Db Sql Format

Discussion about Helbreath Server Files.
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Post by MagicMan »

depends really but i found it either about same or less...which is good eh woot ..:)

also there a message the is sent from Client to server when recieving Angels....when you want one you can click it and then basiclly server close conns you as it doesn know the comman it getting..

it says "Unknown Message Recieved!Delete Client"

Anyone got a handle on this one is a star... :D
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Post by IcEmoCHa »

MagicMan wrote: depends really but i found it either about same or less...which is good eh woot ..:)

also there a message the is sent from Client to server when recieving Angels....when you want one you can click it and then basiclly server close conns you as it doesn know the comman it getting..

it says "Unknown Message Recieved!Delete Client"

Anyone got a handle on this one is a star... :D
wow.. hope its fixed asap.. :D
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Post by MagicMan »

IcEmoCHa wrote:
MagicMan wrote: depends really but i found it either about same or less...which is good eh woot ..:)

also there a message the is sent from Client to server when recieving Angels....when you want one you can click it and then basiclly server close conns you as it doesn know the comman it getting..

it says  "Unknown Message Recieved!Delete Client"

Anyone got a handle on this one is a star... :D
wow.. hope its fixed asap.. :D
Yeah wouldn that be awesome...Then basiclly anyone can run a server Like Nemesis...Putting them outta business i would think..LOL...fk em with there attitude thinking they think they only server with 3.72 files and client...Now EVERYONE can run a server just like them...That is if some bright spark can code HG with Angels in it..hehe...Not much of of a coder myself but i can dabble in it so i'm gonna have a go at fixin it...LOL wish me luck..LOL :ph34r:
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Post by MagicMan »

BTW this happens with Both Chinese and 521 HG's tested both to check if one would be able to...but alas...no...also anyone done the hexing of 3.51 into 3.51-521 hg's...mine a little weird here it doesn have the address CDwriters say to copy from..(am I using the wrong hg..?)
MOG Hackintosh
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Post by MOG Hackintosh »

MagicMan wrote: Now EVERYONE can run a server just like them...
...as long as they are willing to pay, sure, why not. ;-)
<b>"I think im a hillbilly so pay me for my uber shiz" - Slipknight</b><span style='color:red'><br>yes and the dutch are always celebrating<br>thats holland:<br>"i got a new bicycle!" CHAMPAGNE! :D<br>"new marijuana bar opened" CHAMPAGNE :D <br>"it stopped raining for an hour" CHAMPAGNE! :D <br>"my condom didn't break" CHAMPAGNE! :D <br>"jews moved in next door" CHAMPAGNE! :D<br>"Look! A windmill!" CHAMPAGNE! :D</span>
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Post by CDWriter »

MagicMan wrote:
IcEmoCHa wrote:
MagicMan wrote: depends really but i found it either about same or less...which is good eh woot ..:)

also there a message the is sent from Client to server when recieving Angels....when you want one you can click it and then basiclly server close conns you as it doesn know the comman it getting..

it says  "Unknown Message Recieved!Delete Client"

Anyone got a handle on this one is a star... :D
wow.. hope its fixed asap.. :D
Yeah wouldn that be awesome...Then basiclly anyone can run a server Like Nemesis...Putting them outta business i would think..LOL...fk em with there attitude thinking they think they only server with 3.72 files and client...Now EVERYONE can run a server just like them...That is if some bright spark can code HG with Angels in it..hehe...Not much of of a coder myself but i can dabble in it so i'm gonna have a go at fixin it...LOL wish me luck..LOL :ph34r:
U need a New World Server to be able to get Angels !!! ;)
Outpost bitch
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Post by RageIlluminati »

MagicMan wrote: k em with there attitude thinking they think they only server with 3.72 files and client...Now EVERYONE can run a server just like them...That is if some bright spark can code HG with Angels in it..hehe...Not much of of a coder myself but i can dabble in it so i'm gonna have a go at fixin it...LOL wish me luck..LOL :ph34r:
make a screenshot about your account_t where you have account.. and screenshot about character in character_t table with you can log in with 3.72 client...

