About Hgserver

Discussion on Helbreath Hacks. New ones Released. and how to work them.
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Post by Enigma »

So theres no new release for HGsever 3.51? I would like to have those who have these files.
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Post by snoopy81 »

no new release for HGsever 3.51?
What do you mean ?
Currenttly there is 2 kind of HGSERVER available:
- The one already compiled from HBChina
- All those coded from v2.03 sources. (or more recenttly released v2.20 sources)
In later cathégory a now dispapeared team, HBx released his last version, v2.24b or c (it's the same). Many people fixed those and added many new features. Some other people did the same job than HBx team and coded from v2.03, but their work is less known (ie: Hanckzar).

So hosting HB you have 2 solutions:
- Using China servers, including working features (Heldenian, Apoc....), but accepting Siementec limitations (Poor anti-hack; some "strange" features, missing things, no hope for real evolution....)
- Code your own server from well spread HBx sources or others. But many things are missing, or partially missing, and many bugs needs fixing.
- Some people may release their fixed sources (as I will some day), but this kind of server may be modified following the author's "spirit".
_\_ _<br> / , \__/ . \ Admin of Equilibrium Project<br> II\ \___ . O<br> III \_/ \ _ / <a href='http://www.equiprojet.com' target='_blank'>http://www.equiprojet.com</a><br> II I¯I
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