Anyone Have Compiled 2.03 Files?

Discussion about Helbreath Server Files.
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Post by DarkieDuck »

Well al3ks released the 2.191 and i did got the 2.191 from al3ks (and al3ks from farjat)
if i remember correctly that is
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Post by Foxy »

lilmage wrote:Veteran? This isn't war idiot.
<span style='color:white'>Verteran doesn't necessarily mean, "A person who has served in the armed forces". It also mean, "A person who is long experienced or practiced in an activity or capacity. Having had long experience or practice".</span>
lilmage wrote:I said I'm NOT running a god damn fucking server. I'm playing with them only geez -.-.
<span style='color:white'>3rm..GB also never said that you were running a server Jimmy. He's only implying that finding and fixing bugs/hacks/whatever in your files that you're playing/learning with will take a long time.

But you know, I don't find using/looking at game files originally made in Korean and by Koreans the best way to learn about game programing. Yes it can help and give some experience, but making your own game itself from scratch would be the best of experience. Didn't you tell me one time that you were gonna make a new game of your own to host? I still think you should proceed with doing so. Might be good for you. I myself have new books and such that I'm reading. I started with putting a simple game together, but can't because these book my friend gave me aren't meant for XP. These CD's do run on Windows, but with DOS. As everyone knows, XP doesn't run with DOS the program, when I try compiling or whatever, doesn't run properly and closes itself because of the DOS window it uses.

Okay whatever... I've said enough for now.</span>
<span style='color:hotpink'><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Foxy</span></span><br><span style='color:pink'>~~~~~~~~</span><br><br><span style='color:hotpink'>[Mar9-04:30PM] <Needlez|Sleep> is foxy a girl ? ;)<br>[Mar9-04:31PM] <.GoldenBoy> she is my wife</span><br><br><a href='' target='_blank'><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>eXtasis.Net</span></a> <span style='color:red'><b>IRC room: /server</b></span> <span style='color:white'>HB 3.51 coming soon!</span><br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

Post by lilmage »

Said enough? Probably too much.
and you will have to waste years fixing hacks in your 2.03 server
How does that not say YOUR server.. Umm.. it says it literally. YOUR 2.03 SERVER.
I know veteran means someone with experience, but it's not exactly a word of choice right now that most people would use... Especially one who calls people "newbies" And yes, I'm going to continue with my plans. I was actually today going to start some socket coding and simple window making but I'm having problems installing VS.NET 2003. It doesn't seem to like my win2k3 -.- .. Btw.. DOS compiling isn't exactly the best way to learn c++ either. And you should know me PLENTY by now. I learn best playing with other things. I learn best by playing with a server someone else has made successful and works, and finding out the pieces and parts on my own. That's how I learned EVERYTHING about computers I know today. By myself playing.. not learning out of a book. And if you could do me a favor, try not to reply to any posts of mine on this forum.. Of all people you should very well know I don't want to exactly talk to you or goldenboy.
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Post by Foxy »

lilmage wrote:Said enough? Probably too much.
<span style='color:white'>I'm gonna ignore that.</span>
lilmage wrote:
and you will have to waste years fixing hacks in your 2.03 server
How does that not say YOUR server.. Umm.. it says it literally. YOUR 2.03 SERVER.
<span style='color:white'>Well, your files anyway.</span>
I know veteran means someone with experience, but it's not exactly a word of choice right now that most people would use...
<span style='color:white'>Well it was his choice and I was only explaining his choise of words.</span>
Btw.. DOS compiling isn't exactly the best way to learn c++ either.
<span style='color:white'>I'm not talking about the learning C++ part. It's the Game Programming program I have doesn't want to work with XP. No worries, with all my money I have saved up I'm gonna go out and buy new updated programs.</span>
And if you could do me a favor, try not to reply to any posts of mine on this forum.. Of all people you should very well know I don't want to exactly talk to you or goldenboy.
<span style='color:white'>Ooh yes that's nice. You could responde/talk and say what you want, but we can't? Then I'll make you a deal. If you quit responding to GB all the time, we'll not responde to you. Deal? We haven't been wanting you talking to us either lately. Yet, you have been. If you don't want us talking to you, then don't talk to us. I find that fair enough, yes/no? But if not, I'll responde to whatever because I have that right just as much as anyone else does.


Nvm got them to work now >.<</span>
<span style='color:hotpink'><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Foxy</span></span><br><span style='color:pink'>~~~~~~~~</span><br><br><span style='color:hotpink'>[Mar9-04:30PM] <Needlez|Sleep> is foxy a girl ? ;)<br>[Mar9-04:31PM] <.GoldenBoy> she is my wife</span><br><br><a href='' target='_blank'><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>eXtasis.Net</span></a> <span style='color:red'><b>IRC room: /server</b></span> <span style='color:white'>HB 3.51 coming soon!</span><br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

Post by lilmage »

lol? I do believe it's you two who came here when I was here first :P and btw.. If you don't want to talk to me then you can always leave ;) No one makes you stay here and talk to me. When I'm talked to I respond, but if you noticed I never initiated a conversation with you so I don't know why you're talking to me. You're just, yet again, getting into other people's business.

