Db Sql Format

Discussion about Helbreath Server Files.
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Post by Dax »

RageIlluminati wrote: mhm.. in 3.51 client I see lines about Energy Sphere and some gates and so on.. seems like somekind oh football in Helbreath... but when I /summon Energypshere.. client crashes...

wonder.. if anybody knows what this is.. does it work in official servers/files.. and how to get it work..
I think they bugged the energyball by trying to load .pak.pak

Ice-T fixed this on HBU but that's dead now.
Reppin'!!!<br><br><img src='http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/1348/sig4daxbn2.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><br>I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. <br>When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will <br>understand why I dismiss yours.<br>~ <b>Stephen Roberts</b>
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Post by RageIlluminati »

<img src='http://helbreath.pri.ee/userbars/hbest-gamemaster2.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <img src='http://helbreath.pri.ee/userbars/hbsoccer-owner.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <img src='http://helbreath.pri.ee/userbars/scorpa-rider.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <img src='http://helbreath.pri.ee/userbars/logout-master.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <br>.<br>................................Ego sum Rage, flagellum Dei!<br><br>The problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? (bash.org)
Outpost bitch
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Post by RageIlluminati »

Hey, could anybody download Apocalypse.cfg and Heldenian.cfg from HBusa with exstasis hack? I still have problem with this Apocalypse and Abaddon summoning:-(
<img src='http://helbreath.pri.ee/userbars/hbest-gamemaster2.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <img src='http://helbreath.pri.ee/userbars/hbsoccer-owner.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <img src='http://helbreath.pri.ee/userbars/scorpa-rider.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <img src='http://helbreath.pri.ee/userbars/logout-master.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <br>.<br>................................Ego sum Rage, flagellum Dei!<br><br>The problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? (bash.org)
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Post by NeFuRm »

well, not sure if anyone still read this topic but the solution to get an abaddon summoned on apocalypse is to change on abaddon.txt
this line

Code: Select all

ApocalypseBossMob = 81 79 76 136 107
for this one

Code: Select all

ApocalypseBossMob = 77 79 76 136 107
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Post by ADDKiD »

Ok, this topic may be old, but here's new update info on where to download MSSQL 2000 for those who have CDWriters v3.62/v3.81 Originals.

<a href='http://download.microsoft.com/download/ ... QLEVAL.exe' target='_blank'>Microsoft SQL Server 2000</a>
<a href='http://www.xandiumstudios.net/SQLCrack.rar' target='_blank'>MSSQL 2000 Crack</a>
&lt;3 bd long time
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Post by ADDKiD »

Ok, this topic may be old, but here's new update info on where to download MSSQL 2000 for those who have CDWriters v3.62/v3.81 Originals.

<a href='http://download.microsoft.com/download/ ... QLEVAL.exe' target='_blank'>Microsoft SQL Server 2000</a>
<a href='http://www.xandiumstudios.net/SQLCrack.rar' target='_blank'>MSSQL 2000 Crack</a>

Setup... By CDWriter and www.mysticalhb.com

1. unzip this to your c drive or any drive u like, Lets get started by seting up your CFG files and what u need to change ...Open up these files 1 at a time and change the IP address...I should have the Ports set all ready but if not change them to what u want.


2. Next we need to setup MSsql db witch i have included here with the reg crack..first run SQLEVAL.exe and place the files in a directory somewhere does not matter where or witch Drive.. after this goto where u extraced the files and hit the autorun.exe and install MSsql DB to your c:\program files\.....Make sure when installing u use MIXED Mode. Add a password and make sure u write that down. then open SQL Crack.zip and copy the crack file to where u installed MSsql DB , mine is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Binn place the crack here and Crack the MSsql DB.

3. Now after this lets setup the MSsql DB from the Orginal files taken from Siementech HB Modifiyed by CDWriter and iluvatar. Open the file called CDWritersWS1Works3.sql with notepad. This should be in the SQLsetupFiles Directory and change the path to where your MSsql DB Data files should be if u installed it to the Normal path C:\Program Files\ then the first and second path should be correct all ready, If u have not then correct the path to where you stalled MSsql. Start again with line 3 but this time open the file called CDWritersMainLoginWorks3.sql and change the paths.

