trade proposal

Discussion on Helbreath Hacks. New ones Released. and how to work them.
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Post by Abaddon »

lol....I know mog has p2p hack...but whats the point in releasing it to everybody if they are just gonna speedhack and stuff like last time...all it did was cause a big mess and stuff...
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Post by shandriz »

Even some of the people who pay for the game speedhack. No matter what you do it is going to happen. If you don't want all of the noobs out there doing it, then he can give us his p2p hack and we can release it without a speedhack in it.
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Post by MOG »

Abaddon wrote: lol....I know mog has p2p hack...but whats the point in releasing it to everybody if they are just gonna speedhack and stuff like last time...all it did was cause a big mess and stuff...
I'm more concerned that the idiots that are always calling me names etc are going to benefit from my work and continue insulting me. No, thanks. That, and there are too many spics around as it is. Call me show pony, call me Ishmael call me whatever. Just don't call me to help any of you losers out. It's like when HBMOG was the ONLY server with icebound and people kept saying "stfu MOG you suck and can you show us how to add icebound???" To paraphrase Time Prophet, it's happened before, it's happening now, it will surely happen again.

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Post by MOG »

charlie wrote: mog is nothing but a show pony
Get some sugar for those grapes, they'll taste less sour.
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Post by B-Crew »

MOG wrote: Well I am willing to give out my p2p hack in exchange for the items on a list I will post here if interest is generated. The reason for this is that one of the other 2 ppl who also have it is going to try and pull a similar deal. I would like to beat him to it and probably profit in the long run.

The deal is this. I will post what I want. The person capable of supplying me with what I request will be given my hacked client. Anything other than serious replies will be ignored.

Actualy those who are trusting MOG
are the dumbfucks around here..

Yeah go give her the items.. lol i promiss you you
wont get a shitt back, from ure item.

Actualy non of u Monkeys knowe who mog is?
Shes the bigest selfhis whor slutted creator of

Bigest Junk server that where ever made, and still poor players are playing there
cuse they dont knowe of any thing better to waste theyr time on...

and yes, one more thing to make you all infromed about
MOG have never shared any thing in her whole life whit anyone

not even back to old hacks.. or even when server files and stuff where oute
all she thinks about is her self.

and i whounder sumting is this retarded person who calls her/him self MOG
on this forum realy MOG?

Becuse.. it dosnt seems like that and why the fuck do you want to
play HBINT or a p2p server at all?

U got ure own assholed server..

<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><b><span style='color:blue'>A.K.A Do0z</span></b>
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Post by Abaddon »

I do know mog and yes its the real mog from int, just cuz mog can hack the client for a p2p hack and you cant everybody gets all pissy and thinks that mog would scam you for items...mog doesnt need to scam anybody for items anyways...mog has enough friends in INT to borrow items from them...and I believe mog has the p2p hack cuz Ive partially seen it in a way
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Post by shandriz »

We don't get pissy because we can't. We get pissy because he is selfish. If he is so worried about people hating him after he did the work, then he can just look at Ghost. He put out some great hacks and tons of people love him. If Mog would just think a little less of himself and a little more of the community, then he would give it out freely for the enjoyment of the whole.
mog doesnt need to scam anybody for items anyways...mog has enough friends in INT to borrow items from them
Then why is he looking to trade it for items?
I'm more concerned that the idiots that are always calling me names etc are going to benefit from my work and continue insulting me.
I can tell you without a doubt that if you give that P2P hack out for free, then everyone will think of you as a genious. If you put that out and someone makes fun of you on these forums, then I deal with them myself.
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Post by lupker »

i personaly have nothing against MOG, if u release it yes your still going to have people calling you names etc.,but in good words shandriz put it you will be thought of as a genous. it is your desiscion to release it public or not, releasing it public has many downfalls. But it also can make you a legend to hb players, what i guess im trying to say is who cares what those pricks are saying to you, there just plain jealous you had a better server, can hack, etc etc list goes dont let them not give out the hack if you were thinking of releasing it
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Post by delinquent »

Sour grapes own... I don't like sweetened grapes :( Woot I love sour :D
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br>Don't ban me, ban the idiot!
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Post by Kinky »

delinquent wrote: Sour grapes own... I don't like sweetened grapes :( Woot I love sour :D
wtf has sour grapes got to do with this??
<span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'><b><a href='' target='_blank'>Look at this :p</a></b> </span></span><br><span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'><b><a href='' target='_blank'>and this</a></b> </span></span>
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Post by shandriz »

Kinky wrote:
delinquent wrote: Sour grapes own... I don't like sweetened grapes :( Woot I love sour :D
wtf has sour grapes got to do with this??
He is mocking what mog said to charlie.
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Post by delinquent »

Im not mocking no one.. Im just saying I like sour grapes ^_~ sorry to be off topic :ph34r:
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br>Don't ban me, ban the idiot!
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Post by kirchberg »

what was the point of saying "lets make a deal" wen u just cal it off the second some1 starts to sniff arround?

People are just saying bad things about u cos latly, most of things u post are just teasers about u having p2p when nobody(prolly ur friends do) has it. If ur going to post u have the freaking file on a SHARING website, then share, if u just post to gloat, then i think you're getting what u deserve from people flaming u.

And y would u want to make a profit from a hack?

Its like saying "id like to deposit $10 in a bank acount" then pulling a gun on the teller and saying "give me all the money in the bank!"

its stupid!

Hacks of any sort ruin the game from a "legitimat" players point of veiw(if there is such a thing as a Legitimat player) shor, its bound to happen, but it opens up a new door to people who have just heard about the game and want to c what its like.

i know, ull prolly say "thers heeps of private servers" but honestly tell me. Doesnt it give u some satisfation to know ur making some1's life hell in Seimentech by releasing the hack to evrybody? The game used to be free to play ffs. They just got greedy!

U release the hack, ull dubed a legend, u fail to release it, u will untill the day u do release it, or untill charlie finds out a way to beat the new protection, people will hate u, despise u, challenge u and call u a fraud. The only reason i think people belive in god without actully seeing him is because they live and wonder and are scared, people arnt scared of u because u aparantly have a ad history.

As i said b4, dont post if ur going to be a stingy basterd, just keep it to urself and shut up, or be like ALL other people on this forum and SHARE!!!
You never give a homeless person money cause if they can ask for it, they can say "welcome to McDonalds, how may i help you?"
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Post by Flaxen »

Go for it Berg. Btw for a thread created by MOG, he/she doesnt seem to post much. I reckon u should just close this thread down, coz nothing Positive seems to be happening.

Peace ppl
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Post by Kinky »

Flaxen wrote: Go for it Berg. Btw for a thread created by MOG, he/she doesnt seem to post much. I reckon u should just close this thread down, coz nothing Positive seems to be happening.

Peace ppl
wow kirchberg im gonna fall asleep if i try read what u wrote. But I'm sure ill agree :P :P

nothing Positive ? we r positivly sure that MOG is a fool. either a fool for lying about him haveing the hack or a fool for not giving it out free!! :P :lol:
<span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'><b><a href='' target='_blank'>Look at this :p</a></b> </span></span><br><span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'><b><a href='' target='_blank'>and this</a></b> </span></span>
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