Hgserver Windows Problem

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Post by Miki! »

i have runing windows XP and the server when is conected it crash
in win 98 work perfect
<img src='http://www.freewebs.com/hbparadise/ava-1.GIF' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><br><span style='color:red'>Ex GM3 Hb-Zion</span><br><span style='color:blue'>"Joined: 16-December 03"</span> realy Old Outpost member

Post by lilmage »

I dunno why not. I use windows server 2003 enterprise.. which is basically winxp only better ;x
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Post by charlie »

windows 95 is better then xp
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Post by Miki! »

lol +98
<img src='http://www.freewebs.com/hbparadise/ava-1.GIF' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><br><span style='color:red'>Ex GM3 Hb-Zion</span><br><span style='color:blue'>"Joined: 16-December 03"</span> realy Old Outpost member
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Post by Miki! »

a txn for your I have no problem for help me :angry:
<img src='http://www.freewebs.com/hbparadise/ava-1.GIF' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><br><span style='color:red'>Ex GM3 Hb-Zion</span><br><span style='color:blue'>"Joined: 16-December 03"</span> realy Old Outpost member
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Post by trosudo »

I have winxp, someone can fix this problem?, there is some patch?
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Post by tyteman »

thats why it crashes.. people with xp users have different settigns on their comps supposedly.. heh.. no wonder me and taco kept crashing the hgserver :P
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Post by Taco »

That problem happens when it creates the 3 files, you just gotta click it a few more times and eventually it wont crash.
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Post by bigchief »

i use windows 98 and when i am connected then my friends logs in it crashes the HGServer then we tried with only im connected and when he lagged out then came back in the hgserver crashed again.
im not quite sure what was going on but the hgserver is looking pretty good. keep up the good work fellas

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Post by MeNiA »

I'm using xp, and charlie I disagree, I'm aware that windows 95 has it's advantages then r better than xp's but it's really old system which doesnt really match today's new developments, when I used windows 95, my computer crashed constantly, I was in an online game - modem synchronization was lost, computer crashed when played games, sometimes even driver patches and additional things needed didnt even help..

as for the rest of u, check ur firewall, usually does that kinds of problems.

Post by lilmage »

lol MeNiA it was a joke.. and btw. I think windows 3.1.1 owned all... But I must say for the best system ever use DOS2.0.
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Post by firey »

Charlie ure right win 95 was the best the 1 with the best games had to be Comodor 64
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Post by Daxation »

i had this exact same problem when making the HBCircle HGServer. using 2.14 source i thought it was just as unstable as fuck. i ran a private copy of it and narrowed it down to /createitem. i edited some old createitem command from 2.03 source to come up with 1 that no longer crashes the HG on WinXP operating systems..

if you are using a hg built from 2.14 source replace the createitem command with this =

Code: Select all

why bother putting my name here? its not like any1 can see it when its compiled =\
void CGame::AdminOrder_CreateItem(int iClientH, char *pData, DWORD dwMsgSize)
 char   seps[] = "= \t\n";
 char   * cp, * token, cBuff[256], cItemName[256], cData[256], cTemp[256];
 class  CStrTok * pStrTok;
 class  CItem * pItem;
 short  * sp;
 int    iRet, iEraseReq;
 DWORD * dwp;
 WORD  * wp;
	if (m_pClientList[iClientH] == NULL) return;
	if ((dwMsgSize)	<= 0) return;

	if (m_pClientList[iClientH]->m_iAdminUserLevel < 3) {
  // Admin user levelÀÌ ³·¾Æ¼­ ÀÌ ±â´ÉÀ» »ç¿ëÇÒ ¼ö ¾ø´Ù.
  if (m_pClientList[iClientH]->m_iAdminUserLevel !=  0)	
  if (m_pClientList[iClientH]->m_bIsAdminCreateItemEnabled == FALSE) return;

