Monster Code

Discussion about Helbreath Server Files.
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Post by Pure_Mage »

whats does each monster code mean.

If u do not understand what im saying go to Weapon Code post and try to give me a guide like that plz. Thx in Advance
My imaginary friend said you need mental help
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Post by Aldarius »

They reffer to the monter.pak use the new pak editor and search for the monster.pak them press the Frames buttons and it will appear number (type) f each monster :D :D
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Joined: Sun Oct 19, 2003 10:47 pm

Post by Aldarius »

Sorry reading mistake :P

////Monster numbers

Name - Duh
Type - Sprite
HitDice - Hitpoints Dice (Will get the calc later)
DR - Defense Rate
HR - Hit Ratio
MinBrvy - How aggressively it attacks
ExpDice - Explains itself
ADT - Attack die ADT d ADR + 0
ADR - Attack die
Size - How much space it takes up (cant change it)
Side - 1 Ares 2 Elv 0 Neutral 10 Enemy
ActionLmt - What actions its limited to (explained in earlier post)
ATime - Attack time delay (time between attacks)
RstM - Magic Resistance (Absorb)
Magic - What set of spells it uses (Compare to find out whats what)
DayWeek - Hell if I know
Chat - If you can talk to ie (Ie shopkeeper)
Search - Hell if I know
RegenTime - How long till corpse disappears
Attr - Ill have to look it up later
AbsM - I think this is the actual absorb magic, but not sure will look later
MaxMana - Explains itself
MagicR is the "strength" of the magic...
Attk Range - Explains itself
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