Wlserver Source

All Helbreath Server Source Discussion here.
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Post by Jaap »

tamir wrote:
Jaap wrote: 2 months ago you'd die for client source. because it's so cool and you can do cool things with it.

now you have it, you do nothing

now you'd die for v3.72 or later client source, because it's so cool and you can do cool things with it.

if released, you still sit on your ass complaining for 3.82

Woa I smell a loop !!
why u all think that i want the client so bad? unlike some of the people here my goal in life isn't to program hb <_<
omg, u say it would be nice to have the 3.72 client and ppl pick on u and think that's all u do in life :blink:
you shouldnt come here anymore, your "life" is in danger now
Posts: 53
Joined: Wed Feb 04, 2004 8:42 am

Post by tamir »

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