Want to host a HB server or maps?

Talk about helbreath here.
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Post by jkkennedy »

We are in need of some hosts with 512 MB or more, preferebly 1 GB if you by chance have it. IF you are interested in hosting a HB server or maps then email me at jkkennedy@insightbb.com. I'll be looking forward to talking to some of you asap.
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Post by Cell »

lolllol last i remember you are with mpgh...
Posts: 46
Joined: Sat Dec 20, 2003 6:32 am

Post by GasHead »

yeah he is from mpgh .... i wos hosting to them ... put it sucked so dave fucked to me so i closed the server ..... it not nice to host server for him ... he called me a retardet and everything i think his a big jerk .......
and the server files wore big BUG ! my friend foud over 40 bug:s from those ......
just visiting
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Joined: Sun Oct 26, 2003 1:59 am

Post by jkkennedy »

Yes their were bugs, I myself an not a bitch, Dave can be at times, and yes I am with MPGH. Also the bugs, hell yeah their are gonna be bugs at first. Which I already took care of all of that. The files are perfectly bug free now. We are just needing a few hosters so we can have a great server. We are also looking for hosters for RO(Ragnarok Online).
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