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Post by TomTom27 »

I'm in big love with my boyfriend from Canada, already for a long time we have a dream to marry, but we cannot do it, because USA laws dont allow gay marriages :(
However, I was hearing in England people do gay marriages, but we dont have enough money for the tickets :(
Can you help us with a small penny to make our dream alive?
Thank you a lot!!!

Tom - ICQ: 116894466

Please send money here:

<a href=' ... hokermedia' target='_blank'> ... ermedia</a> accounts: choker, choker1, choker2

e-gold: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>

Info for WU transfer:
Tom Chapman
4660 Chicadee Dr
Orlando, Florida USA

P.S.: Please visit my new site <a href='' target='_blank'></a>
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Post by binarydata »

im his lover, sex me men plx
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
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Post by Crossfade »

talk about charity
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Post by Sprint »

okay I dont really get this but we are suppose to donate money so that you2 can goto england and gaymarry?
Not that im against gays but I dont thing you will get so much money from here...
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