Help Needed With Ppl Connecting To My Client

Discussion about Helbreath Server Files.
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Post by Ghaleon »

I am trying to host behind a router..

I have everything finalized, phps work etc, I made 2 clients, 1 for me and 1 for ppl trying to access my server.

The one people are going to download is hexed with my external IP, the one im going to use is hexed with my internal ip.

Here is what my cfgs look like.



gate-server-address =
gate-server-address =
gate-server-port = 6502

game-server-list =
game-server-list =
game-server-address =
game-server-address =
game-server-port = 2101
build-date = 1126

permitted-address =
permitted-address =

accept =
accept =



log-server-address =
log-server-port = 2848
internal-log-server-port = 3840
gate-server-address =
gate-server-port = 6502
backup-drive-letter = D

permitted-address =



world-server-name = WS1

world-server-address =
world-server-port = 2500
internal-world-server-port = 3840

main-log-server-address =
main-log-server-port = 2848

gate-server-address =
gate-server-address =
gate-server-port = 6502

and finally my gserver..


gate-server-dns = false
log-server-dns = false
game-server-name = Elvine
game-server-address =
game-server-internal-address =
game-server-external-address =
game-server-port = 9902
log-server-address =
internal-log-server-port = 2500
gate-server-address =
gate-server-port = 6502
game-server-mode = LAN


game-server-map = elvine
game-server-map = elvfarm
game-server-map = elvbrk11
game-server-map = elvbrk12
game-server-map = elvbrk21
game-server-map = elvbrk22
game-server-map = elvined1
game-server-map = elvjail
game-server-map = elvwrhus
game-server-map = gldhall_2
game-server-map = gshop_2
game-server-map = gshop_2f
game-server-map = resurr2
game-server-map = wrhus_2
game-server-map = wrhus_2f
game-server-map = wzdtwr_2
game-server-map = bsmith_2
game-server-map = bsmith_2f
game-server-map = cath_2
game-server-map = cityhall_2
game-server-map = CmdHall_2

I don't know if I set these up right, I followed the guide posted here on how to host behind a router and now no one can connect even when my client is hexed to the external IP. I'm thinking no one can connect because in my gate server.cfg my external IP isnt in it.

I need serious help with this issue ^^

next issue..

now the only way for me to get a map up and running is to do it this way

Open up HGSERVER > Gate server > Main log in server > WL Server > press home in ML server > Press home in WL Server

now I have to do that really fast or else my hgserver will time out and wont connect

This is a serious problem cause if I'm trying to host 5+ maps it will maybe connect only 1 since the others time out.

When I try and connect this way > Gate Server > main log in server > WL server > HG server it just stops at socket 9 in the hg server.

another problem is that at random times my wl server will say no mls socket connected...and that means my world server is down and no one can log in...

I'm using hbx kains and drks custom 3.51 client and its just so many problems to get this server running.

The most important right now is why no one can connect to my client when it is hexed to the external IP...maybe my .cfgs are done wrong but I followed the guide posted in this forum..

someone...PLEASE help

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Post by Stik »

Your configs are ok,(works for me ok).
start in this order, mainlog then wls, press home in mainlog window(wait for some text to appear)then press home in wls window,both servers should say activated,and at the top of wls window you should get 10/0 active connections.
now start gate followed by your HG servers.(this method never fails for me)

what make of router are you useing,have you forwarded your ports in router setup?
you should be able to connect useing either internal or external client if your router is
forwarding ports propery(not all routers work for some reason,i ended up buying a new router,which then worked 1st time)

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Post by Ghaleon »

I'm using a linksys WRT54G router I think

but, as far as I know it doesnt matter about port forwarding as long as I have dmz enabled right?

I dunno...I'll try starting the servers up the way you said.

edit: tried starting the way you said and HG server stilll stops at socket 9..and also it doesnt say 10/0 connections it says 9/0..
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Post by tyteman »

Ghaleon wrote: I'm using a linksys WRT54G router I think

but, as far as I know it doesnt matter about port forwarding as long as I have dmz enabled right?

I dunno...I'll try starting the servers up the way you said.

edit: tried starting the way you said and HG server stilll stops at socket 9..and also it doesnt say 10/0 connections it says 9/0..
dmz = dangerous... dmz allows all traffic to come in through all ports..

port forwarding only allows certain ports...

[edit] the hgserver might not be activating because.. either your configs are wrong or too much shit to load :P (i could be wrong) [/edit]
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Post by Ghaleon »

well I have a back up firewall so I will take that chance

right now getting the hg servers to load isnt the biggest problem...

the biggest problem is trying to get ppl to actually connect once I have the server up...from what I've been told

when my Client is hexed with just says waiting 1, 2, 3 and seconds keep going up

when my client is hexed with freezes their computer.
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Post by Ghaleon »

bump someone help please
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Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2004 4:59 pm

Post by Stik »

<a href='index.php?showtopic=4637&st=25#' target='_blank'>index.php?...pic=4637&st=25#</a>

check my setup at this ok on my linksys router

Posts: 66
Joined: Sun Jul 17, 2005 7:10 am

Post by Ghaleon »

I actually followed your guide and it doesnt work for me
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