WLserver source

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Post by DarkieDuck »

dbclass.cpp contains no valueable data besides the DB layout which is already posted somewere...

Look @ the src and u will see .... if u got it that is
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Post by Aryes »

Jaap wrote: post DBclass? on OUTPOST? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!

just ask your pal darkieduck over there on msn or any other chat application for that file if you need it (dont know why you do actually, so why the hell are you even asking?)

i bet a friend like that will give it to you, no? oh wait.. gee.. I WONDER WHY
zzzz, seems like the old problem of "beg for my files"...
====<span style='color:red'><br>Aryes</span><br>====<br><br>HB United: www.hbuonline.net:<br><br><img src="http://hbtop50.com/button.php?u=hbkhispano" alt="Helbreath Top 50 - Helbreath Silver" border="0" /><br><img src="http://hbtop50.com/button.php?u=dcom" alt="Helbreath Top 50 - Helbreath Silver" border="0" /><br><img src="http://hbtop50.com/button.php?u=tinchocba" alt="Helbreath Top 50 - Helbreath Silver" border="0" /><br><img src="http://hbtop50.com/button.php?u=rafha_bernn" alt="Helbreath Top 50 - Helbreath Silver" border="0" /><br><img src="http://hbtop50.com/button.php?u=HB-Tere" alt="Helbreath Top 50 - Helbreath Silver" border="0" /><br><img src="http://hbtop50.com/button.php?u=Kiruku" alt="Helbreath Top 50 - Helbreath Silver" border="0" />
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Post by DarkieDuck »

lo aryes
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Post by molo »

this post going log and log :P

keep it up guys :D
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Post by CDWriter »

Hey Dax u lieing back stabing bitch ...ill trade u a Runscape for your server files .....OOOO wait did that and u had SHIT and u tryed to fuck me till i proved to Runescape it was my sons account and not yours .....as for u haveing something ..... :angry: if u got it then u took it or fucked someone over for it....like u did to me 2 years ago .......

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Post by DarkieDuck »

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Post by bigchief »

Just remember if you shake it more then 3 times your playing with it.
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Post by Slayer »

bigchief wrote: JERRY!! JERRY!! JERRY!! STEVE!! STEVE!! STEVE!!
Luckily outpost doesn't have any "bleeps" , so let the fun start! :P
<img src='http://i9.tinypic.com/2vs292h.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
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Post by Dax »

Flamed twice and yet to post :P . CDWriter I'm sorry but I do not recall the incedent you are refering to. However I am not questioning the credibility of your claims. If you will PM me your MSN we can discuss the matter and the possibility of reimbursement for your son's lost runescape assets.

While we are on the subject of false files, are you not the same 'CDWriter' who released the flase 2.17c source on HBSS? If you are going to throw stones get out of the glass house
Reppin'!!!<br><br><img src='http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/1348/sig4daxbn2.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><br>I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. <br>When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will <br>understand why I dismiss yours.<br>~ <b>Stephen Roberts</b>
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Post by CDWriter »

While we are on the subject of false files, are you not the same 'CDWriter' who released the flase 2.17c source on HBSS? If you are going to throw stones get out of the glass house

yes iam the one who released it ....and they are still there ......they are orginal source code for when hbx was up and running Daryl gave them to me personaly.... ;) So where is the Stones
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Post by Dax »

Sorry but i find that hard to believe. If you check the actual update logs from HBX and compare it to your source it is incomplete. If you download 2.14 and your "2.17" there are functions that appear in 2.14 but are also missing in your "2.17". As for your PM I asked for an E-mail address so we could discuss the matter, not a question of how much i am willing to pay you to keep your mouth shut. I'm still not sure as to what incedent you are refering to so a nice peaceful MSN chat to clarify a few things would be helpful. I refuse to be drawn into a flame war over a forum over somthing so pointless that it is claimed to of happend 2 years ago.

Here I'll make it easy on you since im running late for tafe. Add Daxation@marijuana.com to your MSN list and i will be on in roughly 1 hour from this post on a tafe computer. If i dont see you then I will speak to you at a later date.
Reppin'!!!<br><br><img src='http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/1348/sig4daxbn2.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><br>I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. <br>When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will <br>understand why I dismiss yours.<br>~ <b>Stephen Roberts</b>
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Post by CDWriter »

for one i dont want anything from u or money from u ......so thats why my email was not there .....

Flamed twice and yet to post tongue.gif . CDWriter I'm sorry but I do not recall the incedent you are refering to. However I am not questioning the credibility of your claims. If you will PM me your MSN we can discuss the matter and the possibility of reimbursement for your son's lost runescape assets.

Does not matter , and u do remmeber becuase u still msn me looking for shit form time to time .......u think i care what u think about something i sent to ss.tk (I dont) iam telling u they are from hbx from DARYL him self as for the differences i could not tell u ...when i sent them to ss.tk i did not claim i made them , created them or helped with them ....the main thing it says in the txt inside the files are ...

2.17c HGserver C++ Sources
by HBx (HelbreathX) Team
Zero, Hypnotoad, ArchAngel, KLKS
Downloaded from HelbreathSS.tk
<a href='http://www.helbreathss.tk' target='_blank'>http://www.helbreathss.tk</a>
info: helbreathss@hotmail.com

Big Thx to CDWriter :)<--- At that time peaple wanted them and i SHARED, <Cough> just like when i thought u could help me since u were a friend of mine at the time..(witch i thought) other things happened as everyone can see above .....so u comeing here saying u have shit but not shareing, your just like all the other kiddies that have it thinking there god becuase someone got them from simtech(DD, MOG, many others iam sure) and at 1 point in time they shared and someone else did also or sold the l/p...Great iam happy for them but still the RECOGNITION is over everyone knows who hacked , Simtech.....Now is the time for RECOGNITION for who will release it to the public first will it be u , (i doubt it) .......Will it be Me NO ....i made promises. So u just keep what u have , but your still a low life Bitch to me .....

