v2.20 - charlie

Discussion on Helbreath Hacks. New ones Released. and how to work them.
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Post by charlie »

based on huhuhahas code

tell me if there are errors

Im wiritng the code slowly so it wont be here real quick im just doing this because im bored

Code: Select all

Log Out
0045021D  |. C686 2EE80400 0B        MOV BYTE PTR DS:[ESI+4E82E],0B
0045021D     C686 2EE80400 00        MOV BYTE PTR DS:[ESI+4E82E],0

0048E447   . C681 2EE80400 0B        MOV BYTE PTR DS:[ECX+4E82E],0B
0048E447     C681 2EE80400 00        MOV BYTE PTR DS:[ECX+4E82E],0

Delay for Restarting
004502A4  |. C686 2FE80400 05        MOV BYTE PTR DS:[ESI+4E82F],5
004502A4  |. C686 2FE80400 00        MOV BYTE PTR DS:[ESI+4E82F],0

No drink pot/eat delay
00445ADD  |. 75 0D     JNZ SHORT 2_20.00445AEC
00445ADD     EB 2A     JMP SHORT 2_20.00445B09

00445C49  |. 75 0D     JNZ SHORT 2_20.00445C58
00445C49     EB 2A     JMP SHORT 2_20.00445C75

0044E8AD  |. 75 1C     JNZ SHORT 2_20.0044E8CB
0044E8AD     EB 1C     JMP SHORT 2_20.0044E8C8

No delay for Scrolls
0044EAE5  |. 75 7A          JNZ SHORT 2_20.0044EB61
0044EAE5     EB 7A          JMP SHORT 2_20.0044EB61

No cast delay
0045960F  |. 8D5424 50      LEA EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+50]
00459613  |. 8D8D A4DD0400  LEA ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+4DDA4]
00459619  |. 52             PUSH EDX
0045961A  |. C74424 54 0000>MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+54],0
00459622  |. E8 19840300    CALL 2_20.00491A40
00459627  |. FF15 48224A00  CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&winmm.timeGetTime>];  WINMM.timeGetTime
0045962D  |. 8985 38DD0400  MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+4DD38],EAX
00459633  |. 8D4424 30      LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+30]

0045960F     EB 22                   JMP SHORT 2_20.00459633
00459611     90                      NOP
00459612     90                      NOP

Speed Limit
00456ED8  |. 81FE 2C010000  	CMP ESI,12C
00456ED8     81FE 00010000      CMP ESI,100

Speed Trap
00456EE4  |. 8B8D 5CA20400  MOV ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+4A25C]

00456EE4     E9 68280000       JMP 2_20.00459751
00456EE9     90                NOP

00417D07  |. 8DB5 18E90400  LEA ESI,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+4E918]
0041A2A1  |. 8DB3 18E90400  LEA ESI,DWORD PTR DS:[EBX+4E918]
0041AF3F  |. 8DB3 18E90400  LEA ESI,DWORD PTR DS:[EBX+4E918]
00420B78  |. 8DB5 18E90400  LEA ESI,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+4E918]
0042327A  |. 8DB5 18E90400  LEA ESI,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+4E918]
00426A37  |. 8DB5 18E90400  LEA ESI,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+4E918]
0042DDEA  |. 8DB5 18E90400  LEA ESI,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+4E918]

00417D07     EB 0B          JMP SHORT 2_20.00417D14
00417D09     90             NOP
00417D0A     90             NOP
00417D0B     90             NOP
00417D0C     90             NOP

0041A2A1     EB 0B          JMP SHORT 2_20.0041A2AE
0041A2A3     90             NOP
0041A2A4     90             NOP
0041A2A5     90             NOP
0041A2A6     90             NOP

0041AF3F     EB 1B          JMP SHORT 2_20.0041AF5C
0041AF41     90             NOP
0041AF42     90             NOP
0041AF43     90             NOP
0041AF44     90             NOP

00420B78     EB 0B          JMP SHORT 2_20.00420B85
00420B7A     90             NOP
00420B7B     90             NOP
00420B7C     90             NOP
00420B7D     90             NOP

0042327A     EB 0B          JMP SHORT 2_20.00423287
0042327C     90             NOP
0042327D     90             NOP
0042327E     90             NOP
0042327F     90             NOP

