Some Help With My Server

Discussion about Helbreath Server Files.
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Post by sith »

I downloaded hbserver 2.19 from i gave up on the 3.51 files i changed all the IP to as a guide told me to do fo rmy own server that i can only connect too i checked them 3 times to make sure i got them all then i start running the servs gateserver,MainLserver and WorldLserver then i let them load and press home key in main and world serv then i go and run the HGserver and i get a error saying this

[!!!] Data file loading fail!

[!!!] CRITICAL ERROR! Cannot execute server! GServer.cfg contents error!
[!!!] STOPPED!

i can log into where i access my char then when i click him it says gateserver not active someone help me please
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Post by Ghaleon »

you dont put in

edit all the server cfgs to your real IP

go to start > run >

type in cmd or command

then type in ipconfig or winipcfg whichever works

it will give you your IP and put that in your .cfgs..

people like you really shouldnt be hosting a server lol
&lt;3 bd long time
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Post by Slayer »

Ghaleon wrote: you dont put in

edit all the server cfgs to your real IP

go to start > run >

type in cmd or command

then type in ipconfig or winipcfg whichever works

it will give you your IP and put that in your .cfgs..

people like you really shouldnt be hosting a server lol
You can host on internal IP, but you'll be the only one who can acces it. So that is not the problem.
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Post by sith »

I want to be the only one that can log in :blink:
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Post by marleythe9 »

it cant be becouse yoru IP or thats realy getto files.. but iv never messed with 2.19 files but from what The warning says is that

it cant load the Gserver.cfg

mabey your Gserver.cfg is in the wrong directory from what its supos to be... or something
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Post by sith »

I have noticed that in my it says No mls available msqid(37049d0c)

any idea?
:angry: this is pissing me off all i want to do is play around as a gm sense never been one b4 and wtf never works
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Post by Ghaleon »

that means your log in server isnt connecting to the gate server...
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Post by sith »

how do i make it connect?
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Post by Stik »

Run the gate server and look in the server window,at the bottom it will say the
gate server address,this is the ip address the gate server is useing(doesn't matter what you have put in the gate.cfg, it reports the ip it uses).Put this ip address in all your server configs.
If you want a full set of the 2.24C server files i am useing myself, i have uploaded them to my webspace at <a href='' target='_blank'></a> just unrar them to your drive and change the IP in the cfg,s and away you go.
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Post by sith »

ill try thanks in advance
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Post by sith »

ive knoticed that you had the same problem as me in your hgserv from looking in the Adminlogs:

(2005: 6:15:17:46) - (*) Gate server address : XXXXXXXXXXXXX
(2005: 6:15:17:46) - (*) Gate server port : 6502
(2005: 6:15:17:46) - (*) Game server mode : INTERNET
(2005: 6:15:17:46) - (*) Add map (elvine) - Loading map info files...
(2005: 6:15:17:46) - (!!!) Data file loading fail!
(2005: 6:15:17:46) -
(2005: 6:15:17:46) - (!!!) CRITICAL ERROR! Cannot execute server! config file contents error!
(2005: 6:15:17:46) - (!!!) STOPPED!

did u fix this? if so please explain.
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Post by Stik »

LOL yeah ignore that,it was from when i was trying that HGserver hack thing :D
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Post by sith »

i have have that problem without using any hacks god hates me
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Post by EvilHit »

do u have alll the files ?
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Post by sith »

as of late i changed to using stiks files and still no work

The force is weak with in me
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