
Discussion on Helbreath Hacks. New ones Released. and how to work them.
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Post by asd »

Could everyone who knows how to hack helbreath using TSearch post up guides here?
I just wanna experement around with it, and i'm sure it would help alot of people, we need One big thread with a bunch of guides and stuff on it, I'll start by posting some things i've collected from other people.
1. unpack the helgame.exe if it is packed/protected. use ASPR Stripper
<a href='http://www.is.svitonline.com/syd' target='_blank'>http://www.is.svitonline.com/syd</a>
2. use a hex editor & edit the resulting unpacked _helgame.exe. Search for '0543kjg3j31%' (without the quote). Replace it with 00 hex value.
3. save it & there is your client with multi-client support.

Fast pot/food
I do this using ollydbg. What you do is open ollydbg then click File-> Open. You need to open a unpacked version of helbreath. Then once it finishs analysing right click Search-> Find all referenced string texts. It should compile a list then search for the message you get when you eat or drink pots real fast. I think there are two messages <--- This is a key factor if you want to be able to eat and drink without delay. Now what you do is once you find the message in the referenced strings, double click the line. Scroll up about 5-7 lines and you should see the JNZ command close to it. Double click the line and change the JNZ part to JMP and click Assemble. Go back to your list find the next line by press ctrl+L . Do this until all lines you find in the referenced string texts have JMP instead of JNZ. Then right click and Save all modifications. It should compile a exe then right click again in the new window and save file.

Critical Hack: (NOTE: Do everything with this hack on "1 Byte")
Open up T Search and open helgame.exe

Next you gotta go in to the game and start to walk (Best to click right onthe other side of the screen) once ur walking quickly Alt- tab back in to windows and search in tsearch for the Value "1"
ok Done that .??

next you gotta go back in to helbreath and start to run (Best to click right onthe other side of the screen) once ur walking quickly Alt- tab back in to windows and search in tsearch for the Value "2" this time

Ok you Folloing me here?
this next 1 is really easy all u gotta do is to stand still alt-tab and search in t search fro the value of "0"
Pretty easey huh?

all u gotta do now is repeat these steps untill u get about 1-10 results then its trial and error (well if u get more then 1 result it is )

now pick a result add it to the Cheats window and change the value to "7" if u got the right value when u walk (to work u gotta just click in 1 place once dont hold the mouse button down) your char should now be flying around the screen rapidly doing the animation for when u get hit for over 40 dmg but to other players they see it as CRITICAL! Pritty cool huh??
if you now change the value to 8 (i think) when u walk you should now dash air (not realy usefull but funny )
That's all I know.
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Post by Kinky »

plz nobody post lame comments here only post tutorials, links to tutorials or questions

<a href='http://outpostbb.ionichost.com/forum/in ... topic=1094' target='_blank'>Fast pot and logout</a>

to find logout value with t-search make sure u do it with 1 byte the search for 255 when ingame but not logging out and the search for the the amount of secs left while logging out
<span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'><b><a href='http://www.stickdeath.com/killbox.html' target='_blank'>Look at this :p</a></b> </span></span><br><span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'><b><a href='http://www.badgerbadgerbadger.com' target='_blank'>and this</a></b> </span></span>
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Post by lite »

cant get that 255 method of logout hack to work, and i cant get the range method to work on logout hack. gunna try some other ways of doing it and ill post it if i get it to work.
lil key key<br><img src='http://www.helbreathx.com/nitsig.gif' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
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Post by GasHead »

ok now this next hack is the all important "Full Swing hack" !!

this 1 sumtimes dosent work properly but just keep at it if u want it to work

first you gotta get 2 wepons one you have fullswing with and the other then you dont
now u equip the wepon that you are full swing with and search in T search for the value 0 (0 is the value that makes u full swing a wepon)
ok you done that??
now equip a wepon that you aint full swing with and search for "has increased"
now all u gotta do is keep doing this untill you get like 20 values
then just test them
change the values that u test to "0" if it has worked then you should now be swinging like a 182 str pure warrior

anyone know any other way to do this begause i cant get it to work...
say if you know thx
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Post by asd »

Sorry, i've decided this shouldn't be here, too simple and it's for the good of most servers.
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Post by GasHead »

is there any way to make full swing hack like log out hack or drink pots with out delay begause when i do the fs hack i doesent work so if there is a way to make it other way so could someone post it here i would be very happy thx

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Post by asd »

GasHead wrote:is there any way to make full swing hack like log out hack or drink pots with out delay begause when i do the fs hack i doesent work so if there is a way to make it other way so could someone post it here i would be very happy thx

Fast pot/food
I do this using ollydbg. What you do is open ollydbg then click File-> Open. You need to open a unpacked version of helbreath. Then once it finishs analysing right click Search-> Find all referenced string texts. It should compile a list then search for the message you get when you eat or drink pots real fast. I think there are two messages <--- This is a key factor if you want to be able to eat and drink without delay. Now what you do is once you find the message in the referenced strings, double click the line. Scroll up about 5-7 lines and you should see the JNZ command close to it. Double click the line and change the JNZ part to JMP and click Assemble. Go back to your list find the next line by press ctrl+L . Do this until all lines you find in the referenced string texts have JMP instead of JNZ. Then right click and Save all modifications. It should compile a exe then right click again in the new window and save file.

-_-..dont u read?there you go.
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Post by GasHead »

i ment that is there anyway to make full swing hack like that 2 begaus the t-searching is not working dunno why
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Post by lite »

GasHead wrote: i ment that is there anyway to make full swing hack like that 2 begaus the t-searching is not working dunno why
like put fullswing hack into the client like fast pot?
lil key key<br><img src='http://www.helbreathx.com/nitsig.gif' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
Posts: 46
Joined: Sat Dec 20, 2003 6:32 am

Post by GasHead »

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