
Discussion about Helbreath Server Files.
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Post by JaSoN_xXx »

Anyone can help me with the weapons code?!
I'm wanting the codes of weapons and armors for my server like....
The devastor, Barbarian hammer and outhers.... and where i put this, if on paste "item" or "item2" or "item3"?!?!
Thank you all! :D :unsure:
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Post by k2bi »

You need to .pak edit to get it work on 2.191, then you need to make the lines yourself. If you dont know how, then start making medusa giant swords or something noob shit. Then will you learn something.
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Post by DNE »

hope this helps

Items definition:

Item = 1 Dagger 1 8 1 1 4 0 1 3 0 300 0 1 0 25

200 1 0 0 0 0 -10 7 1 0

Type: (main category of object)
-1: Colored item(image is alreaddy colored)
0: No stackable ( alch parts, stones, balls)
1: Weapon, equipable things
3: Manual, Ticket, Scroll
5: Stackable
6: Arrow
7: Can eat it (potion, meal...)
8: Fishing rod
9: Map
10: Alchemy bowl, Anvil
11: Dye pot, Flag
12: Manufactured Bars

EPos: (position to Equip the object)
0: Not equipable
1: Head
2: Armor
3: Under Armor (hauberk)
4: Legs
5: Feet
6: Neck
7: Shield
8: Weapon 1hand
9: Weapon 2hands
10: Finger
12: Cape
13: ?

Effect: (Main effect of the object)
0: None
1: Physical damage
2: Increase defense
3: Ranged physical damage (bow)
4: Health increase
5: Mana increase
6: Stamina increase
7: Nutrition
9: Learn a skill
10: Map
11: Spell effect
12: Skin, hair change
13: Magic cost reduction for wands
14: Ring/Necklace next figure says effect:
1: Magic resistance
2: Magic cost reduction
3: Adds physical damage
4: Adds defense
5: % to avoid death!
6: Add magic damage
7: Lightning protection
9: See invisible
10: Ice protection
11: Poison protection
15: Ruby/Emerald Ring (MA 10/20 %)
16: Flag
17: Dye
18: Learn spell
19: Blood weapons
20: Wand MShield (?)
22: PG & SPG potions
24: Weapons with special effect
25: Armor with special effect
26: ZemStone
28: Unfreeze pot

ETValue: ( Depends on above value)
Can be damage for weapons, value of above effect, ...
Armors: 1/Protection, 2/?, 3/?, 4/requested charac, 5/min charac, 6/?

SEffect: (Special effect, sometimes on activation only)
0: None
1: Xelima (Ability that decreases oponnent HP by 50%)
2: Ice weapons (Ability that freezes oponnent)
3: Medusa (Ability that paralyzes oponnent)
4: Death (Ability that Kills eneny at one time)
5: Blood Weapons (Ability that earn some HP as you decrease enemy HP)
10: Wizard wands (Defense +10)
30: ShieldWand (Defense +30 <=> Permanent Defense Shield Spell)
50: Merien plate (Ability that exhaust ennemy weapon)
51: GM Power ring (Ability that Protect from physical attacks)
52: Merien Shield (Ability that Makes you untouchable)
53: GM Shield

Sprite & SFrame: (Image n° & Frame in image)
Refers to item-ground.pak & item-pack.pak files.
Note tha Capes and Helms have strange values?!?
Cape: 20 instead of 18
Helms: 21 instead of 19

ApprValue: (Item animations)
For weapons, designates the animation
(ie: 1..12: Msw.pak (Swords), 20: Maxe1.pax (dblAxe)...)

For Armors & Shields, 1 more than Frame value. (some exeptions!)

L.Lmt: (Minimum level to use it)
G.Lmt: (Gender)
0: everyboby
1: Male
2: Female

HR: (Hit Ratio)
Two figures here.
Weapon ToHit bonus against SmallMedium / Large.

R.Skill: (Requested skill)
Needed skill to use the objet.
-1: No skill needed to use it (and Helms/Caps/Cape)
0: Equipable (armors/clothes/Shoes)

Category: (No real idea of the use here!)
0: ZemStone
1: Weapons
3: Bows
4: Single arrow
5: Shields
6: Armor pieces can be repaired at BS...
8: Wands
11: Clothes can be repared at Shop...(Can be dyed)
12: Boots/Cape (Can be dyed)
13: HeroCape/ WizRobes (repared at shop but no dye)
15: Santa suits
21: Potions (+ AlBowl & SAnvil)
31: Alchemy parts + M/S stones + balls
42: Objet with some ingame effect
43: Fishing rod
46: Manu Parts / Necklaces & Rings

Armors Color

0 Normal
1 Indigo
2 Manu-Green
3 Gold
4 Crimson Red
5 Green
6 Black
7 Aqua
8 Pink
9 Violet
10 Blue
11 Knight
12 Khaki
13 Yellow
14 Red
15 Black
16 Normal

Weapons Color

0 Normal
1 Strong/Agile
2 Strong/Agile
3 Strong/Agile
4 Green
5 Gold
6 Sharp
7 Righteous
8 Ancient
9 Blood
10 Black

Loyal fan
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Post by lite »

DNE wrote: 5: Blood Weapons (Ability that earn some HP as you decrease enemy HP)
errr that isn't blood weapons ability. blood weaps have high hp and you can only regain 80% of your hp.
lil key key<br><img src='http://www.helbreathx.com/nitsig.gif' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
Posts: 25
Joined: Sat Dec 27, 2003 7:18 pm

Post by JaSoN_xXx »

where i take the paks?
Have a site? :blink:
Posts: 22
Joined: Thu Oct 23, 2003 6:09 am

Post by k2bi »

JaSoN_xXx wrote: where i take the paks?
Have a site? :blink:
Check your "sprites" folder..
Posts: 97
Joined: Sun Nov 16, 2003 2:00 pm

Post by DNE »

lite wrote:
DNE wrote: 5: Blood Weapons (Ability that earn some HP as you decrease enemy HP)
errr that isn't blood weapons ability. blood weaps have high hp and you can only regain 80% of your hp.
well its for that vampire sword if u have it in your item3...
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