Discussion on Helbreath Hacks. New ones Released. and how to work them.
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Post by charlie »

as you might be aware of there is a new type of p2p hack protection the server now disconnects you instead of a forced log out we are trying to figure ways we can bypass this
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Post by Red »

i don't think there can be a possible way to stop urself from disconnecting.
if there is, lag wouldnt exist.

i guess all those guys who don't have CCs wn't be playing for awhile ;)
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Post by Flaxen »

i Agree with deliquent. U gotta calm down, harrassing and putting pressure on the p2p hack Process, wont make it go any faster.

LOL im addicted to playing hb int like any1 else, But just accept the fact its going to take awhile b4 there s p2p hack and chill .

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Post by Red »

my theory is, there cant possibly be a way to bypass this, its usually with the hg servers stuff, when they update. if they just update the client, and put the "dc" option into the client, it can easily be changed, tricked/fooled. this is different, if u try getitng in without paying(by trying to fool the server) it disconnects you. now think about it. how is it possible to go pass that?
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Post by bolex17 »

man, some og u guyz r seriously hb freakz.
no p2p hack is a opportunity to go outside and smell the fresh air :) and get out rather than lock urself in a room and play hb all day :)
enuff said.
o and btw. hope u get it fixed soon chalie,gs

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