please people help me

Discussion about Helbreath Server Files.
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Posts: 118
Joined: Wed Oct 29, 2003 6:33 pm
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Post by jorge51 »

i cant play private server on my computer, every time i log into my charcter i dont see the building,thefloor,anything...all i could see is the enemys, i can see players but whats wrong with the floor? why is it so pitched black?

Posts: 26
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2003 8:23 am

Post by kirchberg »

mayb ur using a different sprite?? cant remebr what its alled but aparantly its easer to c invis people and easyer on the eyes.
You never give a homeless person money cause if they can ask for it, they can say "welcome to McDonalds, how may i help you?"
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