I dun understand ( hb int hack)

Discussion on Helbreath Hacks. New ones Released. and how to work them.
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Joined: Tue Dec 09, 2003 6:43 pm

Post by blink666 »

Hi, i wanted to ask wtf is all that that u posted ( 3.2 hack version code and all that shit) All i know is that i wanna play hb int, i was in vacation all december, january, and february, and when i came back i saw all this shit :( (version 3.2 and the latest)
I want to know if a 3.2 p2p hack existed and if is it posible when is the new hack going to be posted?????????!

Thanks !!!! :D
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Post by milky »

actually when the new vertion of hbint was releaced p2p hack was disabled, because insted of loging u out, the gam d/c u, but it seems now that with the vertion 3.51 of hb int the p2p hack is functioning all over again, i hope
<b><span style='color:orange'><span style='font-family:Geneva'>here im suposed to write something, right? well fuck off</span></span></b>
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