4. After all above is done lets open the MSsql Enterprise Manager, This is assuming u started the Mssql from control panel/Administrative tools/Services. If not go there now and open up services looking for Mssql and start it .. Now goto Tools / SQL Query Analyzer above when the Windows opens make sure master is set - top middle of the window -, Now click on the Open folder and browse to your 351HB directory inside the folder called SQLsetupFiles click on CDWritersWS1WorksX.sql when it opens click the Blue check mark or (Ctrl+F5) u should get a (The command(s) completed successfully.) in the results list. Now click Run green arrow next to the Blue check mark or press f5 it should finish completed. after this hit the save command and open the next file called CDWritersMainLoginWorksX.sql and do the exact same thing. MSSQL Bases COMPLETE.

5. Next we need to set up your Data Sources (ODBC) goto your control panel/Administrative tools/Data Sources (ODBC) when this open goto the tab System DSN hit add select SQL server then enter account for the Name and change the pull down for Server to local, click next. now on the next page u want to make sure that u have checked "with SQL Server authentication using a login ID and password entered by user" soon as this is checked u need to add your Login ID : sa and your password when u installed MSSQL in Mixed mode. after that it should check your l/p connection with mssql automaticly when u hit Next. Now on Next window u need to make sure that u have the check mark on "Change the defualt database to" and use the pull down to select mainlogin, hit next . on the next page leave everything else alone but make sure u check the "Log ODBC driver statistics to Log file" hit Finish. Now Test then OK.

6. On the tab System DSN again hit add select SQL server then enter character for the Name and change the pull down for Server to local, click next. now on the next page u want to make sure that u have checked "with SQL Server authentication using a login ID and password entered by user" soon as this is checked u need to add your Login ID : sa and your password when u installed MSSQL in Mixed mode. after that it should check your l/p connection with mssql automaticly when u hit Next. Now on Next window u need to make sure that u have the check mark on "Change the defualt database to" and use the pull down to select ws1, hit next . on the next page leave everything else alone but make sure u check the "Log ODBC driver statistics to Log file" hit Finish. Now Test then OK. Your DONE with your DB setup and ODBC connections ...

7. Now for the fun part u need to hex edit the MainLServer.exe and WorldLServer-3.51.exe. Lets start with the first one use any hex editor and search for the word ACCOUNT_T and below that u will find a line like this.
DSN=account;User ID=sa;pwd=XXXXXXXXX;Provider=MSDASQL.1 use your hex editor and add in your NEW MSSQL sa password, save your done. now for WorldLServer-3.51.exe its the same above but this time u will see a line like this.
Data Source=character;User ID=sa;pwd=XXXXXXXX;Provider=MSDASQL.1; use your hex editor and add in your NEW MSSQL sa password.. Your Finished

8. Makeing a new connection ...

9 Ok lets get started on the New connection first u need to make a account in your new Sql Dbases u have made open up SQL Server Enterprise Manager and then click on Mircosoft Sql Servers / SQL Server Group / (Local)(Windows NT) / Databases ..Once u have this open click on mainlogin then Tables, soon as u click on table it will open up the window to the right and show u all the tables now left click on the ACCOUNT_T then right click it goto OPEN Tables / return all rows.. a window will open and this is where u need to add in your account info which ill give example below - the password..

Account[cAccountID] XXXXX[cPasswd] 1001[iAccountID] <NULL>[cLoginIpAddress] <NULL>[IsGMAccount] <NULL>[CreatDate] <NULL>[LoginDate] <NULL>[LogoutDate] <NULL>[BlockDate] CDWriter[cRealName] <NULL>[SSN] me@home.com[cEmail] <NULL>[cCharRecord] <NULL>[cQuiz] <NULL>[cAnswer] <SetDateValidatesAccount>[ValidDate] <SetTimeValidatesAccountByTime>[iValidTime] 2000[MaxUser] <NULL>[ShopID]

I also got it to connect with just cAccountID(Name) , cPasswd(XXXXX), iAccountID(Sql Auto starts with 1001-UP just skip this.) and u need <ValidDate>12/2/3254 Or <iValidTime>1-10000 eather one but u must have 1 of them set, dont forget to add in your MaxUsers..... There is no such thing as a GM account so make sure u change the IsGMAccount and all other accounts u create will be 0 always. Siementech HB changed to this when they made it all SQL so they could give 1 GM char to others with out haveing them make new GM charactors.. now close this and log on to the Server with your 3.51 client ...As soon as u get to your charactor menu create a Charactor like you would normaly, log on and walk around for a few secs, then log off ....Your done and u can make new chars to play ... But hey wait what about a GM account ok lets do this again after u have logged out go back to your SQL Manager now this time open the dbases called ws1 then click on tables right click on CHARACTOR_T table then goto OPEN Tables / return all rows.. a window will open and this is where u will see your new charactor u made and walked around, move it over till u see sAdminLevel change this to a 5 <-- Full GM access a sAdminLevel of 1 will give them access to TP and watch others but this is all ... got GM commands u need to open the HGserver in a hex editor and search for the word "PC CHAT". u will find something like this ..