go to SQL analyzer... take menu: Tools -> options, Results tab, there you see choice: Default Results Target: there you choose: Results to file

then execute in mainlog DB query: select * from account_t;
and from ws1 DB: select * from character_t;

then go to My Documents and upload these results files to here... I really want to know.. if there are any different things in your data.. why you can log in or not...
<img src='http://helbreath.pri.ee/userbars/hbest-gamemaster2.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <img src='http://helbreath.pri.ee/userbars/hbsoccer-owner.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <img src='http://helbreath.pri.ee/userbars/scorpa-rider.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <img src='http://helbreath.pri.ee/userbars/logout-master.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <br>.<br>................................Ego sum Rage, flagellum Dei!<br><br>The problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? (bash.org)
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Post by MagicMan »

Yes agreed CDwriter...don't suppose you have one in ya bag if tricks eh woot..? and i'll upload the mainlog and ws1 dumps shortly..late tonight...:)

Can we hex...recode worldserver to accept angels..? btw it was asking the HG not world for this ...it what i thought...maybe i'm wrong there bit if you goto get a angel from cmd hall your client will crash..take a look at elvine hg...it says the error not world..wierd..hope someone can fix it..
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Post by MagicMan »

ok here's my mainlog

[cAccountID] [nchar] (10) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[cPasswd] [nchar] (10) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NULL ,
[iAccountID] [int] NOT NULL ,
[cLoginIpAddress] [nchar] (20) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NULL ,
[IsGMAccount] [bit] NULL ,
[CreateDate] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[LoginDate] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[LogoutDate] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[BlockDate] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[cRealName] [nchar] (30) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NULL ,
[cSSN] [nchar] (20) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NULL ,
[cEmail] [nchar] (60) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NULL ,
[cCharRecord] [nchar] (100) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NULL ,
[cQuiz] [nchar] (45) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NULL ,
[cAnswer] [nchar] (20) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NULL ,
[ValidDate] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[iValidTime] [int] NULL ,
[iShopID] [int] NULL ,
[cKEYCODE] [nchar] (10) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NULL ,
[MaxUser] [int] NULL ,

