Temporary Log Out Hack

Discussion on Helbreath Hacks. New ones Released. and how to work them.
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Post by Bender »

I hope this can help someone....
Go search for a program name : aspeeder
it can help u to speed up your window
but it make the computer error sometimes.

In Hb use it to get dc very quickly when u speeder up the program fast it can dc your char in 2 sec when u do it.
This also can use to boots your speed in hb to let u run fast in game (good when chasing enemy/got chased by enemy) juz by adding abit of aspeeder. Not much ppl can chase up when u open speeder juz press once (+) is enuff to speed up your step.

Well hope This Can Help
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Post by bolex17 »

yea theres also a program called SpeederXP and SpeederOX
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Post by powermage »

speer xp n speeder ox is more for cs but it does work in hb but it acts more like a mass lag hack rather then a speeder...(note: the lags only happeds to people in the same map as u)
___________________________________________________<br>HB CELESTIAL 4 EVER<br>HBNOL TO DIE<br>DAM I HABE BEEN QUACKED BY Nprotect
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Post by coolkia »

u mean using speederXP will cause others to lag? u sure about this?
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Post by roy »

those programs shut down HB how i can use e.x. SpeederXP
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