If u change anything in the hex editor make sure u have a back up so if u make a mistake u still have Orginals...

PC Chat(%s):"%s" to GM(%s) ¿ù ¿ì ¿ö /beginheldenianfight /endheldenian /beginheldenian /endapocalypse /beginapocalypse /getticket /setobservermode (!) GAME SERVER SHUTDOWN PROCESS BEGIN(by Admin-Command)!!! /shutdownthisserverrightnow /deleteparty /getpartyinfo /dismissparty /joinparty /createparty GM Order(%s): endcrusadetotalwar /endcrusadetotalwar GM Order(%s): begincrusadetotalwar /begincrusadetotalwar GM Order(%s): energysphere /energysphere /MonsterCount /enableadmincommand 4415 /enableadmincreateitem 4415 /createitem /disconnectall /summon /setforcerecalltime /setattackmode /gns /setinvi /polymorph /checkip /unsummonboss /unsummonall /summonplayer /summondemon /goto /tp /teleport /createfish /attack /dissmiss /reservefightzone /°­Åð /ban /closeconn /ÀÚÀ¯ /free /°ø°Ý /tgt /¸ØÃã /hold /³ª»ÛÆò°¡ /rep- /ÁÁÀºÆò°¡ /rep+ /shutup /ÇÁ·ÎÇʺ¸±â /pf /ÇÁ·ÎÇʼ³Á¤ /setpf /±Ó¼Ó¸» /to /Á¢¼ÓÈ®ÀÎ /fi /who GM Chat

These are your GM commands if u notice in your hex editor some of them have a single space after the command and here is a run down on a few of them ...

/tp <map>
Teleports you to your desired maps default recall position. (map list below). EG: /tp default

/tp <map> ### ###
Teleports you to your desired map specific location (map list below). EG: /tp default 40 100

/fi <player>
Give you the coords of a player who is logged ingame, and the map they are on. EG: /fi GM9

/summonplayer <player>
Summons a player to your location. This command is not to be used often at all! Never summon anyone to a place they can run to themselves. Never summon someone to any of the new maps, or close to the icebound teleport! Mostly used to summon people back to an arena if they dc before the match starts (So you dont have to give them another ticket.) If they dc after the round starts, never tp them back to an arena match!

/shutup <name> <time in minute>
Even though it will show on the screen as being seconds, it's actually minutes.
Mutes the player for the amount of time. Never mute for longer than 60.EG: /shutup GM13 5

/shutup <player> 0
To remove a mute

/shutup <player> <#>
Also disables a persons admin powers. If a person is using tp hack /shutup will disable their commands. It will also disable a GM from being able to use other commands should one be 'hacked'.

/setinvi 0
Allows you to be viewed / visible.

/setinvi 1
Allows you to be invis / invisiable with out casting the spell.

Shows how many people are online at that particular moment

Allows you to move around the screen (at the moment only UP and LEFT) with out being hindered by players, or hindering them in any way. Move the cursor to the edge of the screen in order to move your screen.

This is a fast way to log out. Along with being able to view people with out them viewing you if they are using invis hack.

/attack <player>
This will summon 1 guard on the player.

/goto <player>
This will tp (Teleport) you directly to the right of the player.

/closeconn <player>
This sends a player to Bleeding Island for approx 5 mins. It also often disconnects the person as they connect through to the Bleeding Island server.

For the following <SPACE> means that the space bar button will need to be pressed in order for the command to work.

/reservefightzone #_<SPACE>
This is a GM's command for reserving an arena, it's like a guild master reserving it with out having to buy the tickets.

You should get verification of this at the bottom of the screen.

/reservefightzone #_<SPACE>
This command also unreserves an arena that has been reserved.

You should get verification of this at the bottom of the screen.

/setattackmode 0
Puts the map in to a safe zone. No one can do damage, or cast a spell.

You should get verification of this at the bottom of the screen.

/setattackmode 1
Puts the map in to an attack zone. Damage can be delt, and spells can be cast.

You should get verification of this at the bottom of the screen.

