Shame On Hb2

Talk about helbreath here.
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Post by bone-you »

Slipknight wrote: ok its like this

Yes my car can have a top speed of 1000mph even if I may never reach it because its like in this situation, His car is on a track shared by 30 others so I CAN reach a top speed of 1000mph but does that mean I can with a track shared by many others? The posibility is low but its posible.

Plus you didnt "just" ask me for my datacenter because at the same time you made me out like I didnt know what im doing, so that my friend is an insult which started this whole bit.

How about you end this because Your still proving nothing, stop trying too show off knowledge you dont have.
I'd like to see your friends car reach 1000m/h, or anywhere near it. Your analogy is horrible.
So, who hosts your server? (what datacenter)
Was my question. Nothing more.

I'm proving everything I need to. If I have no knowledge, why are you using my HG server? :o!!! no way! You are! :o!!!
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><a href='' target='_blank'>#1 on Mafia :D</a><br><!--QuoteBegin-Slipknight+--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Slipknight)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->100mb Internet, burstable too 10GB oc192<br>his speed can go up too 10gbs<br>...<br>Yes my car can have a top speed of 1000mph<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='signature'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br>^^ I wonder where the retard went to.
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Post by Slipknight »

You said

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Generally, a person (you) who runs a server (helbreath) should know as much as they can about the host (box) it runs on. You are a bad server owner if you don't even know the info about the computer that runs your server, wouldn't you agree?
So thats insulting me if you read what you said because you were making it like I didnt know what I was doing which is a insult.

Your HG server? LOL im usuing 2.24c sources and there not yours there the HBx teams and half of its stolen anyway, wow im sure your buddys are happy you take credit for something you ALL worked on.

Yeah my analogy is horrible but im sure you understand it.

Im still waiting for you too tell me what your trying too prove here, oh and by the way i've already told you multiple times I dont know his datacenter but I can describe it which I've done, we done here? Because you done nothing but waste my time trying too explain too you what he has and you've repeatedly says he does'nt when I can see WITH MY OWN EYES that its that, my eyes may be 25/30 vision but Im sure my vision is'nt that bad.
<img src=' ... irjjkt.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br>
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Post by bone-you »

Slipknight wrote: You said

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Generally, a person (you) who runs a server (helbreath) should know as much as they can about the host (box) it runs on. You are a bad server owner if you don't even know the info about the computer that runs your server, wouldn't you agree?
So thats insulting me if you read what you said because you were making it like I didnt know what I was doing which is a insult.

Your HG server? LOL im usuing 2.24c sources and there not yours there the HBx teams and half of its stolen anyway, wow im sure your buddys are happy you take credit for something you ALL worked on.

Yeah my analogy is horrible but im sure you understand it.

Im still waiting for you too tell me what your trying too prove here, oh and by the way i've already told you multiple times I dont know his datacenter but I can describe it which I've done, we done here? Because you done nothing but waste my time trying too explain too you what he has and you've repeatedly says he does'nt when I can see WITH MY OWN EYES that its that, my eyes may be 25/30 vision but Im sure my vision is'nt that bad.
K. Let's go over this. Who owns HBx? Me. Who started HBx? Me. Who started HBx dev team? Me. Who made it so those sources and exes were available to public? Me. Who's doing is it that you're using anything besides 2.191? Mine. I hate to have to say all that as I'm not that arrogant or anything, but to explain it to you, I shall. Yes, hypno and klks did much of the coding, but without me having HBx dev, they'd have never coded any of it. I can rightfully say my sources as they can say theirs. We all put in our efforts into it to make it what it is today. Without me, no one would have gotten past the data syntax bug for a long time. Doubt you even know what the problem even was or how to fix it.

Your analogy was more than horrible. It made no sense. A car can't hit 1000m/h without falling to pieces far before reaching that speed. Just like your little pipes can't reach 10gbps as they are incapable of doing so being they are capped at 100mbps (bursts are possible as I said, but who the hell can take 100mbps+ bursts?)

