Anyone Have Compiled 2.03 Files?

Discussion about Helbreath Server Files.
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Post by cr8zerz »

Never read anything about this before, and am in need of the 2.03 or OLDER files, working ones that is. I would compile the C++ source myself, if I knew how :/, a walkthrough could help too ;). If you have 2.03 files or older, please share :), thanks.
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Post by charlie »

lilmage has been compiling 2.03 sources and he has fixed the socket bug
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Post by ghostspider »

first step would be getting something like visual studio / vc++ to compile the files etc :) then learning c++
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Post by cr8zerz »

charlie, do you know how I can contact him? time to PM him I guess.

ghost, first step, done. second....ehhh no thanks, not yet ;)
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Post by ghostspider »

you don't need to "know it all" to do fixing stuff ;P
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Post by tyteman »

ghostspider wrote: you don't need to "know it all" to do fixing stuff ;P
technically not to know it all spoken by ghost would mean to learn the entire c++ encyclopedia ;p
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Post by blizz »

Is that the same source that's on or a diff. one? If it's a different one hook me up. I took C++ programming throughout high school, and am currently at a tech. college learning more programming. I'm also registered for next years enrollment at:

Full Sail <>'s game programming and design, in florida. Like I mentioned months ago. I do know vc++. Send me a good source and I'll look over it.
just visiting
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Post by xhal »

open the link below and translate
<a href=' ... 28/383-385' target='_blank'> ... 383-385</a>

good luck.
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Post by tyteman »

? ? ? ? Jun department 1 101- 201- 301- 50
Helbreath EMU? Hab Part2

1:? Person @ : 03/09/08 20:48 ID: ? ? ?
MMOPRG Helbreath? ? ? ? $$ln

>>2 $$ln

383:? Person @ : 04/02/20 23:08 ID: ? ? ?
2.03? 2.191 Bang books $$ln
Game.cpp? $$ln
18550 $$ln
dwp = (DWORD *) cp;
*dwp = (DWORD) GetCurrentProcessId (); /? .
cp += 4;

dwp = (DWORD *) cp;
cp += 4;

iRet = m_pGateSock->iSendMsg (cData and 43 + m_iTotalMaps*11);
? $$ln

384:? Person @ : 04/02/20 23:24 ID: ? ? ?
MP $$ln
16700 $$ln
dwp = (DWORD *) cp;
*dwp = (DWORD) m_pClientList [ iToH ] ->m_iHP;
cp += 4;

dwp = (DWORD *) cp;
*dwp = (DWORD) m_pClientList [ iToH ] ->m_iMP;
cp += 4;

iRet = m_pClientList [ iToH ] ->m_pXSock->iSendMsg (cData, 13,0);
? $$ln

385:? Person @ : 04/02/20 23:27 ID: ? ? ?
? ? Han? Moon Hwa? $$ln
Under (? Emergency? )

open (READ, "$ARGV [ 0 ]") or die;
@data = <READ>;
close (READ);
open (WRITE, ">$ARGV [ 1 ]") or die;
for (0.. $#data) {
$data [ $_ ] = s/ ([ B1- C7 ]) (.) x22/$1$2 20 22/g;
print WRITE $data [ $_ ];
close (WRITE);

: >perl Game.cpp Game_processed.cpp
"<i>One night I was talking to God, but I realized I was talking to <u>myself</u></i>"<br><br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><br><b><u>Links</u></b><br>

Post by lilmage »

blizz wrote: Is that the same source that's on or a diff. one? If it's a different one hook me up. I took C++ programming throughout high school, and am currently at a tech. college learning more programming. I'm also registered for next years enrollment at:

Full Sail <>'s game programming and design, in florida. Like I mentioned months ago. I do know vc++. Send me a good source and I'll look over it.
Same or different I don't know really.. But I do know they are full, complete 2.03 sources with nothing missing. Yes, I've fixed the socket bug for the login servers but not the Gate server. But that's not too big of a problem since all I need to do is close and reopen and it's usually a 75/25 chance of connecting to the gate favoring accept. I might consider releasing them but I'm not too sure. It's taken me some time to figure out the problem and make a fix for it. I'm not all that great in c++ and have spent a month a few months ago learning it. It's not the best fix but it does work. It's rather fun to play with I must say. Changing drop rates, adding GM commands, changing how things work. I can't do anything right now though since I'm only at school. But I'll see what happens after I get home and fix up my computer.. (been screwing up so I had to reinstall windows.. Decided to fuck win2k and got win2k3)
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Post by blizz »

Ok lilmage. I checked the ones on HBss. it's missing a lot of stuff.

If you want look for me on msn:

I can help out. It's not like I'm really going to do anything, and I'm not a little kid greedy bastard either. I've been doing programming since I was 12, and I've gone through a lot.

If you want to see if I can do anything, or understand it, hook me up. Otherwise we are stuck with people that have little knowledge. I am offering to help now, otherwise you lose a chance.

From the looks of it so far, there doesn't seem to be many chances.

Post by lilmage »

blizz wrote: Ok lilmage. I checked the ones on HBss. it's missing a lot of stuff.
If your talking about my files, they aren't from HBss. I got them long, long ago and are complete.. I could use some help with some things but unfortunately people online have ruined my trust to people I don't know.. I've been ripped off, fucked over, screwed up the ass about 6 times now from people I trusted and didn't know. (3 times by the same person) If you want something from me the only way you'll get it is by being my friend... but... you won't get anything if you become my friend ONLY to get stuff... (lol?) I know it sounds kind of stupid but I trust no one with anything. I don't know how else to word it all. I can say this though.. the log socket problem.. is in the Sock call function. For those who know c++ and how to edit the files, maybe that'll help. Everyone else, I dunno what to say. I know this forum is about sharing and everyone would want me to post the fix.. maybe I will when I can fix more in the sources than that, but as of right now I've done a lot of work on it and I don't want it all to go to waste.. I learned c++ to benefit myself.. not others. I am a nice, sharing person so I will post fixes on the sources some time soon. If you want the full, COMPLETE (that I know of) source files you can get them here.
<a href='' target='_blank'></a>
You need the latest version of <a href='' target='_blank'>WinRAR</a> to open them.
Size: 2.81 MB (2,954,999 bytes) Compressed.
If they have files missing tell me.. I have mulitple copies of the sources and some I know are missing some files, and those might be the wrong ones.

Just.. wait a while so I can work on the sources and I will post some good, important fixes for them :D (since no one else will/does)
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Post by blizz »

Ok cool. I respect it, because all I see anymore are flamers and people who say they know shit. It's cool. But like I said, if you want help just let me know. I'll check out these files too.

EDIT: errr, i was just looking over that source and it's missing a bunch of files.

Post by lilmage »

What files is it missing? I'll see if any others of mine have them. As far as I know I have all the files needed in my current ones I'm using/editing.. Never had problems with missing files.. but maybe you know something I don't :s
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Post by blizz »

Have you ever gone/looked through all the files? Your source has gameserver source, world login source?

EDIT: look through HGserver.opt it shows a lot more source files than there are in that folder
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