/getticket fightzone#
This will give you 3 tickets for the arena your in. Make sure that your standing in the arena that you wish to have tickets for.

Starting Heldenian and crusade and apoc

/beginheldenian 10(time) 1(BtField) 2(HRampart)
/beginheldenianfight ?


/tp ... command / map
default Beginner Zone
elvine Elvine
aresden Aresden
middleland Middle Land
elvuni Elvine Garden
areuni Aresden Garden
huntzone1 Rocky Highland
huntzone2 Eternal Field
huntzone3 Death Valley
huntzone4 Silent
elvfarm Elvine farm
arefarm Aresden farm
elvined1 Elvine Dungeon
aresdend1 Aresden Dungeon
bisle Bleeding Isle
resurr1 Resurrection Zone
resurr2 Resurrection Zone
toh1 Tower of Hell level 1
toh2 Tower of Hell level 2
toh3 Tower of Hell level 3
middled1x Middle Mine Land
middled1n Beginner Dungeon
2ndmiddle Land of Promise
dglv2 Dungeon level 2
dglv3 Dungeon level 3
dglv4 Dungeon level 4
icebound Ice Bound
Druncncity Druncian City
inferniaA Infernia A
inferniaB Infernia B
procella Procella
maze Maze
abaddon Abaddon
GodH Seige Map 1
HRampart Seige Map 2
BtField battle field
wrhus_1 wwh
arewrhus ewh
wrhus_1f fwh ares
wrhus_2 nwh
elvwrhus swh
wrhus_2f fwh elv
bsmith_1 bs aresden
bsmith_1f bs ares farm
bsmith_2 bs elvine
bsmith_2f bs elvine farm
gshop_1 shop ares
gshop_1f shop ares farm
gshop_2 shop elv
gshop_2f shop elv farm
wzdtwr_1 wizard tower ares
wzdtwr_2 wizard tower elv
Cmd_Hall_1 Command Hall ares
Cmd_Hall_2 Command Hall elv
cityhall_1 City Hall ares
cityhall_2 City Hall elv
cath_1 Church ares
cath_2 Church elv

/tp <map>
Teleports you to your desired maps default recall position. (map list below). EG: /tp default

/tp <map> ### ###
Teleports you to your desired map specific location (map list below). EG: /tp default 40 100

Your Done!!!!
thanks to GoldenBoy,iluvatar for his help and hours of testing for me and helping with the SQL stuff...

Posts: 97
Joined: Sun Apr 04, 2004 9:38 am

Post by MagicMan »

question ADDKiD..wut client you using?..i got 3.72..and clone 3.82 etc..loads of different ones actually..curious as most clients i got can't get Angel from cmd hall and get error message 'Unknown Command Delete Client"..LOL Also not a good place to advertise cracks in here too...:P anyone with some brains can get that shit from anywhere..Also i doubt you can use updates which XP needs sp3 or higher to run properly too if you use the crack..just letting ya'll no
Outpost bitch
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Post by RageIlluminati »

MagicMan wrote:question ADDKiD..wut client you using?..i got 3.72..and clone 3.82 etc..loads of different ones actually..curious as most clients i got can't get Angel from cmd hall and get error message 'Unknown Command Delete Client"..LOL Also not a good place to advertise cracks in here too...:P anyone with some brains can get that shit from anywhere..Also i doubt you can use updates which XP needs sp3 or higher to run properly too if you use the crack..just letting ya'll no
o'course you cant get angel from CH... 3.51 serverfiles does not have angels yet... I mean serverfiles not client...
<img src='http://helbreath.pri.ee/userbars/hbest-gamemaster2.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <img src='http://helbreath.pri.ee/userbars/hbsoccer-owner.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <img src='http://helbreath.pri.ee/userbars/scorpa-rider.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <img src='http://helbreath.pri.ee/userbars/logout-master.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <br>.<br>................................Ego sum Rage, flagellum Dei!<br><br>The problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? (bash.org)
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Post by ADDKiD »

That's the Tutorial that CDWriter/GoldenBoy wrote. I'm having lots of trouble with it. Most of the file names he talks about aren't even there... I'll give someone access to my computer to setup his files. And I don't have a Client for that, except the one Scale cracked. the v3.72 Client, which will work with it, so I'm told by Dax and Cleroth. Since USA is Ran SQL. I think anyways. If I get it to work. I'll post a link with the client. I'm so noob with MSSQL and his Tutorial is a bitch to follow...
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Post by MagicMan »