You've seen bursts of 10gbps with your own eyes? Got a picture? My point I'm making is you know nothing of datacenters, nothing of HB, and don't deserve to be running a server. End of story. Need I say more?
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><a href='' target='_blank'>#1 on Mafia :D</a><br><!--QuoteBegin-Slipknight+--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Slipknight)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->100mb Internet, burstable too 10GB oc192<br>his speed can go up too 10gbs<br>...<br>Yes my car can have a top speed of 1000mph<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='signature'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br>^^ I wonder where the retard went to.
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Post by delinquent »

Slipknight wrote:
Your HG server? LOL im usuing 2.24c sources and there not yours there the HBx teams and half of its stolen anyway, wow im sure your buddys are happy you take credit for something you ALL worked on.
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br>Don't ban me, ban the idiot!
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Post by Slipknight »

bone-you wrote:
Slipknight wrote: You said

Code: Select all

Generally, a person (you) who runs a server (helbreath) should know as much as they can about the host (box) it runs on. You are a bad server owner if you don't even know the info about the computer that runs your server, wouldn't you agree?
So thats insulting me if you read what you said because you were making it like I didnt know what I was doing which is a insult.

Your HG server? LOL im usuing 2.24c sources and there not yours there the HBx teams and half of its stolen anyway, wow im sure your buddys are happy you take credit for something you ALL worked on.

Yeah my analogy is horrible but im sure you understand it.

Im still waiting for you too tell me what your trying too prove here, oh and by the way i've already told you multiple times I dont know his datacenter but I can describe it which I've done, we done here? Because you done nothing but waste my time trying too explain too you what he has and you've repeatedly says he does'nt when I can see WITH MY OWN EYES that its that, my eyes may be 25/30 vision but Im sure my vision is'nt that bad.
K. Let's go over this. Who owns HBx? Me. Who started HBx? Me. Who started HBx dev team? Me. Who made it so those sources and exes were available to public? Me. Who's doing is it that you're using anything besides 2.191? Mine. I hate to have to say all that as I'm not that arrogant or anything, but to explain it to you, I shall. Yes, hypno and klks did much of the coding, but without me having HBx dev, they'd have never coded any of it. I can rightfully say my sources as they can say theirs. We all put in our efforts into it to make it what it is today. Without me, no one would have gotten past the data syntax bug for a long time. Doubt you even know what the problem even was or how to fix it.

Your analogy was more than horrible. It made no sense. A car can't hit 1000m/h without falling to pieces far before reaching that speed. Just like your little pipes can't reach 10gbps as they are incapable of doing so being they are capped at 100mbps (bursts are possible as I said, but who the hell can take 100mbps+ bursts?)

You've seen bursts of 10gbps with your own eyes? Got a picture? My point I'm making is you know nothing of datacenters, nothing of HB, and don't deserve to be running a server. End of story. Need I say more?
Yeah your still taking credit for everything which you probably contributed what 5% in doing? GG im sure your friends love too be slaved and get no credit whatsoever.

Also a analogy does'nt have too be true my god, but its a good enough analogy too understand even though it may be bad.

For the billionth time his speed can go up too 10gbs but its unlikely it will.
His speed can be anywhere in the range of 100mbs all the way too 10gbs at any given time.

And I never said I knew anything of datacenters in the first place.

Also you cant say I know nothing of HB when its obvious I do.

And I dont deserve too run a server?Im happy you think your own opinion but I really dont want or need too know it in the first place.

Stop babbling on with your useless crap, your getting nowhere with this and refuse too admit your wrong, I can plainly know its what it is because I've seen the freaking box and the line and all the setup and wtf ever else.

I see it and am usuing it therefore im right in this situation, you cant tell me im wrong about something im looking at right now.

Stop in conclusion too this useless time wasting debate, drop it, because your not right plain and simple I dont care what you may think and I never asked for what you think and I dont wanna know what you think, what I know is im looking at it right now and know im correct therefore.

End of Story? Yes.

Any more replys needed? No.
<img src=' ... irjjkt.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br>
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Post by bone-you »

Slipknight wrote: Yeah your still taking credit for everything which you probably contributed what 5% in doing? GG im sure your friends love too be slaved and get no credit whatsoever.

