p2p hack on korea test server

Discussion on Helbreath Hacks. New ones Released. and how to work them.
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Post by Rapture »

ghostspider wrote: that is our server thankyou. so what are you doing here? feeling a bit unskilled yourself?
unskilled? in making hacks maybe, but i dunno i have the first lvl 180 in hbusa so in hb i guess i am skilled a little, but its all ok, its only a computer, i got life.
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Post by ghostspider »

and you thought about getting a nice welcome after fucking with us?
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Post by spacemunk »

ho ho ho
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Post by Nineteen »

wtf Rapture = WTB?
<b><span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>milky </span>is <span style='color:red'>cool</span></b></span>
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Post by delinquent »

Nineteen wrote: wtf Rapture = WTB?
Rapture = a idiot.

What the fuck are you even doing here? You expect to get respect for having a level 180 char in hbusa? Big whoop you go have fun with your bullshit character just stay outta here. If you think your skilled whats up with DoSing servers? If your skilled you should of found the security hole in servers which lets you down them in a few seconds no matter what you connection. To prove this I got charlie backing me up cause I showed him how. It doesn't take a genius to figure it out either so go take your DoSing picaso bullshit elsewhere.
<img src='http://deli.lazyslacker.com/stupidnigga.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><a href='http://deli.lazyslacker.com' target='_blank'>http://deli.lazyslacker.com</a><br>Don't ban me, ban the idiot!
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Post by IceIce »

what is the url for the korean test server? :lol: :lol:
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Post by Rapture »

delinquent wrote:
Nineteen wrote: wtf Rapture = WTB?
Rapture = a idiot.

What the fuck are you even doing here? You expect to get respect for having a level 180 char in hbusa? Big whoop you go have fun with your bullshit character just stay outta here. If you think your skilled whats up with DoSing servers? If your skilled you should of found the security hole in servers which lets you down them in a few seconds no matter what you connection. To prove this I got charlie backing me up cause I showed him how. It doesn't take a genius to figure it out either so go take your DoSing picaso bullshit elsewhere.
wow hi l33t hax0r, heard about m0sad?
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Post by KoolSharp »

Rapture wrote:
ghostspider wrote: that is our server thankyou. so what are you doing here? feeling a bit unskilled yourself?
unskilled? in making hacks maybe, but i dunno i have the first lvl 180 in hbusa so in hb i guess i am skilled a little, but its all ok, its only a computer, i got life.
hate to break it to u ..but lvling up is not a matter of skills..its just a matter of how much time u r willing to spend on it...or in some cases..it depends on the whores using a char...and u mentioning the fact that u r first 180 obviously means that this means a lot to u.
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Post by Nineteen »

Nineteen wrote: wtf Rapture = WTB?
<b><span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>milky </span>is <span style='color:red'>cool</span></b></span>
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Post by fede »

Nineteen wrote:
Nineteen wrote: wtf Rapture = WTB?
wtb is the first lvl180 in usa.
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Post by smellydog »

lol you need a p2p hack for hbkor test ?
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Post by delinquent »

Rapture wrote:
delinquent wrote:
Nineteen wrote: wtf Rapture = WTB?
Rapture = a idiot.

What the fuck are you even doing here? You expect to get respect for having a level 180 char in hbusa? Big whoop you go have fun with your bullshit character just stay outta here. If you think your skilled whats up with DoSing servers? If your skilled you should of found the security hole in servers which lets you down them in a few seconds no matter what you connection. To prove this I got charlie backing me up cause I showed him how. It doesn't take a genius to figure it out either so go take your DoSing picaso bullshit elsewhere.
wow hi l33t hax0r, heard about m0sad?
I didn't say I was a l33t hax0r or anything like that. Learn to read idiot your just evading the point I made because you know your wrong. I bet your not even the real WTB.
<img src='http://deli.lazyslacker.com/stupidnigga.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><a href='http://deli.lazyslacker.com' target='_blank'>http://deli.lazyslacker.com</a><br>Don't ban me, ban the idiot!
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Post by cygenus »

Rapture is WTB
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Post by Nineteen »

yea i used to play hbusa (1nTeR) and i also doubt Rapture is WTB because on HBPortal there is a Rapture and a WTB. sooo....
<b><span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>milky </span>is <span style='color:red'>cool</span></b></span>
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Post by spacemunk »

Rapture only plays WTB and therefor hes not the real WTB.
real WTB on hbportal doesnt use the nick Rapture <_<
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