Yeah thats why i was woundering why...3./72 client works a treat but with Angels etc it doesn..like Rage said need to get a new HG to work along side client...but i'm woudering if it possible to hex in angels into HG..as in the name or so..seeing HG saying it receiving a Unkown Error..!! I know source would solve this but we don't have it..mmm
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Post by MagicMan »

Yeah thats why i was woundering why...3./72 client works a treat but with Angels etc it doesn..(it just HG doesn work with client,3.72 cient can use angels but hg not liking the message recievced)like Rage said need to get a new HG to work along side client...but i'm woudering if it possible to hex in angels into HG..as in the name or so..seeing HG saying it receiving a Unkown Error..!! I know source would solve this but we don't have it..mmm
Outpost bitch
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Post by RageIlluminati »

<!--QuoteBegin-ADDKiD+--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (ADDKiD)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->That's the Tutorial that CDWriter/GoldenBoy wrote. I'm having lots of trouble with it. Most of the file names he talks about aren't even there... I'll give someone access to my computer to setup his files. And I don't have a Client for that, except the one Scale cracked. the v3.72 Client, which will work with it, so I'm told by Dax and Cleroth. Since USA is Ran SQL. I think anyways. If I get it to work. I'll post a link with the client. I'm so noob with MSSQL and his Tutorial is a bitch to follow...[/quote]
use the files you have in this package... use my database creation scripts (I posted the link somewhere here this topic), user regular 3.51 mapdata, and regular 3.51 client is good enough.. I downloaded it from helbreathss.tk.. it works...

well only tricky part is to install MSSQL, create datababases, create ODBC datasources... HEX database password to MLserver.exe and WLserver.exe... and configure configfiles (if your server does not startup saying error: missing teleport.cfg or anything else.. create empty file with the right name.. at the beginning it works fine).. and then its done..

MagicMan wrote: but i'm woudering if it possible to hex in angels into HG..as in the name or so..seeing HG saying it receiving a Unkown Error..!! I know source would solve this but we don't have it..mmm
yeahh right... wanna HEX few hundred lines of code?

this is not only the command.. you have to program in all the procedures and Angels related things... not only netmessage or smthing
<img src='http://helbreath.pri.ee/userbars/hbest-gamemaster2.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <img src='http://helbreath.pri.ee/userbars/hbsoccer-owner.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <img src='http://helbreath.pri.ee/userbars/scorpa-rider.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <img src='http://helbreath.pri.ee/userbars/logout-master.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <br>.<br>................................Ego sum Rage, flagellum Dei!<br><br>The problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? (bash.org)
Posts: 97
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Post by MagicMan »

LOL thought so...just a noob question tho ...ya never know these days.. ;).As for setting up..it not that bad..If ya want a server without Angels then this is pretty stable for sure.maybe even bullet proof..lol :ph34r:
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Post by Sprint »

MagicMan wrote: ok here's my mainlog

[cAccountID] [nchar] (10) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[cPasswd] [nchar] (10) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NULL ,
[iAccountID] [int] NOT NULL ,
[cLoginIpAddress] [nchar] (20) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NULL ,
[IsGMAccount] [bit] NULL ,
[CreateDate] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[LoginDate] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[LogoutDate] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[BlockDate] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[cRealName] [nchar] (30) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NULL ,
[cSSN] [nchar] (20) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NULL ,
[cEmail] [nchar] (60) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NULL ,
[cCharRecord] [nchar] (100) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NULL ,
[cQuiz] [nchar] (45) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NULL ,
[cAnswer] [nchar] (20) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NULL ,
[ValidDate] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[iValidTime] [int] NULL ,
[iShopID] [int] NULL ,
[cKEYCODE] [nchar] (10) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NULL ,
[MaxUser] [int] NULL ,