Also a analogy does'nt have too be true my god, but its a good enough analogy too understand even though it may be bad.

For the billionth time his speed can go up too 10gbs but its unlikely it will.
His speed can be anywhere in the range of 100mbs all the way too 10gbs at any given time.

And I never said I knew anything of datacenters in the first place.

Also you cant say I know nothing of HB when its obvious I do.

And I dont deserve too run a server?Im happy you think your own opinion but I really dont want or need too know it in the first place.

Stop babbling on with your useless crap, your getting nowhere with this and refuse too admit your wrong, I can plainly know its what it is because I've seen the freaking box and the line and all the setup and wtf ever else.

I see it and am usuing it therefore im right in this situation, you cant tell me im wrong about something im looking at right now.

Stop in conclusion too this useless time wasting debate, drop it, because your not right plain and simple I dont care what you may think and I never asked for what you think and I dont wanna know what you think, what I know is im looking at it right now and know im correct therefore.

End of Story? Yes.

Any more replys needed? No.
I'm taking credit because legally, all of the source you use is MINE because it was DEVELOPED under the name HBX which is MY organization. Enough of it was modified to break away from any copyright Siementech can hold over it. If I seriously wanted to, I could get full copyrights on it and sue you for using it. Then we'd see who gets the last laugh as only I can support real proof to copyright it and you'd be forced down to no server or 2.191.

Analogies have to be true, otherwise they are invalid. An analogy is a comparison, and what good is it to compare one thing that is valid with another that is invalid. I made a valid point by stating a car can't go 1000m/h, then you state that a car can. Right..

His speed can't go up to 10gbps as OC192 isn't even 10gbps. It's 9.5, and your datacenter isn't gaurunteed 9.5gbps 24/7 as there is latency issues that play roles, along with other users using the bandwidth. If you were on any decent datacenter there would be more than 30 people sharing. Also, the lines datacenters use to connect you to the internal routers wouldn't support more than 1gbps, why? Because you'd have to reason to use more than x10 the amount you've been allotted. So not only would it be physically impossible for data over 1gbps to be transferred, but it'd be rare for even 1gbps to be going through wires when the limit on the routers are set to 100mbps.

Bursts are logical. My cable gets bursts too, but never over it's max capabilities. My cable line capabilities are 10mbps and never can it go over, even with bursts as it's physically impossible.

You're sitting here claiming you know all the constucts of a datacenter saying you can use up all their bandwidth at any given time. You'd lose your server for doing that.

You obviously know nothing about hb if you think you need at least 10mbps to run a non-laggy server. 2mbps upload would be suffice for up to 150 players which would be an achievement to get as not many people play hb anymore.

No one cares if you don't want to read opinions. Don't read them then.

I refuse to admit something that is false. You've seen the box? See below\/

The only reason this debate could be useless is because you are being unrealistic and illogical.

If you saw the box, what kind of hosting is your friend getting for it? Dedicated, relocated, shared?

You've even seen the line? You've actually visited the datacenter? How else would you see the line? If you visited them, you'd know the name of them. You're looking at it all now? How so? Are you telepathetic/psycho? (laugh)

No one will respect your "end of story" and "any more replies needed" if you don't respect others' posts like that.
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><a href='' target='_blank'>#1 on Mafia :D</a><br><!--QuoteBegin-Slipknight+--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Slipknight)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->100mb Internet, burstable too 10GB oc192<br>his speed can go up too 10gbs<br>...<br>Yes my car can have a top speed of 1000mph<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='signature'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br>^^ I wonder where the retard went to.
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Post by Slipknight »

bone-you wrote:
Slipknight wrote: Yeah your still taking credit for everything which you probably contributed what 5% in doing? GG im sure your friends love too be slaved and get no credit whatsoever.

Also a analogy does'nt have too be true my god, but its a good enough analogy too understand even though it may be bad.

For the billionth time his speed can go up too 10gbs but its unlikely it will.
His speed can be anywhere in the range of 100mbs all the way too 10gbs at any given time.

And I never said I knew anything of datacenters in the first place.

