Armor Break Bug

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Post by Jaap »

Slipknight wrote:
Jaap wrote:
Slipknight wrote:Heres the void, if your usuing the original armor break and change this void it will work.
Here is the void? LOL!


You posted a member function. Void is the return type of the member function. Void means "nothing", so the member function you posted doesn't return anything.

To be more specific, you posted a member function in the CGame scope (hence the scope-operator :: ). Meaning, this function is a member of the CGame class. You can call this function from every CGame instance you have created within your code, if it is not a static member function. In the last case, you can call this function without an instance of the CGame class.

The parameters of the member function you posted are, respectively,
int iAttackerH
int iTargetH
char cOwnerType
int iValue
They are passed to the function (through the stack), so they have a local scope to that function only. When the function ends, the local variables are removed from the stack.


Hope we've learnt something today! :D

Edit: stupid smily appeared in the text where i dont want it
Wow you really like being a annoying retard huh? I've never taken a class in this language or shit like that so I may not know every little thing about it, one thing I do know is I can do what I need to do fine. If you wanna be an annoying idiot and act like your Mr.super genius go somewhere else, but while your here try not being a total annoying retard.
It was meant as a useful lesson. It's obvious that you haven't taken any classes, so I'm helping you a bit. I'm not being a "Mr.super genius total retard"-person...
Don't see it as a flame or as annoying, see it as something useful maybe?
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