about Critical adamage...

Discussion on Helbreath Hacks. New ones Released. and how to work them.
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Post by Evil[GM] »

You know that in helbreath when you do more than 125 damage it shows Critical!, i was wondering if there is any way to make it show real damage to monsters and ppl like if u do 200 it will show 200......if there is any way to do it please let me know....
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Post by blastah »

hmm, i think that is possible, if any1 could teach then i would be a big ear too B)
I gave my account away, i hope he wont spam the forum, thx every1 in this forum, charlie the most! respect 0X
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Post by dude »

I don't think its possible.

You would have to change the value of ur criticals and replace it by ur hit dice
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Post by VoIcEs »

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