Level Up Sign

Discussion about Helbreath Server Files.
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Post by epic »

i want my client to stop flashing level up wen i exceed 200stats, any1 know how2 stop it?
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Post by molo »

epic wrote: i want my client to stop flashing level up wen i exceed 200stats, any1 know how2 stop it?

what do u mean by that ???? ;)
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Post by Trip »

He has the same problem i've been having, The client has been hexed for say 500 stats. When the character goes even 1 stat over 200 the level up sign in the lower right corner will not go away even with no points left in the point pool.
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Post by hummmu »

no you can't remove it... cause if you do, it will totally remove it, and thats not what you want.

But what you can do, is when ur stats are over 200, just click on the lvl up thing, and bring the lvl stats box below ur stats bar... so you won't be bother with it.
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Post by tyteman »

epic wrote: i want my client to stop flashing level up wen i exceed 200stats, any1 know how2 stop it?
this is a bug known since the first people tried oing beyond the 200 stat limit :P
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Post by Cleroth »

mass easy to fix.........
<img src='http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs11/i/2006/1 ... leroth.gif' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
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