No offense to Mog or DD .....i dont know u both that well but i do repect both of u ..... ;)

CDWriter ;)
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Post by Dax »

for one i dont want anything from u or money from u ......so thats why my email was not there .....
That is why you PM'd me back asking about the reinbursement?
Does not matter , and u do remmeber becuase u still msn me looking for shit form time to time .......
Lol ok then. The only other time i heard of you was on those 2.17 files. I have no 'CDWriter' on my msn list, unless you wish to tell me your other alias? As for asking for stuff, i'm happy with my current files and i do not feel the need to aquire anymore. Only files i take are those offered to me. (Sorry if i took this the wrong way, not sure if you mean files or general 'stuff')
u think i care what u think about something i sent to ss.tk (I dont) iam telling u they are from hbx from DARYL him self as for the differences i could not tell u ...when i sent them to ss.tk i did not claim i made them , created them or helped with them ....the main thing it says in the txt inside the files are ...

2.17c HGserver C++ Sources
by HBx (HelbreathX) Team
Zero, Hypnotoad, ArchAngel, KLKS
Downloaded from HelbreathSS.tk
<a href='http://www.helbreathss.tk' target='_blank'>http://www.helbreathss.tk</a>
info: helbreathss@hotmail.com

Big Thx to CDWriter <--- At that time peaple wanted them and i SHARED, <Cough> just like when i thought u could help me since u were a friend of mine at the time..(witch i thought) other things happened as everyone can see above .....
You can't blame me for making that asumption as the files are not labled with the information that they are from Daryl himself, and ARE missing functions.
so u comeing here saying u have shit but not shareing, your just like all the other kiddies that have it thinking there god becuase someone got them from simtech(DD, MOG, many others iam sure) and at 1 point in time they shared and someone else did also or sold the l/p...Great iam happy for them but still the RECOGNITION is over everyone knows who hacked , Simtech.....Now is the time for RECOGNITION for who will release it to the public first will it be u , (i doubt it) .......Will it be Me NO ....i made promises. So u just keep what u have , but your still a low life Bitch to me .....
Where do i claim having stuff only DD and MOG have? Where do i claim hacking "simtech"(lol) for these files? Where do i claim they will not be released?
No offense to Mog or DD .....i dont know u both that well but i do repect both of u ..... 

Well nice way to cover your ass for possible release of these files. Always gotta stay in sweet with the guys with the files right CDWriter?

If you were just posting your pathetic comments to try and make a scene and possibly gain some attention off it then thanks you achieved your goal, and another 1, waisting my time. People like you are the reason good files are not released because we all know your only going to try and pull a Dave(fagget.net) on them or bitch about it when you cant work them out.
Reppin'!!!<br><br><img src='http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/1348/sig4daxbn2.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><br>I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. <br>When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will <br>understand why I dismiss yours.<br>~ <b>Stephen Roberts</b>
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Post by Daryl »


To my knowlage i havent given anyone sources... to anything.

Not even you steve

Yes we go way back, but sources is one thing i do not share....

only way i would hand out ANY HBX sources is if it was already able to be downloaded off the offical HBX page (at the time)

So sorry steve, i have NO idea what your talking about

As far as dax and you... i am out of it

I will say I use to hate Dax... But this past year
he has showed me he has grown up alot and now i clame him to be a good friend. If anyone has a problem with that.... 3 words for ya.. go screw your self

As far as DD and Mog... i know mog from long time ago.. just meet darkie.... i dont care if they have files or not..... they personaly are good people and i am glad i know them.

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Post by CDWriter »

If you will PM me your MSN we can discuss the matter and the possibility of reimbursement for your son's lost runescape assets.

Enough said there....
So sorry steve, i have NO idea what your talking about

As far as dax and you... i am out of it
u sent them to me msn ? what 4 days before they release them to HBx site ....guess u not remmebering that since u came here to help out Dax.....


Lets see here thou Dax how many peaple have i ever screwed on fucked over ...lets look above and see how many are attacking me in this post ? ;)

Dax 6 CDWriter 0

U think iam bullshiting about what i have told everyone in the post before about u .....hope your happy that u fucked over a 9 year old kid when u got that Runescape account and took everything off it .........

No offense to Mog or DD .....i dont know u both that well but i do repect both of u .....

Well nice way to cover your ass for possible release of these files. Always gotta stay in sweet with the guys with the files right CDWriter?.

I mentioned them in my post about what has happened and what has been done and did not want them to think i was attacking them Since i dont know them !!!....as for staying sweet with anyone .....what a joke everyone knows DD will not realease or give out anything
<_< And since i have never talked to them EVER the only thing responceable was to show my respects to both .....Something u dont have !!!

your only going to try and pull a Dave(fagget.net) on them or bitch about it when you cant work them out.
Guess your not looking at the whole forum (Helbreath Server) and what i have helped many in the files that GB released....As for calling me a Dave that funny...Since i dont know what happened with Dave and dont care to know calling me a Dave is better then a Back stabing Ex-friend of mine called Daxtion that screwed over a 9 year old kid just so he could GET something for NOTHING he has DONE....So a Dave is nothing to me what Name should i Give u ?
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