	ZeroMemory(cBuff, sizeof(cBuff));
	memcpy(cBuff, pData, dwMsgSize);

	pStrTok = new class CStrTok(cBuff, seps);
	token = pStrTok->pGet();
	token = pStrTok->pGet();
	if (token != NULL) {
  ZeroMemory(cItemName, sizeof(cItemName));
  strcpy(cItemName, token);

	pItem = new class CItem;
	if (_bInitItemAttr(pItem, cItemName) == FALSE) {
  delete pItem;

	switch (pItem->m_sIDnum) {
	case 511: 
	case 513:
	case 515:
	case 517:
	case 530:
	case 531:
	case 532:
	case 533:
	case 534:
  pItem->m_sTouchEffectType   = DEF_ITET_DATE;
  // v1.4311-3 º¯°æ ¿î¿µÀÚ°¡ ¹ß±ÞÇÑ ÀÔÀå±ÇÀº ±×³¯Àº Ç×»ó ÀÔÀå °¡´É ..
  pItem->m_sTouchEffectValue1 = (short)SysTime.wMonth;
  pItem->m_sTouchEffectValue2 = (short)SysTime.wDay;
  pItem->m_sTouchEffectValue3 = 24;

  pItem->m_sTouchEffectType   = DEF_ITET_ID;
  pItem->m_sTouchEffectValue1 = iDice(1,100000);
  pItem->m_sTouchEffectValue2 = iDice(1,100000);
  // ¸¶Áö¸· ¼ýÀÚ´Â ¾ÆÀÌÅÛ »ý¼º ¿ù, ÀÏ	
  ZeroMemory(cTemp, sizeof(cTemp));
  wsprintf(cTemp, "%d%2d",  (short)SysTime.wMonth, (short)SysTime.wDay);
  pItem->m_sTouchEffectValue3 = atoi(cTemp);
	ZeroMemory(cData, sizeof(cData));
	if (_bAddClientItemList(iClientH, pItem, &iEraseReq) == TRUE) {
  // ¾ÆÀÌÅÛÀ» ȹµæÇß´Ù.
  dwp  = (DWORD *)(cData + DEF_INDEX4_MSGID);
  *dwp = MSGID_NOTIFY;
  wp   = (WORD *)(cData + DEF_INDEX2_MSGTYPE);
  cp = (char *)(cData + DEF_INDEX2_MSGTYPE + 2);
  // 1°³ ȹµæÇß´Ù. Amount°¡ ¾Æ´Ï´Ù!
  *cp = 1;
  memcpy(cp, pItem->m_cName, 20);
  cp += 20;
  dwp  = (DWORD *)cp;
  *dwp = pItem->m_dwCount;	// ¼ö·®À» ÀÔ·Â 
  cp += 4;
  *cp = pItem->m_cItemType;
  *cp = pItem->m_cEquipPos;
  *cp = (char)0; // ¾òÀº ¾ÆÀÌÅÛÀ̹ǷΠÀåÂøµÇÁö ¾Ê¾Ò´Ù.
  sp  = (short *)cp;
  *sp = pItem->m_sLevelLimit;
  cp += 2;
  *cp = pItem->m_cGenderLimit;
  wp = (WORD *)cp;
  *wp = pItem->m_wCurLifeSpan;
  cp += 2;
  wp = (WORD *)cp;
  *wp = pItem->m_wWeight;
  cp += 2;
  sp  = (short *)cp;
  *sp = pItem->m_sSprite;
  cp += 2;
  sp  = (short *)cp;
  *sp = pItem->m_sSpriteFrame;
  cp += 2;
  *cp = pItem->m_cItemColor;

  *cp = (char)pItem->m_sItemSpecEffectValue2; // v1.41 
  dwp = (DWORD *)cp;
  *dwp = pItem->m_dwAttribute;
  cp += 4;
  if (iEraseReq == 1) {
  	delete pItem;
  // ¾ÆÀÌÅÛ Á¤º¸ Àü¼Û 
  iRet = m_pClientList[iClientH]->m_pXSock->iSendMsg(cData, 53);
  // v1.41 Èñ±Í ¾ÆÀÌÅÛÀ̶ó¸é ·Î±×¸¦ ³²±ä´Ù. 
  _bItemLog(DEF_ITEMLOG_GET, iClientH, NULL, pItem);
	else {
  // ¾ÆÀÌÅÛÀ» ¼ÒÁöÇÒ ¼ö ¾ø´Â »óȲÀÌ´Ù.  
  delete pItem;
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Post by Passion »

I would ask the exact command you used to crash the server because I have WinXP and have made several items (with /createitem) and everything went ok.
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Post by locobans »

same with me thats why i didint found the point here :unsure:
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