00426A37     EB 0B          JMP SHORT 2_20.00426A44
00426A39     90             NOP
00426A3A     90             NOP
00426A3B     90             NOP
00426A3C     90             NOP

0042DDEA     EB 0B          JMP SHORT 2_20.0042DDF7
0042DDEC     90             NOP
0042DDED     90             NOP
0042DDEE     90             NOP
0042DDEF     90             NOP

True identity
0045086E  |. 72 0B          JB SHORT 2_20.0045087B
0045086E    ^72 D8          JB SHORT 2_20.00450848
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Post by dwarfer »

i love you!!!! i go add more canddles on my charlie altar so when the night comes... i go find some siementech ppl to be sacrificed!!! WHOOWOWwaoaowoaowowooahahahahaaaaaaa

PS. beholder would be quite 1337 ;)
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Post by machete »

hi i am new to this hex editor thing. i was wondering if any1 can post a tutorial of how to add those source codes into a hb client.

&lt;3 bd long time
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Post by Ozzie »

well its not hex to start with
The Ozzie corperation banning people since 1856<br><br><a href='http://sigx.yuriy.net/link.php' target='_blank'><img src='http://sigx.yuriy.net/images/skin/Omega/0/xOzzie%60.png' border='0' alt='user posted image' /></a>
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Post by heez »


Code: Select all

Log Out
0045021D  |. C686 2EE80400 0B        MOV BYTE PTR DS:[ESI+4E82E],0B
0045021D     C686 2EE80400 00        MOV BYTE PTR DS:[ESI+4E82E],0 [/quote]
 as u can see there is two line.. which shd i use? top or below? <_<
<img src='http://www.orcplanet.com/uploader/images/35461.jpeg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><br><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:purple'><i>"People sleep peaceably in their bed at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf"<br><br>George Orwell</i></span></span>
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Post by Yukio »

first line is as it should be in the client and the second line is what u should change to
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Post by charlie »

Updated Added- Beholder, True Identity and Enemy Indicator
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Post by -Raven- »

charlie wrote: based on huhuhahas code

tell me if there are errors

Im wiritng the code slowly so it wont be here real quick im just doing this because im bored

Code: Select all

Log Out
0045021D  |. C686 2EE80400 0B        MOV BYTE PTR DS:[ESI+4E82E],0B
0045021D     C686 2EE80400 00        MOV BYTE PTR DS:[ESI+4E82E],0

0048E447   . C681 2EE80400 0B        MOV BYTE PTR DS:[ECX+4E82E],0B
0048E447     C681 2EE80400 00        MOV BYTE PTR DS:[ECX+4E82E],0

Delay for Restarting
004502A4  |. C686 2FE80400 05        MOV BYTE PTR DS:[ESI+4E82F],5
004502A4  |. C686 2FE80400 00        MOV BYTE PTR DS:[ESI+4E82F],0

No drink pot/eat delay
00445ADD  |. 75 0D     JNZ SHORT 2_20.00445AEC
00445ADD     EB 2A     JMP SHORT 2_20.00445B09

00445C49  |. 75 0D     JNZ SHORT 2_20.00445C58
00445C49     EB 2A     JMP SHORT 2_20.00445C75

0044E8AD  |. 75 1C     JNZ SHORT 2_20.0044E8CB
0044E8AD     EB 1C     JMP SHORT 2_20.0044E8C8

No delay for Scrolls
0044EAE5  |. 75 7A          JNZ SHORT 2_20.0044EB61
0044EAE5     EB 7A          JMP SHORT 2_20.0044EB61

No cast delay
0045960F  |. 8D5424 50      LEA EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+50]
00459613  |. 8D8D A4DD0400  LEA ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+4DDA4]
00459619  |. 52             PUSH EDX
0045961A  |. C74424 54 0000>MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+54],0
00459622  |. E8 19840300    CALL 2_20.00491A40
00459627  |. FF15 48224A00  CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&winmm.timeGetTime>];  WINMM.timeGetTime
0045962D  |. 8985 38DD0400  MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+4DD38],EAX
00459633  |. 8D4424 30      LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+30]

0045960F     EB 22                   JMP SHORT 2_20.00459633
00459611     90                      NOP
00459612     90                      NOP

