Mssql Code?

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Post by nef »

anyone have any mssql code to use on hbux sorce, mysql suckz a lot o.o, well, if anyone could help me, tks a lot
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Post by delinquent »

nef wrote: anyone have any mssql code to use on hbux sorce, mysql suckz a lot o.o, well, if anyone could help me, tks a lot
Take that back asshole, mySQL owns you.
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Post by morbid »

anyone have any mssql code to use on hbux sorce, mysql suckz a lot o.o, well, if anyone could help me, tks a lot
lol noob MySQL OWN! MSSQL Sux...
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Post by bone-you »

Q wrote:mySQL is liked more, because it's easy to setup, more things are compatible (or easily configurable) with it, and is just generally easier to use. MSSQL is built more for security, not ease of use, but since security isn't an issue with SQL and HB servers, mySQL does the job just fine.
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><a href='' target='_blank'>#1 on Mafia :D</a><br><!--QuoteBegin-Slipknight+--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Slipknight)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->100mb Internet, burstable too 10GB oc192<br>his speed can go up too 10gbs<br>...<br>Yes my car can have a top speed of 1000mph<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='signature'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br>^^ I wonder where the retard went to.
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Post by nef »

cant see whats the problems that u guys have with mssql, why its hard to setup?becouse it uses odbc?well, if someone start coding mssql just let me know, i am starting to do that 2, but as i dont have much time....
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Post by Slayer »

nef wrote: cant see whats the problems that u guys have with mssql, why its hard to setup?becouse it uses odbc?well, if someone start coding mssql just let me know, i am starting to do that 2, but as i dont have much time....
It's not hard to set up, it's harder to set up as mySQL. Plus the fact it's made by microsoft makes it worse. Why use microsoft shit when other stuff works just fine.
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Post by nef »

becouse the microsoft shit is made 4 windows, so....
i will make u a question, why code hb 4 windows if u can code it 4 linux ¬¬
same thing
&lt;3 bd long time
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Post by Slayer »

nef wrote: becouse the microsoft shit is made 4 windows, so....
i will make u a question, why code hb 4 windows if u can code it 4 linux ¬¬
same thing
That msSQL is made for windows only shows how retarded it is. And hb is made for windows because 90% of the people use windows, doh..

PS. Take bill gates cock out of your mouth.
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Post by nef »

i hate ms, but as hb is running on windows, why use mysql, i think that mssql runs better on windows and dont leave much ports opened as mysql does, so...
if u give me a linux hb, i will be very very greatfull and will love u 4 ever (lol) and will of course use mysql
anyway, as i told on hbx forum, mysql is opensorce, apache is opensorce, and with opensorce anyone can go on the sorce, find a bug and use it to hack ur server and stuffs
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Post by diwx »

nef wrote: lol
i hate ms, but as hb is running on windows, why use mysql, i think that mssql runs better on windows and dont leave much ports opened as mysql does, so...
if u give me a linux hb, i will be very very greatfull and will love u 4 ever (lol) and will of course use mysql
anyway, as i told on hbx forum, mysql is opensorce, apache is opensorce, and with opensorce anyone can go on the sorce, find a bug and use it to hack ur server and stuffs
and ur point is? :mellow:
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Post by nef »

my point is that a opensrce is easier to hack, thats why i wanna use mssql, and with mssql i dont need to open so many ports as i will need if i decide to run mysql, well anyway, this isnt a topic to decide whats the best system, just wanna know if anyone is coding this, couse my code will take some time to be running fine
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