
Discussion about Helbreath Server Files.
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Post by br-crazy »

Can anyone explain how these chances works? like in this exemple:
XelimaRapier 600 120
how to calc the % ?
and i saw too that there is Type 1 and Type 2

tkx if u can help
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Joined: Sun Feb 22, 2004 12:08 am

Post by CDWriter »

//if u put 1 1 in the end u will have really high drops
//2 dices 100 faces each
//if u get 7 and 6, 7+6=13 the item drops so u have 1/100+1/100 chance of droping item
//and this chance is *1/(number of itens in the line)

;-----Name------------Type--ItemName-- %1 -- % 2 ---- ItemName-- %1 -- % 2 -

NpcItem = Cat 1 StoneOfMerien 1 500 [ENDITEM]
NpcItem = Orc 1 StoneOfMerien 1 500 [ENDITEM]

;-- 20 ~ 40 Level ------------
NpcItem = Zombie 1 KnecklaceOfPoisonPro 700 120 RingofMage 700 150 KnecklaceOfSufferent 700 130 [ENDITEM]
NpcItem = Scorpion 1 KnecklaceOfPoisonPro 600 120 RingofMage 600 150 KnecklaceOfSufferent 600 130 [ENDITEM]
NpcItem = Skeleton 1 MagicNecklace(DF+10) 550 120 MagicNecklace(DM+1) 550 150 MagicNecklace(RM10) 550 100 [ENDITEM]

Hope this helps .....Nify figured it out so all credit goes to him.,....
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Location: Neverland

Post by AzraeL »

<span style='color:yellow'>Sure...</span>
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
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