Also you cant say I know nothing of HB when its obvious I do.

And I dont deserve too run a server?Im happy you think your own opinion but I really dont want or need too know it in the first place.

Stop babbling on with your useless crap, your getting nowhere with this and refuse too admit your wrong, I can plainly know its what it is because I've seen the freaking box and the line and all the setup and wtf ever else.

I see it and am usuing it therefore im right in this situation, you cant tell me im wrong about something im looking at right now.

Stop in conclusion too this useless time wasting debate, drop it, because your not right plain and simple I dont care what you may think and I never asked for what you think and I dont wanna know what you think, what I know is im looking at it right now and know im correct therefore.

End of Story? Yes.

Any more replys needed? No.
I'm taking credit because legally, all of the source you use is MINE because it was DEVELOPED under the name HBX which is MY organization. Enough of it was modified to break away from any copyright Siementech can hold over it. If I seriously wanted to, I could get full copyrights on it and sue you for using it. Then we'd see who gets the last laugh as only I can support real proof to copyright it and you'd be forced down to no server or 2.191.

Analogies have to be true, otherwise they are invalid. An analogy is a comparison, and what good is it to compare one thing that is valid with another that is invalid. I made a valid point by stating a car can't go 1000m/h, then you state that a car can. Right..

His speed can't go up to 10gbps as OC192 isn't even 10gbps. It's 9.5, and your datacenter isn't gaurunteed 9.5gbps 24/7 as there is latency issues that play roles, along with other users using the bandwidth. If you were on any decent datacenter there would be more than 30 people sharing. Also, the lines datacenters use to connect you to the internal routers wouldn't support more than 1gbps, why? Because you'd have to reason to use more than x10 the amount you've been allotted. So not only would it be physically impossible for data over 1gbps to be transferred, but it'd be rare for even 1gbps to be going through wires when the limit on the routers are set to 100mbps.

Bursts are logical. My cable gets bursts too, but never over it's max capabilities. My cable line capabilities are 10mbps and never can it go over, even with bursts as it's physically impossible.

You're sitting here claiming you know all the constucts of a datacenter saying you can use up all their bandwidth at any given time. You'd lose your server for doing that.

You obviously know nothing about hb if you think you need at least 10mbps to run a non-laggy server. 2mbps upload would be suffice for up to 150 players which would be an achievement to get as not many people play hb anymore.

No one cares if you don't want to read opinions. Don't read them then.

I refuse to admit something that is false. You've seen the box? See below\/

The only reason this debate could be useless is because you are being unrealistic and illogical.

If you saw the box, what kind of hosting is your friend getting for it? Dedicated, relocated, shared?

You've even seen the line? You've actually visited the datacenter? How else would you see the line? If you visited them, you'd know the name of them. You're looking at it all now? How so? Are you telepathetic/psycho? (laugh)

No one will respect your "end of story" and "any more replies needed" if you don't respect others' posts like that.
#1 Oh wow im waiting for you too do this so then I can say I've also edited it "enough" so its not legally yours.

#2 What I mean is I was saying metaphorically if a car "could' go 1000mph and then stated the situation, meaning it does'nt have too be true but the point of it must be proven.

#3 I know oc192 is'nt 10gbs but most ppl say it is and another things its 9.6 gbs since you wanna get all specific.

#4 Yeah it does'nt burst over its max capability of 10gb(9.6 if you wanna be gay) it bursts from 100mb too 10gb but does'nt go over and I doubt it will ever burst too a speed of 10gbs.

#5 I've seen it as in I have the remote connection and im looking at a prog he has which monitors his current internet speed.

#6 And yes I do need 10mbs if I dont wanna lag nor get downed by a spic known as sango.

And in conclusion are you ever going too say what your trying too prove? I know it is what it is because im looking at it, have you seen it? no but yet you try too prove me wrong.
<img src=' ... irjjkt.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br>
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Post by bone-you »

Slipknight wrote: #1 Oh wow im waiting for you too do this so then I can say I've also edited it "enough" so its not legally yours.