and my ws1

[cCharName] [nchar] (10) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[cAccountID] [nchar] (10) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[CharID] [int] NOT NULL ,
[sID1] [smallint] NULL ,
[sID2] [smallint] NULL ,
[sID3] [smallint] NULL ,
[sLevel] [smallint] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__CHARACTER__sLeve__78B3EFCA] DEFAULT (1),
[sStr] [smallint] NULL ,
[sVit] [smallint] NULL ,
[sDex] [smallint] NULL ,
[sInt] [smallint] NULL ,
[sMag] [smallint] NULL ,
[sChar] [smallint] NULL ,
[iExp] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__CHARACTER___iExp__79A81403] DEFAULT (0),
[sUpStr] [smallint] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__CHARACTER__sUpSt__7A9C383C] DEFAULT (0),
[sUpVit] [smallint] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__CHARACTER__sUpVi__7B905C75] DEFAULT (0),
[sUpDex] [smallint] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__CHARACTER__sUpDe__7C8480AE] DEFAULT (0),
[sUpInt] [smallint] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__CHARACTER__sUpIn__7D78A4E7] DEFAULT (0),
[sUpMag] [smallint] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__CHARACTER__sUpMa__7E6CC920] DEFAULT (0),
[sUpChar] [smallint] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__CHARACTER__sUpCh__7F60ED59] DEFAULT (0),
[bGender] [bit] NULL ,
[sSkin] [smallint] NULL ,
[sHairStyle] [smallint] NULL ,
[sHairColor] [smallint] NULL ,
[sUnderWear] [smallint] NULL ,
[iApprColor] [int] NULL ,
[sAppr1] [smallint] NULL ,
[sAppr2] [smallint] NULL ,
[sAppr3] [smallint] NULL ,
[sAppr4] [smallint] NULL ,
[cNation] [nchar] (10) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[cMapLoc] [nchar] (10) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[sLocX] [smallint] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__CHARACTER__sLocX__00551192] DEFAULT ((-1)),
[sLocY] [smallint] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__CHARACTER__sLocY__014935CB] DEFAULT ((-1)),
[cProfile] [nchar] (70) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[sAdminLevel] [smallint] NULL ,
[iContribution] [int] NULL ,
[iLeftSpecTime] [int] NULL ,
[cLockMapName] [nchar] (10) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[iLockMapTime] [int] NULL ,
[FileSaveDate] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[BlockDate] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[cGuildName] [nchar] (20) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[iGuildID] [int] NULL ,
[sGuildRank] [smallint] NULL ,
[sFightNum] [smallint] NULL ,
[sFightDate] [smallint] NULL ,
[sFightTicket] [smallint] NULL ,
[sQuestNum] [smallint] NULL ,
[sQuestID] [smallint] NULL ,
[sQuestCount] [smallint] NULL ,
[sQuestRewType] [smallint] NULL ,
[sQuestRewAmount] [smallint] NULL ,
[bQuestCompleted] [bit] NULL ,
[iEventID] [int] NULL ,
[iWarCon] [int] NULL ,
[iCruJob] [int] NULL ,
[iCruID] [int] NULL ,
[iCruConstructPoint] [int] NULL ,
[iPopular] [int] NULL ,
[iHP] [int] NULL ,
[iMP] [int] NULL ,
[iSP] [int] NULL ,
[iEK] [int] NULL ,
[iPK] [int] NULL ,
[iRewardGold] [int] NULL ,
[sDownSkillIDX] [smallint] NULL ,
[sHunger] [smallint] NULL ,
[sLeftSAC] [smallint] NULL ,
[iLeftShutupTime] [int] NULL ,
[iLeftPopTime] [int] NULL ,
[iLeftForceRecallTime] [int] NULL ,
[iLeftFirmStaminarTime] [int] NULL ,
[iLeftDeadpenaltyTime] [int] NULL ,
[cMagicMastery] [nchar] (100) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[iPartyID] [int] NULL ,
[cKEYCODE] [nchar] (10) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NULL ,
[iGizonItemUpgradeLeft] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_CHARACTER_T_iGizonItemUpgradeLeft] DEFAULT (0),

hope this helps.. <_<
Outpost bitch
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Post by RageIlluminati »

bah... as you used my scripts to make your SQLserver data.. I know the tables format.. I was interested in data you have there... maybe there is something different in that account or character data in the tables oin the character with you can log in with 3.72 client...

EDIT: I mean I have quite many NULL values in my account_t table

EDIT2: nvm... got it work.. my version of 3.72 client sucked...
<img src='http://helbreath.pri.ee/userbars/hbest-gamemaster2.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <img src='http://helbreath.pri.ee/userbars/hbsoccer-owner.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <img src='http://helbreath.pri.ee/userbars/scorpa-rider.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <img src='http://helbreath.pri.ee/userbars/logout-master.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <br>.<br>................................Ego sum Rage, flagellum Dei!<br><br>The problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? (bash.org)
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Post by MagicMan »

check your pm Rage..:)
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Post by MagicMan »

Seems DMZ doesn work....But i think it is in cfg...i just know it as it same bug as previous server ...like 3.51..i remember there was same thing....ppl could login but person who was running server couldn..and visa verser...he could but no one else could..anyone rememebr what i'm goping on about..?HELP...lol
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Post by Stik »

try useing your externall IP ,it should get bounced back from your ISP.
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Post by IcEmoCHa »

RageIlluminati wrote: bah... as you used my scripts to make your SQLserver data.. I know the tables format.. I was interested in data you have there... maybe there is something different in that account or character data in the tables oin the character with you can log in with 3.72 client...

EDIT: I mean I have quite many NULL values in my account_t table

EDIT2: nvm... got it work.. my version of 3.72 client sucked...
got them to work in txt format?... pls post... :D
cuz i keep getting forced log out / nulls in both sql and txt version...
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Post by locobans »

What new functions does it has...like yeah client says 3.72 besides that...does angels works? crafting? :unsure:
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