and my ws1

[cCharName] [nchar] (10) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[cAccountID] [nchar] (10) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[CharID] [int] NOT NULL ,
[sID1] [smallint] NULL ,
[sID2] [smallint] NULL ,
[sID3] [smallint] NULL ,
[sLevel] [smallint] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__CHARACTER__sLeve__78B3EFCA] DEFAULT (1),
[sStr] [smallint] NULL ,
[sVit] [smallint] NULL ,
[sDex] [smallint] NULL ,
[sInt] [smallint] NULL ,
[sMag] [smallint] NULL ,
[sChar] [smallint] NULL ,
[iExp] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__CHARACTER___iExp__79A81403] DEFAULT (0),
[sUpStr] [smallint] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__CHARACTER__sUpSt__7A9C383C] DEFAULT (0),
[sUpVit] [smallint] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__CHARACTER__sUpVi__7B905C75] DEFAULT (0),
[sUpDex] [smallint] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__CHARACTER__sUpDe__7C8480AE] DEFAULT (0),
[sUpInt] [smallint] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__CHARACTER__sUpIn__7D78A4E7] DEFAULT (0),
[sUpMag] [smallint] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__CHARACTER__sUpMa__7E6CC920] DEFAULT (0),
[sUpChar] [smallint] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__CHARACTER__sUpCh__7F60ED59] DEFAULT (0),
[bGender] [bit] NULL ,
[sSkin] [smallint] NULL ,
[sHairStyle] [smallint] NULL ,
[sHairColor] [smallint] NULL ,
[sUnderWear] [smallint] NULL ,
[iApprColor] [int] NULL ,
[sAppr1] [smallint] NULL ,
[sAppr2] [smallint] NULL ,
[sAppr3] [smallint] NULL ,
[sAppr4] [smallint] NULL ,
[cNation] [nchar] (10) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[cMapLoc] [nchar] (10) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[sLocX] [smallint] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__CHARACTER__sLocX__00551192] DEFAULT ((-1)),
[sLocY] [smallint] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__CHARACTER__sLocY__014935CB] DEFAULT ((-1)),
[cProfile] [nchar] (70) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[sAdminLevel] [smallint] NULL ,
[iContribution] [int] NULL ,
[iLeftSpecTime] [int] NULL ,
[cLockMapName] [nchar] (10) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[iLockMapTime] [int] NULL ,
[FileSaveDate] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[BlockDate] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
[cGuildName] [nchar] (20) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[iGuildID] [int] NULL ,
[sGuildRank] [smallint] NULL ,
[sFightNum] [smallint] NULL ,
[sFightDate] [smallint] NULL ,
[sFightTicket] [smallint] NULL ,
[sQuestNum] [smallint] NULL ,
[sQuestID] [smallint] NULL ,
[sQuestCount] [smallint] NULL ,
[sQuestRewType] [smallint] NULL ,
[sQuestRewAmount] [smallint] NULL ,
[bQuestCompleted] [bit] NULL ,
[iEventID] [int] NULL ,
[iWarCon] [int] NULL ,
[iCruJob] [int] NULL ,
[iCruID] [int] NULL ,
[iCruConstructPoint] [int] NULL ,
[iPopular] [int] NULL ,
[iHP] [int] NULL ,
[iMP] [int] NULL ,
[iSP] [int] NULL ,
[iEK] [int] NULL ,
[iPK] [int] NULL ,
[iRewardGold] [int] NULL ,
[sDownSkillIDX] [smallint] NULL ,
[sHunger] [smallint] NULL ,
[sLeftSAC] [smallint] NULL ,
[iLeftShutupTime] [int] NULL ,
[iLeftPopTime] [int] NULL ,
[iLeftForceRecallTime] [int] NULL ,
[iLeftFirmStaminarTime] [int] NULL ,
[iLeftDeadpenaltyTime] [int] NULL ,
[cMagicMastery] [nchar] (100) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[iPartyID] [int] NULL ,
[cKEYCODE] [nchar] (10) COLLATE Estonian_CI_AS NULL ,
[iGizonItemUpgradeLeft] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_CHARACTER_T_iGizonItemUpgradeLeft] DEFAULT (0),
is this the only tables u need to have on the db? (ACCOUNT_T and CHARACTER_T)

nvm error got it work
<span style='color:blue'><span style='font-size:19pt;line-height:100%'><u><b>FUCK Helbreath!</b></u></span></span><br><br><span style='color:gray'><a href='http://www2.analystica.com/users/anttu/online/ngd' target='_blank'>ngdnetwork</a> OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF Northern Game Developers. Do visit! (THEY ARE UP!)<br><a href='http://project3d.x.am' target='_blank'>Project3d development forum</a> plz join and discuss,develop,give ideas,feedback. Anything goes as long it helps the project!</span><br><br>Zepto Znote 6625WD: 1.8Ghz dual core, 2GB, 512mb graphics card(dedicated), 160GB HDD<br><img src='http://www.signaturebar.com/uploads/images/10111.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><img src='http://www.signaturebar.com/uploads/images/13229.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><img src='http://www.signaturebar.com/uploads/images/8852.png' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
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