#2 What I mean is I was saying metaphorically if a car "could' go 1000mph and then stated the situation, meaning it does'nt have too be true but the point of it must be true.

#3 I know oc192 is'nt 10gbs but most ppl say it is and another things its 9.6 gbs since you wanna get all specific.

#4 Yeah it does'nt burst over its max capability of 10gb(9.6 if you wanna be gay) it bursts from 100mb too 10gb but does'nt go over and I doubt it will ever burst too a speed of 10gbs.

#5 I've seen it as in I have the remote connection and im looking at a prog he has which monitors his current internet speed.

#6 And yes I do need 10mbs if I dont wanna lag nor get downed by a spic known as sango.

And in conclusion are you ever going too say what your trying too prove? I know it is what it is because im looking at it, have you seen it? no but yet you try too prove me wrong.
You must provide proof you've edited enough (btw, it's around 35% of the total code that must be edited for it to be called your own)

Your point isn't true though since a car can't reach 1000m/h just like your lines can't reach 10000mbps.

Sorry, mistyped what I said. Meant to say 9.95 not 9.5. Missed that 9, my apologies. Either way, 9.95 is not 10 because .05 is not .00. It may be technical, but if you're going to act like you know all, you should seriously know all.

You're not getting it. The lines connecting my computer to my hub right now have max capabilities of 100mbps (and I have tested them thoroughly) and prove to never go over 100mbps. I have a 1gbps lan card on this comp which also, can never go over 1gbps. Physical limitations. The wires connecting your box to the routers have no reason to support 10gbps as why the hell would they give you the option to use ALL of their bandwidth? At MOST they'd make it 1gbps to allow bursts, but that's pushing it. When datacenters say 100mbps, they mean 100mbps.

Guess what my computer can do. It can report data speeds at 900kbps when a download starts. Does it really go that fast? No. It's a flaw in the program that causes the timer to be slightly off which makes it report faster speeds off the start and it slowly fixes itself with an average. Goody for your remote connection. Too bad it's not a physical view of the box, the lines, and your pipes leading from your routers there to the massive 10gbps pipe collection.

You don't need 10mbps, let alone 100mbps to host a decent hb server. 5mbps is all you'll ever need as there aren't even enough players now to take full advantage of that.

I already said what I'm trying to prove. By my last post:
Knowledge of hb server running: None
This post:
Knowledge of datacenters: None
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><a href='' target='_blank'>#1 on Mafia :D</a><br><!--QuoteBegin-Slipknight+--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Slipknight)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->100mb Internet, burstable too 10GB oc192<br>his speed can go up too 10gbs<br>...<br>Yes my car can have a top speed of 1000mph<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='signature'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br>^^ I wonder where the retard went to.
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Post by Slipknight »

bone-you wrote:
Slipknight wrote: #1 Oh wow im waiting for you too do this so then I can say I've also edited it "enough" so its not legally yours.

#2 What I mean is I was saying metaphorically if a car "could' go 1000mph and then stated the situation, meaning it does'nt have too be true but the point of it must be true.

#3 I know oc192 is'nt 10gbs but most ppl say it is and another things its 9.6 gbs since you wanna get all specific.

#4 Yeah it does'nt burst over its max capability of 10gb(9.6 if you wanna be gay) it bursts from 100mb too 10gb but does'nt go over and I doubt it will ever burst too a speed of 10gbs.

#5 I've seen it as in I have the remote connection and im looking at a prog he has which monitors his current internet speed.

#6 And yes I do need 10mbs if I dont wanna lag nor get downed by a spic known as sango.

And in conclusion are you ever going too say what your trying too prove? I know it is what it is because im looking at it, have you seen it? no but yet you try too prove me wrong.
You must provide proof you've edited enough (btw, it's around 35% of the total code that must be edited for it to be called your own)

Your point isn't true though since a car can't reach 1000m/h just like your lines can't reach 10000mbps.

Sorry, mistyped what I said. Meant to say 9.95 not 9.5. Missed that 9, my apologies. Either way, 9.95 is not 10 because .05 is not .00. It may be technical, but if you're going to act like you know all, you should seriously know all.

