Sql Files

Discussion about Helbreath Server Files.
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Post by ruberto »

damm all links are broken .. and this sql package sucks under downloads.. i have collected all sql files now lol .. but i dont know how they must be placed in server folder and what i even need ..

please someone post working sql server files.

I cant find account_t from worlogin.exe could someone send me it please
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Post by Stik »

Theres a 14 page thread telling all we have found out so far <a href='index.php?showtopic=4775' target='_blank'>index.php?showtopic=4775</a>
read thru it carefully and see if it helps.In query analizer you need to open and execute the mainlogin.sql and ws1.sql these will create the account_t and ws1 tables.
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Post by ruberto »

k i hexed mainlog under ACCOUNT_T i put there mine password but still if i start mainlog there comes message Can't conect Database .. did i hex wrong or what
but now if i click yes then wount popup that Int file. before it came after that cant connect to database error.
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Post by ruberto »

ok i have done everything from guide but if i start main or world server then it says database error whats the problem?
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Post by nef »

check on the pinned posts, there are 2 posts that explain everything
read before post -.-
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Post by ruberto »

you are spamming :P

i have read that guide sql setup or what ever it were ..
and the other tpic is mored advanced lol theres already working worlmain and worldLservers but i havent even opened these database error ..
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Post by Stik »

1. Have you setup mssql database properly,with login "sa" and a password(to check.goto start,programs,microsoft sql server,open query manager,this should open a box asking for login and password)if you installed it corect then you should be able to get into query analyzer.

2. you need to hex both the hml and world server exe files to put your sql password in them.

3. you have to setup links to the sqlserver (account and character)in the odbc in administrative tools

4. start query analyzer and open the mainlog.sql make sure you have "master" in the dropdown window pres F5 to run it,do the same for ws1.sql

now your world and login servers should connect (hopefully)

typed this from memory,hope i got it correct. ;)
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Post by ruberto »

nah i have done it already...

now i did it again :D...everything should be ok i dont know wheres the problem maybe something must be activated or?? i have only started MSSQLSERVER
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Post by ruberto »

ok i have downloaded microsoft SQL Server
i set the password and installed the program on my D: drive
then i opened ws1.txt and mainlog.txt files and changed these 2 lines in both files

ok after that i saved both ws1 and mainlog to ws1.sql and mainlog.sql

now i went to ControlPanel/Administrative tools/Services and started MSSQL Server.
and now i opened Query Analyzer and logged in with account "sa" and mine password what i set before when i installed SQL Server
after that i opened ws1.sql file and pressed that blue thing and then that green button. And i did same with mainlog.sql

Now i opened Administrative tools/DataSources and clicked on System DSN and then i clicked on add button on right side and rolled down with mouse and clicked on SQL Server. and entered name, description and set that last thing to local and clicked next.
Now i choosed the second thing "WithSQL Server authentication using a LoginID and password.. below that i typed in LoginID sa and mine password

On next page i changed the default database to ws1 and clicked on next.. on last page i just changed one thing.. i clicked on Log ODBC driver statistics the log file.

And after that i started over again now i did everything like before only changed name because i couldnt put the same and changed the default database to mainlog this time.

Now i opened MainLServer.exe with fred156 and searched for Account_t and found that line DSN=account;User ID=sa;pwd= 1 2 3 4 5;Provider=MSDASQL
and i put there mine password what i had chosen when i installed SQL SErver.

now i saved MainLServer.exe and opened WorldLSever.exe with fred156 and search for Account_T but didnt find anything and after searching for an hour i fount under Chrachter_T that line Data Source=character;User ID=sa;pwd= 1 2 3 4 5;Provider=MSDASQL and put there mine password.
now i saved mine WorldLServer.exe too and tried to activate them but i got some kind of error "Can't Connect Database 80004005"

sry for my bad english =)

Could someone help me please :D?
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Post by Stik »

if these are ok then im not sure why it wont connect,
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Post by ruberto »

yes everything is like on your picture .. i think i have some problem that only 1% people get lol :D

i did everything again now and i tried with ROBERT before it was (local).. but nothing changed lol :P
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Post by RageIlluminati »

ruberto wrote: yes everything is like on your picture .. i think i have some problem that only 1% people get lol :D

i did everything again now and i tried with ROBERT before it was (local).. but nothing changed lol :P
There has to be some changes in table structures... look on the SQLformat topics.. I have put few pictures of my tables to there...
<img src='http://helbreath.pri.ee/userbars/hbest-gamemaster2.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <img src='http://helbreath.pri.ee/userbars/hbsoccer-owner.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <img src='http://helbreath.pri.ee/userbars/scorpa-rider.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <img src='http://helbreath.pri.ee/userbars/logout-master.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /> <br>.<br>................................Ego sum Rage, flagellum Dei!<br><br>The problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? (bash.org)
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Post by drunk »

I'm having this same problem with this new comp I got. But I have installed it on my other comp just fine.
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