Having problems with the pass links? read this

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Post by jrm. »

Microsoft released a patch that disables support for handling user names and passwords in HTTP and HTTPS. Read further if you are interested in enabling this feature again.

The problem occurs when programmers design a Web site to enable a Web user to log in by typing credentials into the URL. In such cases, the Web address might look like this:

<a href='http://username:password@www.somecompany.com/index.html' target='_blank'>http://username:password@www.somecompan ... ex.html</a>

The link gives the person access to a company's Web site when the authentication program verifies the username and password.

Because the username and password are part of the Web address and are not encrypted, embedding the credential in the URL is considered a security risk.

What Microsoft did is simply to disable the support for username:password@ urls. Cool, heh? All of a sudden, you come in one day, and things aren't working anymore, because Microsoft has determined that a way they are doing things is not secure.

So if you still want to be able to use this feature to visit sites posted here without having to type the username and password in manual, download and execute the registry-file.

<a href='http://users.pandora.be/tr/ms/iefix.reg' target='_blank'>http://users.pandora.be/tr/ms/iefix.reg</a>

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Post by diwx »

I'm total noob... never been into hacking or anything like it b4, an i wonder... when ppl say "execute the file" what u mean execute? srry my noobiness...
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Post by tyteman »

execute means run it... it works trust me...
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