You're not getting it. The lines connecting my computer to my hub right now have max capabilities of 100mbps (and I have tested them thoroughly) and prove to never go over 100mbps. I have a 1gbps lan card on this comp which also, can never go over 1gbps. Physical limitations. The wires connecting your box to the routers have no reason to support 10gbps as why the hell would they give you the option to use ALL of their bandwidth? At MOST they'd make it 1gbps to allow bursts, but that's pushing it. When datacenters say 100mbps, they mean 100mbps.

Guess what my computer can do. It can report data speeds at 900kbps when a download starts. Does it really go that fast? No. It's a flaw in the program that causes the timer to be slightly off which makes it report faster speeds off the start and it slowly fixes itself with an average. Goody for your remote connection. Too bad it's not a physical view of the box, the lines, and your pipes leading from your routers there to the massive 10gbps pipe collection.

You don't need 10mbps, let alone 100mbps to host a decent hb server. 5mbps is all you'll ever need as there aren't even enough players now to take full advantage of that.

I already said what I'm trying to prove. By my last post:
Knowledge of hb server running: None
This post:
Knowledge of datacenters: None
#1 Could'nt recognize the sarcasm eh? Go ahead waste money copyrighting and doing all that shit im just waiting.

#2 Metaphorically speaking IF a car could damn do you even read my posts?

#3 I dont act like I know all but out of the people here I can gurantee you I know all about what im about too run my server on.

#4 Its called FiberOptic lines. BTW I already said I was'nt sure if it was 1 or a billion lines plugged up too it whichever it does'nt matter.

#5 Im viewing this program which is on his program and has been running since the day he installed its OS so im sure it has averaged itself out.

#6 If I want my server too run more than 6 days and not get downed by a spic I WILL need more than 10mbs.

#7 This would be my 3rd or 4th server I've either helped in running or ran.

#8 I never said I knew everything nor anything about datacenters so dont put words in my mouth.

And no you have not proven any point.
<img src=' ... irjjkt.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br>
Posts: 1310
Joined: Wed Mar 16, 2005 3:12 am

Post by bone-you »

Slipknight wrote: #1 Could'nt recognize the sarcasm eh? Go ahead waste money copyrighting and doing all that shit im just waiting.

#2 Metaphorically speaking IF a car could damn do you even read my posts?

#3 I dont act like I know all but out of the people here I can gurantee you I know all about wtf im about too run my server on.

#4 Its called FiberOptic lines. BTW I already said I was'nt sure if it was 1 or a billion lines plugged up too it whichever it does'nt matter.

#5 Im viewing this program which is on his program and has been running since the day he installed its OS so im sure it has averaged itself out.

#6 If I want my server too run more than 6 days and not get downed by a spic I WILL need more than 10mbs.

#7 This would be my 3rd or 4th server I've either helped in running or ran.

#8 I never said I knew everything nor anything about datacenters so dont put words in my mouth.

And no you have not proven any point.
I'd waste money copyrighting it, as I can create a game out of it (and am) and can make money off of it.

Want to use your analogy? You said
Yes my car can have a top speed of 1000mph even if I may never reach it because its like in this situation, His car is on a track shared by 30 others so I CAN reach a top speed of 1000mph but does that mean I can with a track shared by many others? The posibility is low but its posible.
Let's do a relation. 30 people on a datacenter. 30 people on a track. Your box can go 10gbps according to you. Your car can also go 1000m/h. All that means the other 29 people can also go 10gbps at times, and also 1000m/h at times. The invalid point here is that when talking about cars, 30 cars, according to you, can go 1000m/h all at the same time on a track, while 30 users on a datacenter cannot use the max bandwidth (10gbps) all at the same time. THAT RIGHT THERE proves your analogy to be invalid, unusable, and meaningless.

You sure do know what you're running your server on. That's why you don't know the datacenter, don't even know your bandwidth capabilities, and don't even understand the concept of bandwidth at all.

Cable is fiber optic. Max capability? 10mbps. The amount of lines connected to a pipe in a datacenter are very important. More users using it equals less bandwidth for all meaning you can't reach your oh so daring 10gbps(9.95gbps).

