img src='http://helbreath.pri.ee/userbars/hbest-gamemaster2.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <img src='http://helbreath.pri.ee/userbars/hbsoccer-owner.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <img src='http://helbreath.pri.ee/userbars/scorpa-rider.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <img src='http://helbreath.pri.ee/userbars/logout-master.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <br>.<br>................................Ego sum Rage, flagellum Dei!<br><br>The problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? (bash.org)
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Post by Promote »

Mog just needs money so she can host :P
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Post by Slipknight »

Promote wrote: Mog just needs money so she can host :P


Translated by babelfish
<img src='http://www.bleachportal.net/interactive ... irjjkt.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><img src='http://www.hazegfx.com/UserBanners/Slipknot%20Fan.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><img src='http://www.hazegfx.com/UserBanners/UT2004%20Player.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><img src='http://www.hazegfx.com/UserBanners/AC%20DC%20Fan.png' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br>
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Post by Chlis »

why do u always ask for ppl to buy stuff off u on a forum blatently full of ppl age 18- O.o
&lt;3 bd long time
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Post by Slayer »

Chlis wrote: why do u always ask for ppl to buy stuff off u on a forum blatently full of ppl age 18- O.o
Indeed. It's very understandable that MOG doesn't gives away hacks like this for free. Even if it works. But which kid of 13~18 has $2500 and wants to spend it on a hack.

MOG, could you send me a screenshot of you on hbusa in ares WH, with an open bag full of items with your cursor at any 'famous' player. [unknown_slayer@gmail.com , note, if someone spams me, I will flood them..]
<img src='http://i9.tinypic.com/2vs292h.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
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Post by playa »

u can edit any item or gain any item ?
would it show in the logs as a monster drop?
also why dont u just put a list of items and prices uve got more chance of selling items to ppl than a $2500 program
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Post by Slipknight »

Can half of you reading this post not understand shes just fucking joking?
<img src='http://www.bleachportal.net/interactive ... irjjkt.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><img src='http://www.hazegfx.com/UserBanners/Slipknot%20Fan.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><img src='http://www.hazegfx.com/UserBanners/UT2004%20Player.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><img src='http://www.hazegfx.com/UserBanners/AC%20DC%20Fan.png' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br>
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Post by Chlis »

i get the point that their is jokes in there but i dont doubt that mog has this hack and that he wud sell seeing as he tried to sell 3.8 sources or was that a joke to seeing as i dont think it was..
MOG Hackintosh
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Post by MOG Hackintosh »

playa wrote:u can edit any item or gain any item ?
would it show in the logs as a monster drop?
also why dont u just put a list of items and prices uve got more chance of selling items to ppl than a $2500 program
Why, only a fool would sell golden eggs if their goose was supposed to be in hiding! Remember A-vour? I got her some gen-u-wine high-grade free sample spells and items. What did THAT get me? Sorree, folks, but my hack is worth every penny, cent, and two-o-pence. Selling small items will only get fellers to de-tect me faster and devaluate this precious, one of a kind grade A hack. It would be a shame to denigrate this marvelous techni-co-logical wonder without living out its full po-tential.
I'll be generous with you folks, why, parting with this hack moves me so much that I will include a memento of the transaction. A fully auto-graphed screen-shot of Aresden's finest standing around in west wares-house. Delivered to you for free out of the kindness of my heart. That will be sixty-five cents for handling fee.
<b>"I think im a hillbilly so pay me for my uber shiz" - Slipknight</b><span style='color:red'><br>yes and the dutch are always celebrating<br>thats holland:<br>"i got a new bicycle!" CHAMPAGNE! :D<br>"new marijuana bar opened" CHAMPAGNE :D <br>"it stopped raining for an hour" CHAMPAGNE! :D <br>"my condom didn't break" CHAMPAGNE! :D <br>"jews moved in next door" CHAMPAGNE! :D<br>"Look! A windmill!" CHAMPAGNE! :D</span>
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Post by playa »

some proof would be nice this is quite intresting
MOG Hackintosh
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Post by MOG Hackintosh »

NeukenInDeKeuken wrote: MOG, could you send me a screenshot of you on hbusa in ares WH, with an open bag full of items with your cursor at any 'famous' player. [unknown_slayer@gmail.com , note, if someone spams me, I will flood them..]
Mr. Koyken, I will be glad to be of service for you. This screenshot will only cost you $325 and 98 cents. Well you don't expect me to run un-necessary risks for FREE, now, do you? Especially since I have no guarantee that you would be finalising the purchase on this rare, one-of-a-kind gen-u-wine groundbreaking invention.

<b>"I think im a hillbilly so pay me for my uber shiz" - Slipknight</b><span style='color:red'><br>yes and the dutch are always celebrating<br>thats holland:<br>"i got a new bicycle!" CHAMPAGNE! :D<br>"new marijuana bar opened" CHAMPAGNE :D <br>"it stopped raining for an hour" CHAMPAGNE! :D <br>"my condom didn't break" CHAMPAGNE! :D <br>"jews moved in next door" CHAMPAGNE! :D<br>"Look! A windmill!" CHAMPAGNE! :D</span>
MOG Hackintosh
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Post by MOG Hackintosh »

playa wrote: some proof would be nice this is quite intresting
The proof of the pudding is in the eating!....PUDDING!?

Anyway, the nice thing about my being me is that my track record speaks for itself.

As my next, completely satis-fied customer will a-test.
<b>"I think im a hillbilly so pay me for my uber shiz" - Slipknight</b><span style='color:red'><br>yes and the dutch are always celebrating<br>thats holland:<br>"i got a new bicycle!" CHAMPAGNE! :D<br>"new marijuana bar opened" CHAMPAGNE :D <br>"it stopped raining for an hour" CHAMPAGNE! :D <br>"my condom didn't break" CHAMPAGNE! :D <br>"jews moved in next door" CHAMPAGNE! :D<br>"Look! A windmill!" CHAMPAGNE! :D</span>
&lt;3 bd long time
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Post by Slayer »

Mr. Koyken, I will be glad to be of service for you. This screenshot will only cost you $325 and 98 cents. Well you don't expect me to run un-necessary risks for FREE, now, do you? Especially since I have no guarantee that you would be finalising the purchase on this rare, one-of-a-kind gen-u-wine groundbreaking invention.
First of all, my name is Stefan (yes, you can laugh now), and not Koyken. Second of all, no thanks. I rather keep my money and look at one of the USA chars with legit rares I have acces to.

ehe.. old img ;p

Tyteman, Michael J. is coming your way!
<img src='http://i9.tinypic.com/2vs292h.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
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