trade proposal

Discussion on Helbreath Hacks. New ones Released. and how to work them.
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Post by binarydata »

charlie wrote: mog is nothing but a show pony
hehe, show pony is a funny word
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
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Post by maximus »

Ok can someone translate this for me.
i dont get it

New Message:
Posted by: charlie Posted on: 25.12.2003

Merry Christmas Everyone!

For helbreath ive given up on p2p hack.. ill release a hack with everything like speed hack invis hack teleport hack, then ill try figure out a way to make fake MOL pins or something anyway see ya!

<a href='' target='_blank'></a>

im in the air

thx for hear me


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Post by MOG »

maximus wrote: ill try figure out a way to make fake MOL pins
Would you like an easily understood explanation why this would not work?
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Post by kirchberg »

im listening
You never give a homeless person money cause if they can ask for it, they can say "welcome to McDonalds, how may i help you?"
just visiting
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Post by Sino. »

same...listening to mog is fun, HoHo

*woosshh gone again !_!*
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Post by B-Crew »

Kinky wrote:
kirchberg wrote: who the f!@# cares if hes nazi, hes only 1, and now (no offence) there are millions of Jewish people, hes no threat... :P

anyway, without hitler MOG is nothing but a black sheep in snow
lol :lol: :lol: :lol: maybe MOG is hitlers son/grandson :P

or his reincarnation.. or how ever u spell it :D
That was not funny so shutt the fuck upp..

my contry was in war whit these fucking Nazi organizations for several years
and my contry suffred, thanks to USA we made it very good, and to
are Free Dom fighters organizations we fucked thse Nazi cunts outa are LAND
we fucking sendt em home in "Cages" fucking animals!

Thats why i dont like these fucking nazi organizations,!
if you have a problem whit that, dont mind saying one more word
to me about nazis..

and anhoter time Fuck You MOG!
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><b><span style='color:blue'>A.K.A Do0z</span></b>
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Post by s00pr »

MOG own you all =/~
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Post by ghostspider »

hello, been busy.

and for mog <- I have never actually seen HIM doing anything but talking bullshit. this "making deals" thing is kinda the most fucked off thing I've ever heard. mog is just a puppet. -> me out, completely back in 7.1.04~

and for the nazi thing. yep they have done some bad things, I would not blame them on everything tho. yep they burned the northern part of our country and was gonna betray the deal they made with us in ww2 but they have done lots of good things too, like our country would have been under the rule of russian control without nazi's so... we had to pay back to the winning coutries (russia,etc) for the deal we made in ww2, and still all we did was protected our contry. outcome: not as much as bad there is always something good/positive in things even like nazis. I know few national socialists (nazi) they are just as fine persons as we are. dont blame people, blame institutions. If person is fucked up, dont blame the institution he represents, blame the person.

and for the most of the bad things you've heard nazi made, they might not be true at all. Ever heard of war propaganda? jews make up lots of things.
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Post by Kinky »

ghostspider wrote: hello, been busy.

and for mog <- I have never actually seen HIM doing anything but talking bullshit. this "making deals" thing is kinda the most fucked off thing I've ever heard. mog is just a puppet. -> me out, completely back in 7.1.04~

and for the nazi thing. yep they have done some bad things, I would not blame them on everything tho. yep they burned the northern part of our country and was gonna betray the deal they made with us in ww2 but they have done lots of good things too, like our country would have been under the rule of russian control without nazi's so... we had to pay back to the winning coutries (russia,etc) for the deal we made in ww2, and still all we did was protected our contry. outcome: not as much as bad there is always something good/positive in things even like nazis. I know few national socialists (nazi) they are just as fine persons as we are. dont blame people, blame institutions. If person is fucked up, dont blame the institution he represents, blame the person.

and for the most of the bad things you've heard nazi made, they might not be true at all. Ever heard of war propaganda? jews make up lots of things.
yea after ww2 the jews wanted every1 to feel sry for them so it is most licky very untrue. To sum extent. lol this is turning into a history leason

Neway it was not the nazi's fault they were to afraid to apose Hitler so the onlyperson to blame is hitler.
<span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'><b><a href='' target='_blank'>Look at this :p</a></b> </span></span><br><span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'><b><a href='' target='_blank'>and this</a></b> </span></span>
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Post by tombcatz »

Kinky wrote:
ghostspider wrote: hello, been busy.

and for mog <- I have never actually seen HIM doing anything but talking bullshit. this "making deals" thing is kinda the most fucked off thing I've ever heard. mog is just a puppet. -> me out, completely back in 7.1.04~

and for the nazi thing. yep they have done some bad things, I would not blame them on everything tho. yep they burned the northern part of our country and was gonna betray the deal they made with us in ww2 but they have done lots of good things too, like our country would have been under the rule of russian control without nazi's so... we had to pay back to the winning coutries (russia,etc) for the deal we made in ww2, and still all we did was protected our contry. outcome: not as much as bad there is always something good/positive in things even like nazis. I know few national socialists (nazi) they are just as fine persons as we are. dont blame people, blame institutions. If person is fucked up, dont blame the institution he represents, blame the person.

and for the most of the bad things you've heard nazi made, they might not be true at all. Ever heard of war propaganda? jews make up lots of things.
yea after ww2 the jews wanted every1 to feel sry for them so it is most licky very untrue. To sum extent. lol this is turning into a history leason

Neway it was not the nazi's fault they were to afraid to apose Hitler so the onlyperson to blame is hitler.
ummm,i dont now if you gonna flame me guys
but im from israel :unsure:
i actually do have problem with nazis [well duh]
NVM,anyway its turning into a history lesson...
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Post by kmatt02 »

Yeah back to MOG's 'trade proposal'.

This is what I think, I propose not to kill you, in exchange for the p2p hack for helbreath ver 3.2 international. If you cannot pay up, then we will torchure you in sad, sick twisted ways till you decide to make one, or pay for hundreds of hb players (except nazis or br)
just visiting
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Post by IStrongI »

MOG wrote:
maximus wrote: MOG  Fuck off and how would someone give u the items if cant play???????
Thank you for reminding me why I refuse to share with this community.

Forget it.
Ironically you contridict yourself, you use this community as grounds for advertisement and then you say you "Share" with the community? Myself, i don't ask for a hack, but im sure that if you posted it out in the public before the other 2 people that have it...the 2 other guys will have their hack devalued and you would be given resepect instead of something material.

I don't agree with cussing of maximus but i dont agree with you either, atleast don't say you are "Sharing" when you want something in return. If you are "Trading" then just say so, never the less i feel you should be greatful to this and other HB communities that helped you to make this hack because if those communities never taught you what you know would never be able to make this hack.

P.S. Incase you are wondering, i don't play HB on any other server but my own Private one ^^.
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Post by magsec4 »

MOG wrote:
maximus wrote: MOG  Fuck off and how would someone give u the items if cant play???????
Thank you for reminding me why I refuse to share with this community.

Forget it.
mog go fuck some men in france, those are the only 2 things i hate in this world, mog and the french. mog should've been banned a log time ago. mog, go beg for money on the street you deluted peice of crap.
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Post by kirchberg »

mog, go beg for money on the street you deluted peice of crap.
heh, i only have one thing to say about that,

You never give a homeless person money cause if they can ask for it, they can say "welcome to McDonalds, how may i help you?"
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Post by randall »

Heys guys so is there realli a p2p hack for this version now?
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