You don't quite get it. It's all about timers inside the program. It doesn't average out over weeks. That's not how bandwidth monitors work. If it did, it'd always be low and therefore would never report anything as high because it was averaging in a peak traffic along with most of the time low traffic. You don't even know math very well.

Lies. Bet I can run a server for over a week without being downed by anyone. Day 2 for me now.

You claim to know everything about datacenter bandwidth by everything you say so don't deny your own words or must I quote you to prove you wrong in that too?

Points proven:
Q: 4 (knowledge (hb/datacenters), math, your own words)
Slipknight: 0

EDIT: Also again, my mistake. I was reading the wrong thing.. No wonder it looked wrong. OC192 costs over 300k$ per month to maintain. The MODEM costs 20-30k$ itself.
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><a href='' target='_blank'>#1 on Mafia :D</a><br><!--QuoteBegin-Slipknight+--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Slipknight)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->100mb Internet, burstable too 10GB oc192<br>his speed can go up too 10gbs<br>...<br>Yes my car can have a top speed of 1000mph<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='signature'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br>^^ I wonder where the retard went to.
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Post by Slipknight »

bone-you wrote:
Slipknight wrote: #1 Could'nt recognize the sarcasm eh? Go ahead waste money copyrighting and doing all that shit im just waiting.

#2 Metaphorically speaking IF a car could damn do you even read my posts?

#3 I dont act like I know all but out of the people here I can gurantee you I know all about wtf im about too run my server on.

#4 Its called FiberOptic lines. BTW I already said I was'nt sure if it was 1 or a billion lines plugged up too it whichever it does'nt matter.

#5 Im viewing this program which is on his program and has been running since the day he installed its OS so im sure it has averaged itself out.

#6 If I want my server too run more than 6 days and not get downed by a spic I WILL need more than 10mbs.

#7 This would be my 3rd or 4th server I've either helped in running or ran.

#8 I never said I knew everything nor anything about datacenters so dont put words in my mouth.

And no you have not proven any point.
I'd waste money copyrighting it, as I can create a game out of it (and am) and can make money off of it.

Want to use your analogy? You said
Yes my car can have a top speed of 1000mph even if I may never reach it because its like in this situation, His car is on a track shared by 30 others so I CAN reach a top speed of 1000mph but does that mean I can with a track shared by many others? The posibility is low but its posible.
Let's do a relation. 30 people on a datacenter. 30 people on a track. Your box can go 10gbps according to you. Your car can also go 1000m/h. All that means the other 29 people can also go 10gbps at times, and also 1000m/h at times. The invalid point here is that when talking about cars, 30 cars, according to you, can go 1000m/h all at the same time on a track, while 30 users on a datacenter cannot use the max bandwidth (10gbps) all at the same time. THAT RIGHT THERE proves your analogy to be invalid, unusable, and meaningless.

You sure do know what you're running your server on. That's why you don't know the datacenter, don't even know your bandwidth capabilities, and don't even understand the concept of bandwidth at all.

Cable is fiber optic. Max capability? 10mbps. The amount of lines connected to a pipe in a datacenter are very important. More users using it equals less bandwidth for all meaning you can't reach your oh so daring 10gbps(9.95gbps).

You don't quite get it. It's all about timers inside the program. It doesn't average out over weeks. That's not how bandwidth monitors work. If it did, it'd always be low and therefore would never report anything as high because it was averaging in a peak traffic along with most of the time low traffic. You don't even know math very well.

Lies. Bet I can run a server for over a week without being downed by anyone. Day 2 for me now.

You claim to know everything about datacenter bandwidth by everything you say so don't deny your own words or must I quote you to prove you wrong in that too?

Points proven:
Q: 4 (knowledge (hb/datacenters), math, your own words)
Slipknight: 0

EDIT: Also again, my mistake. I was reading the wrong thing.. No wonder it looked wrong. OC192 costs over 300k$ per month to maintain. The MODEM costs 20-30k$ itself.
Ok since this is just stupid since you dont fucking read what I write.

