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Discussion about Helbreath Server Files.
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Post by HBRND »

HBRND has been around for a long time, We have had our servers up and running now for 8 months if not longer, We have good service and support. Many people know us from the Int. game Apoc Server, as [RnD] guild. We have many new updaets compaired to other servers, different skills, and ways to raise skills. And much much more Here are just a few things listed that our services provide:

All Maps up and running, includeing Icebound
Updated Skills
Updated Spells
Custom Maps
24/7 Support.
Each account gets a server email address
No Cheaters/Hackers/Scammers
Events Every week
Birthday Events
Fast Servers
Little or No Lag
Large Amount of Players
and much much more!

Come join us today on HBRND you can download and create accounts @ <a href='http://www.hbrnd.com' target='_blank'>http://www.hbrnd.com</a>
Come be part of the fun
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Post by Jen0va »

LoL :D lier:D

we tested u server adn did see:
-there was lidl ammount of players
-no custom maps/skills/spelss/items
-few lag
-no crusade
+few palyer more than we has

So help #Gamer-HB we has:

+Own Maps
+Best ways (elvine ml-tp to aresden and arsden ml-tp to elvine)
+Good mosnter spwans!
+Good looking sprites!
+Many language support!
+Good exp-rate (not to big but not to lidle)
+max level 300!!
+max stats 400!!!
+working crusade!
+autoban removed!
+top list and all players with honors!!!
+working guilds!
+all items work!
-only 20 players in day but server is only few days old SO DO U BEST AND JOIN CRUSADE!!!

So JOIN TO #Gamer-HB and enjoy crusade we are crusade going!

<u>+</u><br><b>Hack Hard - Go Jen0va.</b><br><u>+</u><br>(Sitez are down but still rocking!)
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Post by Jen0va »

and i tested formus speedhack on your serve :D and id worked :D:D
<u>+</u><br><b>Hack Hard - Go Jen0va.</b><br><u>+</u><br>(Sitez are down but still rocking!)
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Post by HBRND »

LMAO, ok few players, Lets see
on avrage we get around 50 to 100 players every day.
We have had crusades for many many months now,
and we hold them every weekend,
Dont have new spells eh, once again it just shows you dont play hbrnd. or else you would see the spells.
and no new maps eh?

Ok, lets throw out Iceland
lets throw out the Guild Castles
Lets throw out Battle Field
Hell for that matter lets throw out the misc. little maps through out the server.

Once again yung man, you just show you dont know what you are talking about
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Location: Hameenlinna Of Finland

Post by Jen0va »

there in chat was only 10 names what i did see :D and i didnt found custom spells
put i have screen shot from our server where we has an own spells u are to lame and to noob
<u>+</u><br><b>Hack Hard - Go Jen0va.</b><br><u>+</u><br>(Sitez are down but still rocking!)
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Post by HBRND »

LMAO you stupid child,

Each map has its own server, Wich means there was only 10 people in that 1 map...
did you try ML, the other city, How about D2.. or d3?

and we dont have new spells,
HAHAHA goes to show what you know
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Post by Jen0va »

i used broadcast say and there was only few replys :D and i didnt found in mapdata new maps :D lier lady :D

u name tell everything :F nick HRBND servernama HRBND :D
<u>+</u><br><b>Hack Hard - Go Jen0va.</b><br><u>+</u><br>(Sitez are down but still rocking!)
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Post by 123 »

Hb RnD the best private server
Jen0eva im sre u dunno this server....u dun see the amount of ppl that play...and the coooool maps....if u just play in rnd server..u are kinda stupid..coz u need to download the maps updates to see the new maps..jajaja

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Post by metallic »

The new Maps is a Event Map (a Huge Arena), and a "City" (Procella Map)... has for the spells, just download the contents and check the magic list
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Post by B-Crew »

Listen upp u to..! Stopp fucking fighting over lame servers..
even both of u 2 have sucky servers, even not one of u mention u have awsome LAG in ML both of u 2 have alot laggy sessions..

and one more thing theres littel diffrens between ure servers..
and u knowe what? if ure max lvl is above lvl 180.. u wont get ek for
ppls thats over 180.. tahst sumting whit the shitti hg server u guys uses!

so what i see is that u should put ure max lvl to 180 and stats to 200
cuse ure servers reminds me of crappy servers! The End! B)
<img src='http://i19.tinypic.com/6c43iuh.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><b><span style='color:blue'>A.K.A Do0z</span></b>
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Post by GasHead »

HBRND i tested your server dl:lled all files and 2 wore corrupted :/ and i didnt even get to paly :/ tryed this 3 times :/
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Post by s00pr »

Jen0va wrote: i used broadcast say and there was only few replys :D and i didnt found in mapdata new maps :D lier lady :D

u name tell everything :F nick HRBND servernama HRBND :D
Your not very smart are you ?
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Post by B-Crew »

LOL! leav this crappy "Servers" alone..
<img src='http://i19.tinypic.com/6c43iuh.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><b><span style='color:blue'>A.K.A Do0z</span></b>
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Post by Kinky »

B-Crew wrote: LOL! leav this crappy "Servers" alone..
whats crappy to u might be brilliant for other ppl so stfu
<span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'><b><a href='http://www.stickdeath.com/killbox.html' target='_blank'>Look at this :p</a></b> </span></span><br><span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'><b><a href='http://www.badgerbadgerbadger.com' target='_blank'>and this</a></b> </span></span>
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Post by B-Crew »

Kinky wrote:
B-Crew wrote: LOL!  leav this crappy "Servers"  alone..
whats crappy to u might be brilliant for other ppl so stfu
you can shutt the fuck upp ure self
<img src='http://i19.tinypic.com/6c43iuh.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><b><span style='color:blue'>A.K.A Do0z</span></b>
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