And a little hint, ignoring means refuse to notice: to refuse to notice or pay attention to somebody or something
By saying something about it isn't ignoring it ;)

I do believe Goldenboy is smart enough to explain himself is he? Or do you think otherwise?

Mucho moneys eh? *bragging+1* Then use them and not brag about it on here okay?

One more thing, I haven't been responding to GB all the time. I've been minding my own topics. Not my fault he gets into it and quotes me.

But you seem to be oh so close with GB. He seems pretty much your man (how long? who knows. just wait until the fighting starts) How about you have him stop quoting me and talking shit about me.
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Post by eXtasis.Net »

<!--QuoteBegin-lilmage+--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (lilmage)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->tw.. DOS compiling isn't exactly the best way to learn c++ either.[/quote]

<span style='color:white'>You should say "Win32 Compiling" if you mean Win becouse:

1) There are not DOS Apps.
2) If you mean DOS core, XP is the first operative sistem of microsoft which dont use a DOS kernel.</span>

Post by lilmage »

I do believe I mean DOS compiling. Foxy was talking about DOS compiling things and they don't work on XP :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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Post by eXtasis.Net »

<span style='color:white'>There is no any "compiling" way/kind/type called "DOS"</span>

Post by lilmage »

Of course there is. c++ compiling made to run in DOS environments. Much like the .COM/.EXE compiling. Those are strictly DOS executables. I'm not saying there's a programming language called DOS :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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Post by Foxy »

lilmage wrote:lol? I do believe it's you two who came here when I was here first
<span style='color:white'>First? Ooh no! Everyone has a right to be here Jimmy.</span>
:P and btw.. If you don't want to talk to me then you can always leave ;) No one makes you stay here and talk to me.
<span style='color:white'>I don't know why you're acting to trying to be a jerk right now. Why do you always have to make comments like that? You can leave too if you don't want to listen to any of my posts. I want to stay so I can correct GB on his English so that people, like you, quit taking things he says the wrong way and goes off flaming him about it.</span>
When I'm talked to I respond, but if you noticed I never initiated a conversation with you so I don't know why you're talking to me.

<span style='color:white'>No, but you initiated a convo with GB and took what he said the wrong way. For that, I'm not "talking" with you. I was only making a response so you understand his words. It's not like I wanted to talk to you. I'm just tried of reading everything everyday and you two still fighting over what? A game? Okay...</span>
You're just, yet again, getting into other people's business.
<span style='color:white'>GB is my buisness.</span>
And a little hint, ignoring means refuse to notice: to refuse to notice or pay attention to somebody or something
By saying something about it isn't ignoring it ;)
<span style='color:white'>A little hint: I never said anything about ignoring.</span>
I do believe Goldenboy is smart enough to explain himself is he? Or do you think otherwise?
<span style='color:white'>I know he's smart, but I think otherwise on "English language terms". If it were you, I'd do it for you too, but it's not. </span>
Mucho moneys eh? *bragging+1* Then use them and not brag about it on here okay?
<span style='color:white'>Okay, why do you take every small words ppl say as bragging all the time? I implied I'm gonna buy new books, ooh no! Someone halp, I'm bragging about books! ........k</span>
One more thing, I haven't been responding to GB all the time. I've been minding my own topics. Not my fault he gets into it and quotes me.
<span style='color:white'>Ahh yes, but you do it to him too. I've read a few post where he's minding his buisness talking to other people and you come in and quote him.</span>
But you seem to be oh so close with GB. He seems pretty much your man (how long? who knows. just wait until the fighting starts)
<span style='color:white'>Yes that's just it! Stop being jealous over the Internet ffs, this is gotten retarded enough as is. What would you care if he was my man or not? I'm not your girlfriend anymore so I don't know why you make comments to me like that. You shouldn't care what I'm doing with whoever. I'm not caring what you do with anyone. Jimmy I have already been out a several dates since you, I think you should do the same. Not flaming, I'm being serious. I think I'll help for you and I both to move on and end this dumb shit online already.</span>
How about you have him stop quoting me and talking shit about me.
<span style='color:white'>Sure I can, as long as you do the same. If you stop, I'll tell him to stop. Fair enough? Or not? Because you didn't answer my last post about that.