Heres the facts,

1.His internet is 100mbs NORMALLY but usually runs above and has capability of going at 10GB but most likely wont ever.

2.So what if you copyright it, I dont gotta give them my source and I can edit all your commands and displays that say its yours (which I've done) so they would never know.

End of story im finished here, I have stated the facts and thats enough.
<img src=' ... irjjkt.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br>
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Post by bone-you »

Slipknight wrote: Ok since this is just stupid since you dont fucking read what I write.

Heres the facts,

1.His internet is 100mbs NORMALLY but usually runs above and has capability of going at 10GB but most likely wont ever.

2.So you if your copyright it, I dont gotta give them my source and I can edit all your commands and displays that say its yours (which I've done) so they would never know.

End of story im finished here, I have stated the facts and thats enough.
I read what you say apparently because I can respond back to it. You read what I say too, but the different is you can't comprehend it. Let me use easy words so you can understand.

Little wires coming from your computer at the datacenter can't go faster than they were made to. Point made and unarguable unless you're just plain stupid.

Changing a copyright notice won't make it yours. You'd have to actually code (you'd never get far) to make it your own. You're just too stupid to think about the possibilities in a realistic sense. Instead you think of what can happen if the world revolved around you and you made the rules. Reality check, you don't rule the world, there are physical limitations to wires built to only handle a certain amount of data, and a car cannot go 1000m/h and 30 users cannot use 10gbps simultaneously of a datacenter's bandwidth of only 10gbps total.

EDIT: "(which I've done)" btw, that's copyright infringement as it is not your source so you are not allowed to change anything that displays the true owners of it. Just like txt files inside packages of programs that say you must distribute the txt file with any parts of the files you give out. It's all legal binding and since you've admitted to doing it here, action can be taken because in a copyright sense, it is illegal.
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><a href='' target='_blank'>#1 on Mafia :D</a><br><!--QuoteBegin-Slipknight+--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Slipknight)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->100mb Internet, burstable too 10GB oc192<br>his speed can go up too 10gbs<br>...<br>Yes my car can have a top speed of 1000mph<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='signature'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br>^^ I wonder where the retard went to.
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Post by Slipknight »

bone-you wrote:
Slipknight wrote: Ok since this is just stupid since you dont fucking read what I write.

Heres the facts,

1.His internet is 100mbs NORMALLY but usually runs above and has capability of going at 10GB but most likely wont ever.

2.So you if your copyright it, I dont gotta give them my source and I can edit all your commands and displays that say its yours (which I've done) so they would never know.

End of story im finished here, I have stated the facts and thats enough.
I read what you say apparently because I can respond back to it. You read what I say too, but the different is you can't comprehend it. Let me use easy words so you can understand.

Little wires coming from your computer at the datacenter can't go faster than they were made to. Point made and unarguable unless you're just plain stupid.

Changing a copyright notice won't make it yours. You'd have to actually code (you'd never get far) to make it your own. You're just too stupid to think about the possibilities in a realistic sense. Instead you think of what can happen if the world revolved around you and you made the rules. Reality check, you don't rule the world, there are physical limitations to wires built to only handle a certain amount of data, and a car cannot go 1000m/h and 30 users cannot use 10gbps simultaneously of a datacenter's bandwidth of only 10gbps total.
They cant!! :o because my hosts can ;)

<img src=' ... irjjkt.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br>
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Post by bone-you »

Slipknight wrote: They cant!!  :o  because my hosts can  ;)
Your hosts can what? Your datacenter can't do 300GBPS as you're stating it can.

EDIT: The hell if you think it can, you don't even know who your datacenter is and you're claiming they even have OC192.
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><a href='' target='_blank'>#1 on Mafia :D</a><br><!--QuoteBegin-Slipknight+--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Slipknight)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->100mb Internet, burstable too 10GB oc192<br>his speed can go up too 10gbs<br>...<br>Yes my car can have a top speed of 1000mph<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='signature'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br>^^ I wonder where the retard went to.
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Post by delinquent »

He did give his team credit, read the post Slipknight
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br>Don't ban me, ban the idiot!
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