Speed Limit
00456ED8  |. 81FE 2C010000  	CMP ESI,12C
00456ED8     81FE 00010000      CMP ESI,100

Speed Trap
00456EE4  |. 8B8D 5CA20400  MOV ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+4A25C]

00456EE4     E9 68280000       JMP 2_20.00459751
00456EE9     90                NOP

00417D07  |. 8DB5 18E90400  LEA ESI,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+4E918]
0041A2A1  |. 8DB3 18E90400  LEA ESI,DWORD PTR DS:[EBX+4E918]
0041AF3F  |. 8DB3 18E90400  LEA ESI,DWORD PTR DS:[EBX+4E918]
00420B78  |. 8DB5 18E90400  LEA ESI,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+4E918]
0042327A  |. 8DB5 18E90400  LEA ESI,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+4E918]
00426A37  |. 8DB5 18E90400  LEA ESI,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+4E918]
0042DDEA  |. 8DB5 18E90400  LEA ESI,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+4E918]

00417D07     EB 0B          JMP SHORT 2_20.00417D14
00417D09     90             NOP
00417D0A     90             NOP
00417D0B     90             NOP
00417D0C     90             NOP

0041A2A1     EB 0B          JMP SHORT 2_20.0041A2AE
0041A2A3     90             NOP
0041A2A4     90             NOP
0041A2A5     90             NOP
0041A2A6     90             NOP

0041AF3F     EB 1B          JMP SHORT 2_20.0041AF5C
0041AF41     90             NOP
0041AF42     90             NOP
0041AF43     90             NOP
0041AF44     90             NOP

00420B78     EB 0B          JMP SHORT 2_20.00420B85
00420B7A     90             NOP
00420B7B     90             NOP
00420B7C     90             NOP
00420B7D     90             NOP

0042327A     EB 0B          JMP SHORT 2_20.00423287
0042327C     90             NOP
0042327D     90             NOP
0042327E     90             NOP
0042327F     90             NOP

00426A37     EB 0B          JMP SHORT 2_20.00426A44
00426A39     90             NOP
00426A3A     90             NOP
00426A3B     90             NOP
00426A3C     90             NOP

0042DDEA     EB 0B          JMP SHORT 2_20.0042DDF7
0042DDEC     90             NOP
0042DDED     90             NOP
0042DDEE     90             NOP
0042DDEF     90             NOP

True identity
0045086E  |. 72 0B          JB SHORT 2_20.0045087B
0045086E    ^72 D8          JB SHORT 2_20.00450848
How i can get those hack work? :blink: :blink:
just visiting
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Post by marco »

Updated Added- Beholder, True Identity and Enemy Indicator
i dont see enemy indicator :/ maybe you wanted to add this but forgot
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Post by roy »

how i make that work i dont know where i put thöse
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Post by mistdreamz »

launch ollydbg
in ollydbg load the client
once it has loaded the client push ctrl-g (goto address)
then right-click, binary, edit (cntrl-E)
key in the codes provided in this thread

for instance,

Code: Select all

to go to the line
cntrl-E to edit and key in this code

Code: Select all

C686 2FE80400 00
for no delay restart
then right click aniwhere after keying in the code, copy to executable>>all modifications
a new window should appear, right click aniwhere in and "save"
<span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:gray'>knnbccb 1 year liao lar....</span></span>
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Post by Koggy »

Hi! :)

can you tell me where can i find code for full swing... if that exists... Thx a lot :)
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Post by Jiriki »

:ph34r: :ph34r: <span style='color:purple'><span style='font-family:Geneva'>I must say thanks charlie for these hacks</span></span>
:ph34r: :ph34r:
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Post by charlie »

Jiriki wrote: :ph34r: :ph34r: <span style='color:purple'><span style='font-family:Geneva'>I must say thanks charlie for these hacks</span></span>
:ph34r: :ph34r:
omg thats a first

pat on the back for you
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Post by Sukkis »

charlie wrote:
Jiriki wrote: :ph34r:  :ph34r: <span style='color:purple'><span style='font-family:Geneva'>I must say thanks charlie for these hacks</span></span>
:ph34r:  :ph34r:
omg thats a first

pat on the back for you
hey Charlie.... can you make hacked client of HBforsaken ... my MSN is Raffel_2@hotmail.com
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