can anyone tell me how to added the crystal rocks ???
plz fast answer we need it...
i know how to added mining rocks, but forgot form the crystal ones, plz can anyone tell me, i begg ya <_<
Code: Select all
mineral-generator = 1 6
how? plz a example :'(lilmage wrote:in the map .txt file before the mineral locations will make them drop crystals.Code: Select all
mineral-generator = 1 6
Code: Select all
map-location = middled1x
initial-point = 1 70 108
teleport-loc = 67 106 middleland 198 233 5
teleport-loc = 68 106 middleland 198 233 5
teleport-loc = 68 105 middleland 198 233 5
teleport-loc = 69 105 middleland 198 233 5
waypoint = 0 107 105
waypoint = 1 145 116
waypoint = 2 200 146
waypoint = 3 184 176
waypoint = 4 151 204
waypoint = 5 134 137
waypoint = 6 37 152
waypoint = 7 123 188
waypoint = 8 129 126
waypoint = 9 113 153
no-attack-area = 1 64 75 79 113
fixed-dayornight-mode = 1
maximum-object = 150
random-mob-generator = 1 5
mineral-generator = 1 6
max-mineral = 30
mineral-point = 0 34 32
mineral-point = 1 35 32
mineral-point = 2 37 30
mineral-point = 3 40 31
mineral-point = 4 27 30
mineral-point = 5 29 31
mineral-point = 6 28 33
mineral-point = 7 27 26
mineral-point = 8 28 27
mineral-point = 9 29 28
mineral-point = 10 162 158
mineral-point = 11 160 159
mineral-point = 12 164 158
mineral-point = 13 165 157
mineral-point = 14 167 156
mineral-point = 15 169 157
mineral-point = 16 170 158
mineral-point = 18 171 158
mineral-point = 19 172 159
mineral-point = 20 173 160
mineral-point = 21 142 92
mineral-point = 22 141 93
mineral-point = 23 142 91
mineral-point = 24 141 88
mineral-point = 25 139 88
mineral-point = 26 166 100
mineral-point = 27 171 102
mineral-point = 28 172 103
mineral-point = 29 173 104
mineral-point = 30 170 99
mineral-point = 31 170 96
mineral-point = 32 170 97
mineral-point = 33 173 107
mineral-point = 34 173 109
mineral-point = 35 175 113
mineral-point = 36 176 114
mineral-point = 37 168 129
mineral-point = 38 169 129
mineral-point = 39 170 130
mineral-point = 40 171 131
mineral-point = 41 172 131
mineral-point = 42 173 132
mineral-point = 43 173 133
mineral-point = 44 171 134
mineral-point = 45 167 125
mineral-point = 46 161 138
mineral-point = 47 170 139
mineral-point = 48 169 139
mineral-point = 49 161 52
mineral-point = 50 162 53
mineral-point = 51 163 54
mineral-point = 52 164 54
mineral-point = 53 164 57
mineral-point = 54 165 58
mineral-point = 55 105 36
mineral-point = 56 106 37
mineral-point = 57 107 37
mineral-point = 58 108 36
mineral-point = 59 112 35
mineral-point = 60 101 35
mineral-point = 61 99 34
mineral-point = 62 98 35
Code: Select all
map-location = dglv2
initial-point = 1 384 143
level-limit = 40
teleport-loc = 465 458 aresdend1 39 35 5
teleport-loc = 466 458 aresdend1 39 35 5
teleport-loc = 466 459 aresdend1 39 35 5
teleport-loc = 31 37 elvined1 95 42 5
teleport-loc = 32 37 elvined1 95 42 5
teleport-loc = 33 37 elvined1 95 42 5
teleport-loc = 31 38 elvined1 95 42 5
teleport-loc = 211 286 dglv2 209 258 5
teleport-loc = 211 285 dglv2 209 258 5
teleport-loc = 212 285 dglv2 209 258 5
teleport-loc = 213 285 dglv2 209 258 5
teleport-loc = 210 256 dglv2 214 287 5
teleport-loc = 211 256 dglv2 214 287 5
teleport-loc = 211 257 dglv2 214 287 5
teleport-loc = 264 256 dglv2 273 227 5
teleport-loc = 265 256 dglv2 273 227 5
teleport-loc = 265 257 dglv2 273 227 5
teleport-loc = 271 226 dglv2 263 258 5
teleport-loc = 271 225 dglv2 263 258 5
teleport-loc = 272 225 dglv2 263 258 5
teleport-loc = 273 225 dglv2 263 258 5
teleport-loc = 157 85 dglv2 41 34 5
teleport-loc = 157 86 dglv2 41 34 5
teleport-loc = 157 87 dglv2 41 34 5
teleport-loc = 157 88 dglv2 41 34 5
teleport-loc = 157 89 dglv2 41 34 5
teleport-loc = 80 198 dglv2 56 212 5
teleport-loc = 80 197 dglv2 56 212 5
teleport-loc = 80 196 dglv2 56 212 5
teleport-loc = 81 196 dglv2 56 212 5
teleport-loc = 81 195 dglv2 56 212 5
teleport-loc = 210 108 dglv2 40 175 5
teleport-loc = 211 108 dglv2 40 175 5
teleport-loc = 211 109 dglv2 40 175 5
teleport-loc = 122 190 dglv2 83 179 5
teleport-loc = 122 191 dglv2 83 179 5
teleport-loc = 122 192 dglv2 83 179 5
teleport-loc = 122 193 dglv2 83 179 5
