Stolen Credit Card

Discussion on Helbreath Hacks. New ones Released. and how to work them.
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Post by dinofilz »

Hey can anyone put in any stolen credit card they have??cause i want to use them to register a hbusa acc.I have 1 that works for others except inter and usa

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Post by tyteman »

dinofilz wrote: Hey can anyone put in any stolen credit card they have??cause i want to use them to register a hbusa acc.I have 1 that works for others except inter and usa
dude i wouldn't... if it does work.. its a serious offense.. you will be punished by the debiters.. plus i have done it before.. i maxed out the card on one of em.. and.. then the person that i got the cc from said that it was ok because the kid's mom was too busy with work.. so what i'm saying is... if the debiters don't get you.. the guilt will..
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Post by asd »

You stupid poor fucker, get your own money, other people work hard for theirs, stupid 10 year old geek, how pathetic resorting to steal other peoples hard earned money for your stupid game.
Threads like this should be deleted, and I really hope you get cought for being so stupid.
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Post by charlie »

next time someone posts credit card numbers its an automatic ban im not getting my site shut down for your stupidity
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