Seriously though Jimmy...take this to MSN so we can solve a few more issues between us. Obviously you're still not happy with the out come of all this. So instead of making dumb comments to me that make you look like a ass and me responding to you making me look like a bitch (when I know you're not an ass in real life and you know I'm not a bitch in real life either) about we talk about this privately? Or I can call you if you don't want anything logged. Agreed?</span>
<span style='color:hotpink'><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Foxy</span></span><br><span style='color:pink'>~~~~~~~~</span><br><br><span style='color:hotpink'>[Mar9-04:30PM] <Needlez|Sleep> is foxy a girl ? ;)<br>[Mar9-04:31PM] <.GoldenBoy> she is my wife</span><br><br><a href='' target='_blank'><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>eXtasis.Net</span></a> <span style='color:red'><b>IRC room: /server</b></span> <span style='color:white'>HB 3.51 coming soon!</span><br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
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Post by Foxy »

<span style='color:white'>OMG YOU GUYS!!! I was only talking about this damn program I have that doesn't work for XP!!! Nothing less and nothing more!!! I wasn't talking bout anything with C++ and it's compiling! laskdfjsdklgs </span>
<span style='color:hotpink'><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Foxy</span></span><br><span style='color:pink'>~~~~~~~~</span><br><br><span style='color:hotpink'>[Mar9-04:30PM] <Needlez|Sleep> is foxy a girl ? ;)<br>[Mar9-04:31PM] <.GoldenBoy> she is my wife</span><br><br><a href='' target='_blank'><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>eXtasis.Net</span></a> <span style='color:red'><b>IRC room: /server</b></span> <span style='color:white'>HB 3.51 coming soon!</span><br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

Post by lilmage »

Foxy wrote:
lilmage wrote:Said enough? Probably too much.
'm gonna ignore that.
Ignore plis. lol...

I have to be right? Umm no. You DID come here after I was already here and pretty much caused nothing but problems.

Telling me it's over a game? Try telling that to GB also and stop always trying to say everything's my fault. You've done it now for a year and I'm done with it.

You are talking to me RIGHT NOW.

Everything's your business, and if it isn't you make it so.

You've never needed to do it for me. My English is superb compared to almost everyone online. I do make a few mistakes, you must remember I'm human. But I don't make a mistake every other word so it isn't needed to correct me all the time.

Idiot, you're not bragging about books, you're bragging about money. It's how you word it. Two ways for that.
Your way (bragging): "No worries, with all my money I have saved up I'm gonna go out and buy new updated programs."
Non bragging way: "No worries, I'm going to go out and buy newer programs."

No need to talk about how much money you have. Last time I checked no one gives a shit if you were a millionaire or a bum.

Jealous over online? Fuck no. You're out of my life. Good riddance. I've removed you from 99% of my thoughts. The other 1% unfortunately I have to think about you like right now talking to you. I no longer care about or for a person like you. People like you are of no concern to me. I rather be with people who actually love and cared for me and don't live lies with me. Good for you and your dates.. really. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: As I say again. I don't give a shit about you, or your life so don't bother informing me. I've already moved on. It seems you haven't because you're the one now still talking about it. If you had moved on you wouldn't have commented thinking I hadn't moved on.. Take it to MSN? How can I when you block me off your new email? lol.. you blocked 3 of my msns off it. And no, I don't want to talk to you. Do you not understand? I beg to differ on the bitch part. Maybe not so much IRL but online, hell yea. Look at your sig. Especially look at your sig on HBKX. God damnit, look at your MSN names. You KNOW it's only to piss me off. Whenever I said something really sweet or nice to you you NEVER put it in your msn name. You might have put it in your forum sig but that was a long time ago.. not recently have you and I've had forums up. You only put GB's bullshit in your sig to try to piss me off. You're doing more for him than you ever did for me. Don't try to piss me off because I don't care about you anymore. Never will again so don't worry. Call? Wait while I callblock you. The last thing I want is you calling me or me calling you. I told you I don't want to talk to you and that's that. So if you will please, enough.
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Post by blizz »

The average human brain can store about 15 Terabytes of memory. So 1% of that is a lot!

Post by lilmage »

blizz wrote: The average human brain can store about 15 Terabytes of memory. So 1% of that is a lot!
No human has used 100% of their brain to date. The largest recorded was Einstein who only used approx. 36-38%. So considering that... it's less than 1% to be exact -.- I don't even think about her during the day or night. It's only when I see her on this forum now or see her stupid MSN name (which isn't often)
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Post by blizz »

::cough cough::

Einstein was pretty stoopid, I could have thought that in my sleep. Oh duurrr, my name is einstein, and I know the gravity and light and galaxy, now I'm gonna make up some stooopid formula for it... hmmm

e=mc^2 w00t i rox, i r teh smarts. he failed math cuz he didn't apply himself that self righteous indulged bastard he should have died which he did.

EDIT: i think i took that out of control, jeez
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