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Discussion about Helbreath Server Files.
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Post by Stik »

Tested the blizzard definitly freezes ok
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Post by CoLoOo »

how to create a dkset upgradeable?? dunno where i got to put the char code or wth to do
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Post by Sparda »

For me i can only upgrade the dark knight/mage weapons but not the armours...
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Post by CoLoOo »

Sparda wrote: For me i can only upgrade the dark knight/mage weapons but not the armours...
armors are not upgradeables but how u maked an upgradeable weapon?
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Post by nef »

anyone have already test the heldenian and apocalypse schedules?i am trying to make it work but didnt have sucess, and i still wanna know why whe have to logout to change the map (when map is in 2 dif hg's)
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Post by -Pitu- »

Sparda how do you manage to updrade de dk weapon? i can`t it say "upgrade is not posible"
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Post by CDWriter »

Dont understand what you want CD!
GUILD_T holds the details of a guildmaster when you create a guild(needs 1 mil gold)
Thats something new to me did not know u needed 1 mill to start a guild?

but yep thats it, it works ......
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Post by CDWriter »

ok u all want to know how to make Dksets ill give u a example 1 time....just do the following

here is the fame for my char in ITEM_T

1001 709 1 2 -4613 198 1 6 0 0 0 30000 0 0 7 22

break down 1001 is my account ID # the -4613 198 1 is my char ID code that u would find in your charactor_t table so create the items u want and code it to your char by changeing the 3 values it give u when u created the items ...the flame above is coded to my charactor and i can now UPGRADE with MJ points ;) do this with the whole set if u like but iam not sure if Dk armor is upgradeable?...some tell me if it is Orgianly upgradeable....

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Post by CoLoOo »

ty cdwriter and armors are not upgradeables
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Post by Sparda »

I make a new guild, and when i relogin it gets dismissed :(
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Post by -Pitu- »

someone could run the heldenian???
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Post by nef »

ok ppl now we fix the dk itens, can we focus on the hgserver changing?whats the point of make a dk set +15 if u cant change maps without logout and login again? :blink:
btw, try to add the line cKEYCODE nchar to ur guild_t, i am not sure couse i didnt have time to test it but it should work, at least thats what i find on hex
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Post by chichon »

When i create heldenian (/beginheldenian)...is closed to 10 or 15 sec... = whit apocalypse... :ph34r:
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Post by CDWriter »

Posts: 37
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Post by -Pitu- »

darkieduck, zabuza or gb someone can explain how to make work the heldenian???
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