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Discussion about Helbreath Server Files.
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Post by KaSe »

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Post by Xakep »

lilmage wrote: Sorry, I know I shouldn't be on here but this thing with bolex just has to get out and I know he will be most humiliated here yet again. Those "3.0" files are nothing but the Chinese 2.24 HG with a few hex edited changes, and the logs are just 2.191 with a few hexxed titles... I mean god damnit.. At least spell Source right bolex, and not Helsoucre..
If you want to see for yourself then here:
<a href='http://www.helbreathx.com/Helsource3.0fake.rar' target='_blank'>www.helbreathx.com/Helsource3.0fake.rar</a>
I took off his 30 alpha-num pass that he nicely forgot to tell me when he gave, and was (many) hours later that he finally got back on to tell me..

bolex, if you're gonna try to say it was your friend's fault and you didn't know, then your just plain stupid for assuming it's real and not checking yourself. Either way you're full of bullshit.
If you need a little more proof or more info on who says they're fake or what the fuck ever,
<a href='http://forum.helbreathx.com/index.php?showtopic=158' target='_blank'>http://forum.helbreathx.com/index.php?showtopic=158</a>
Is it possible to run that 3.0 fake files ?
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