teleport-loc = 122 194 dglv2 83 179 5
teleport-loc = 37 173 dglv2 208 110 5
teleport-loc = 38 173 dglv2 208 110 5
teleport-loc = 39 173 dglv2 208 110 5
teleport-loc = 37 174 dglv2 208 110 5
teleport-loc = 180 39 dglv2 212 469 5
teleport-loc = 181 39 dglv2 212 469 5
teleport-loc = 181 38 dglv2 212 469 5
teleport-loc = 364 253 dglv2 437 339 5
teleport-loc = 365 253 dglv2 437 339 5
teleport-loc = 366 253 dglv2 437 339 5
teleport-loc = 367 253 dglv2 437 339 5
teleport-loc = 368 253 dglv2 437 339 5
teleport-loc = 369 253 dglv2 437 339 5
teleport-loc = 370 253 dglv2 437 339 5
teleport-loc = 371 253 dglv2 437 339 5
teleport-loc = 438 342 dglv2 359 267 5
teleport-loc = 439 342 dglv2 359 267 5
teleport-loc = 438 343 dglv2 359 267 5
teleport-loc = 234 399 dglv2 392 418 5
teleport-loc = 234 398 dglv2 392 418 5
teleport-loc = 235 398 dglv2 392 418 5
teleport-loc = 228 256 dglv3 187 212 5
teleport-loc = 229 256 dglv3 187 212 5
teleport-loc = 229 257 dglv3 187 212 5
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waypoint = 1 145 116
waypoint = 2 200 146
waypoint = 3 184 176
waypoint = 4 151 204
waypoint = 5 134 137
waypoint = 6 37 152
waypoint = 7 123 188
waypoint = 8 129 126
waypoint = 9 113 153
no-attack-area = 1 26 32 36 42
no-attack-area = 2 460 453 470 463
no-attack-area = 3 206 255 213 261
no-attack-area = 4 261 254 266 260
fixed-dayornight-mode = 1
maximum-object = 999
random-mob-generator = 1 5
spot-mob-generator = 1 1 348 329 396 357 13 5
spot-mob-generator = 2 1 159 21 200 55 13 5
spot-mob-generator = 3 1 82 361 132 407 13 5
spot-mob-generator = 4 1 162 237 204 316 9 5
spot-mob-generator = 5 1 255 181 295 225 9 5
spot-mob-generator = 6 1 391 223 448 241 9 5
spot-mob-generator = 7 1 427 437 462 464 12 5
spot-mob-generator = 8 1 37 30 80 77 12 5
spot-mob-generator = 9 1 21 270 87 293 12 5
spot-mob-generator = 10 1 323 32 357 72 12 5
spot-mob-generator = 11 1 27 322 106 421 8 8
spot-mob-generator = 12 1 257 311 322 365 8 8
spot-mob-generator = 13 1 323 79 440 219 8 8
spot-mob-generator = 14 1 209 230 268 275 8 8
spot-mob-generator = 15 1 177 99 218 136 8 8
spot-mob-generator = 16 1 33 178 68 201 11 8
spot-mob-generator = 17 1 222 75 269 111 11 8
spot-mob-generator = 18 1 144 384 162 424 11 8
spot-mob-generator = 19 1 415 321 427 382 11 8
spot-mob-generator = 20 1 33 187 53 235 14 5
spot-mob-generator = 21 1 190 450 232 475 14 5
spot-mob-generator = 22 1 86 418 138 457 14 5
spot-mob-generator = 23 1 412 262 473 282 14 5
spot-mob-generator = 24 1 228 226 248 276 5 8
spot-mob-generator = 25 1 26 445 132 469 5 8
spot-mob-generator = 26 1 229 130 276 184 5 8
spot-mob-generator = 27 1 84 199 211 222 5 8
spot-mob-generator = 28 1 291 282 339 321 5 8
spot-mob-generator = 29 1 210 20 282 42 4 8
spot-mob-generator = 30 1 369 375 470 423 4 8
spot-mob-generator = 31 1 114 138 153 180 4 8
spot-mob-generator = 32 1 162 416 239 450 4 8
spot-mob-generator = 33 1 359 116 415 167 7 8
spot-mob-generator = 34 1 221 307 292 335 7 8
spot-mob-generator = 35 1 38 60 151 128 7 8
spot-mob-generator = 36 1 85 257 121 272 7 8
mineral-generator = 1 6
max-mineral = 39
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mineral-point = 1 22 53
mineral-point = 2 27 54
mineral-point = 3 127 47
mineral-point = 4 129 46
mineral-point = 5 131 48
mineral-point = 6 472 419
mineral-point = 7 469 417
mineral-point = 8 467 416
mineral-point = 9 479 220
mineral-point = 10 477 218
mineral-point = 11 473 216
mineral-point = 12 289 83
mineral-point = 13 291 82
mineral-point = 14 295 79
mineral-point = 15 106 265
mineral-point = 16 108 264
mineral-point = 17 103 267
mineral-point = 18 101 450
mineral-point = 19 44 452
mineral-point = 20 47 451
mineral-point = 21 43 455
mineral-point = 22 130 153
mineral-point = 23 133 151
mineral-point = 24 136 149
mineral-point = 25 350 338
mineral-point = 26 351 339
mineral-point = 27 352 340
mineral-point = 29 371 456
mineral-point = 30 370 455
mineral-point = 31 369 454
mineral-point = 32 176 394
mineral-point = 33 175 395
mineral-point = 34 174 396
mineral-point = 35 404 34
mineral-point = 36 403 35
mineral-point = 37 402 36
mineral-point = 38 453 54
mineral-point = 39 454 55
mineral-point = 40 455 56