Bugs = Ek's in town

Discussion on Helbreath Hacks. New ones Released. and how to work them.
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Post by Shinishi »

I know how to make ek in town
u need atleast 80+ above
1st steps - go to cityhall,change to civilian
2st steps - changed back to combatant

and its done
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Post by XII »

Shinishi wrote: I know how to make ek in town
u need atleast 80+ above
1st steps - go to cityhall,change to civilian
2st steps - changed back to combatant

and its done
Erm the 1 who is killing ppl or the 1 who is being killed must go to cityhall and do that..? :D
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Post by sunce »

the 1 who is being killed

btw lol i already posted this under the Hacks topic
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Post by heez »

er.. i dun understand.. how u goin to amke the ek thou... can pls explain more.. :D :P :) :rolleyes: B)
<img src='http://www.orcplanet.com/uploader/images/35461.jpeg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><br><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:purple'><i>"People sleep peaceably in their bed at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf"<br><br>George Orwell</i></span></span>
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Post by binarydata »

yea, that makes alot of sense :rolleyes:
<img src='http://img88.exs.cx/img88/2290/7666.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
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Post by coolkia »

don't understand what you are saying =)
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Post by powermage »

not really though.. i lamed a hero set when i was lvl 70+ u can lame it if u are lower n 80 theb create a lvl 19 elv in another acc n use it to lame the same way.
___________________________________________________<br>HB CELESTIAL 4 EVER<br>HBNOL TO DIE<br>DAM I HABE BEEN QUACKED BY Nprotect
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