3.51 Server Files!

Discussion about Helbreath Server Files.
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Post by fag5 »

(M*P*G*H).net released the 3.51 server files.

Goto forum.*M*P*G*H*.net to get the server files!

Of course without the asteriks.
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Post by yullu »

fag5 wrote: (M*P*G*H).net released the 3.51 server files.

Goto forum.*M*P*G*H*.net to get the server files!

Of course without the asteriks.
yeah, I tryed them. They realy suck!
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Post by iMHotEP »

how do they suck? like u die all the time all off asusdden.. like u fall on the ground? what forum tell me!
<a href='http://www.helbreathss.tk' target='_blank'>HelbreathSS</a><br>Good page with some stuff<br><br>iMHotEP god of Egypt? j0j0j0
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Post by FaMoUs »

what the..
wtf? i dont wanna kill myself :( leave my sig alone!
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Post by DarkieDuck »

nice and fake ;)
what else to be expected if its from Dave
&lt;3 bd long time
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Post by shandriz »

Another fagget spammer banned for mass spam. Looks like another one of their cronies just bit the dust.
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Post by SirGalahad »

The sad thing is that he took lilmage's binaries and just hexed them a bit to say shit about fagget. How fucking lame can one guy get?
(Sir Galahad the Pure)
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Post by kmatt02 »

Can't believe he released those...

Poor Dave, I used to have faith in him. But those files are well...in a word...SHIT...

I should think Darkie burst out laughing when he saw them.

Post by lilmage »

Yes, Dave is rather pathetic, but what's this I hear about "and just hexed them a bit to say shit about fagget." ...? I don't quite understand that.. are you saying he took my latest approx 908kb hgserver and edited the part where it calls HIM the thief? lol.. I doubt he edited that since I hacked up the hgserver to not allow it, so do tell me what you mean ;x
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Post by Miki! »

yea dave is a Fuckinf thief and patetic...
<img src='http://www.freewebs.com/hbparadise/ava-1.GIF' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><br><span style='color:red'>Ex GM3 Hb-Zion</span><br><span style='color:blue'>"Joined: 16-December 03"</span> realy Old Outpost member
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Post by zaffalon »

Dave ur "SourceFiles" Suck and u hack fot GB.. Lammer :P
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Post by binarydata »

fag5 wrote: (M*P*G*H).net released the 3.51 server files.

Goto forum.*M*P*G*H*.net to get the server files!

Of course without the asteriks.
stfu and go to hell
<img src='http://img88.exs.cx/img88/2290/7666.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
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Post by DarkieDuck »

cheers m8s
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Post by Nemeliom »

plz, can some 1 tell where i can get 3.2, 3.51 or maybe 3.6 files?? and if it is possible, the finl realease of them, i mean without bugs... please some 1 help me!! :rolleyes:
<img src='http://jove.prohosting.com/mxghost/Neme ... y%20Mx.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <span style='color:blue'>Do you like mi pic?</span><br><span style='color:red'>Good Luck 4 every1<br>Mx - Nemeliom</span>
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Post by blackknigt »

we all are looking for the 3.62 server files
and the only one who has it is: MOG
she couldnt unpack the client so she created a loader to change ip and some stuff she wanted
3.51 we are searching for them 2
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