Binarys guide to client hexxing

Discussion on Helbreath Hacks. New ones Released. and how to work them.
Posts: 58
Joined: Tue Mar 30, 2004 3:20 am

Post by blackknigt »

packing is super easier
go to
download asprotect 1.3 (if you one no one to unpack it)(thats the one that hb 3.62 has)
open it
and just read a bit cause there u can get noticed what u
have to do
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Joined: Thu May 19, 2005 4:19 pm

Post by pelmeen »

okei i downloaded exe cryptor...opened exe...i have know idea what options to put so i pressed the RUN and i got such error :S


and i think i need to register guys u have any cracker for it...or...serial key with user name that works

i got the procdump
okei i did this with it...

1) opened ProcDump32
2) Clicked Unpack, chose unpacker Petite..i think it must be petite because the client was like this


3) then i chose the client...
and this came on the screen...i waited wen the client was completely loaded and pressed okei....
and it gave me such error :S

what to do ? :(
just visiting
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Post by Kazin »

blastah wrote:
darkinsanity429 wrote: Hi its GM1... I see u use same name on forum as game!
any1 who is gathering names from the forums GETS BANNED.

too bad.
um yea just wanted to bring that up before you banned the noob :D

PS:Sorry if has changed seenin it was a sorta old post :unsure:
<img src=' ... zin3iv.gif' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br>
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