Fucking n00bs who only speak

Discussion about Helbreath Server Files.
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Post by KaSe »

Fucking nerds, what the fuck you talking about, all you are shit who never have played in our server and only think about the fucking envey because dont have the 2.95 server

Fill your ass with:

Ohh!! Barlog is casting Earth Show Wave O_o

Mhhhh Wyvern is Casting Blizzard and Barlog Zerked is Casting Great Heal

Fire Wyvern is casting meteor O.o

Barlog that have casted Zerk????? WoooooooooWWWw




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Post by Zabuzon »

lol nice logo, I want one like urs
<img src='http://www.terra.es/personal3/deltha/zabu-sig.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
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Post by jraistlin »

lol, now the fucking faggs who say shit about our server are eating his fucking words looking we can use the 2.95 server and nots a fake like their fuckin servers.
and i laught in the face of that guy who says only spanish ppl, in our server have played koreans, malaisyans,japaneses, americans, brazilians and a lot of countries and we have considerated all them.
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Post by Aldarius »

going to share kase???? :D :rolleyes: :D :D
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Post by MoonMan »

Is it just me or do I care? <_<
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Post by charlie »

wtf you little cock sucking fagget dont you put shit on the whole of outpost for the actions on 1 person said they didn't believe you, next time you open that stupid trap of yours and attempt to give outpost shit ill make your server so shit it wont be funny

btw nice server ;)
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Post by shandriz »

You can't place the blame on all of outpost for the actions of a few people. If you want them to stop, then find out who did it and speak to them personally.
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Post by Tom0 »

at the end of the day its a private server, and all private servers are shit, so go figure

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Post by ratix »

i would play if i spoke spanish :P
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Post by GoldenBoy »

Sorry, he ment people of "Servers with most players" post (lite,hlova,jorge51,etc..)

You think private server sux? i wasted 2 years of my life playing a laggy server, with tons of hackers, acct thiefts, no events, no support, cheaters, edited ppl, edited items, it was siementech's international version, i hope usa is not like that , but well, usa and int arent free :D

So, if i ask you for money to play on extasis, it will be a good server for u?

We are working in english site to allow no spanish people play, i will post it when im done.
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Post by Wicky »

I agree with charlie and tomo on this, don't flame everyone for a small group of people who don't know what they are even talking about. :huh: Besides your private server isn't the greatest thing to grace the planet earth. It's nice to play a video game once in a while and all, but don't make it a such a big deal.... I mean talk about being cocky <_<

For one thing Helbreath is gettin pretty damn old. You can walk in 8 direction and attack in 8 directions. The entire game is made of cheese ball 2-D SPRITES. Basically your haveing a pissing war over a game that's about as good a SNES game (super nintendo for anyone still living under those rocks). I myself had fun with it, but it's nothing to start a flame war over. just relax please..

There is no need to say

" all you are shit who never have played in our server "

Also there are alot better games out in this... year 2004. Please pull your head outta your ass and quit calling other people shit, even as I'm sure that's all your seeing right now. :blink:

2.95? 3.2? No envy here, actually it's kinda upsetting to see that's all helbreath looks like in the newer versions. It's time to go out and get some new 3-D games, with powerful game engines and high polygon counts. :lol: These old games are gettin boreing.

Good luck to all the new people who are tring to start a server for the first time. It's a fun project and you might learn something. Just don't take yourself to seriously. :P
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Post by lite »

GoldenBoy wrote: Sorry, he ment people of "Servers with most players" post (lite,hlova,jorge51,etc..)

You think private server sux? i wasted 2 years of my life playing a laggy server, with tons of hackers, acct thiefts, no events, no support, cheaters, edited ppl, edited items, it was siementech's international version, i hope usa is not like that , but well, usa and int arent free :D

So, if i ask you for money to play on extasis, it will be a good server for u?

We are working in english site to allow no spanish people play, i will post it when im done.
did i say priv servs suck? no, i myself play on one.
lil key key<br><img src='http://www.helbreathx.com/nitsig.gif' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
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Post by Tom0 »

GoldenBoy wrote: Sorry, he ment people of "Servers with most players" post (lite,hlova,jorge51,etc..)

You think private server sux? i wasted 2 years of my life playing a laggy server, with tons of hackers, acct thiefts, no events, no support, cheaters, edited ppl, edited items, it was siementech's international version, i hope usa is not like that , but well, usa and int arent free :D

So, if i ask you for money to play on extasis, it will be a good server for u?

We are working in english site to allow no spanish people play, i will post it when im done.
i wasted 2 years of my life

Least it was running 2 years, these servers will be no way match that. This is even more so a waste of time as you most of the time u have nothing to show for the hours u spent playing. A private server can just close, its harder for an official server to close becuase its leagally binded.

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Post by GoldenBoy »

And a company can broke, our server is up since feb 03 ( 1 year now ) and will not close in 1 year more. If i wasnt admin of my server i would choose extasis in the place of international or usa.

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Post by Nineteen »

i wana try the server but you cant make accounts...still no email with the password
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