A little FAQ about HBHacking&Tools

Discussion on Helbreath Hacks. New ones Released. and how to work them.
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Post by ghostspider »

Well, I started this out of boredom, Dont feel like painting yet.
Under this topic I would like to disguss/tell/teach you people who are stuck only using t-search and want to move to a bit advanced gamehacking.
oh, I suggest reading tutorials at:
<a href='http://www.gamehacking.com' target='_blank'>http://www.gamehacking.com</a>
there you will find alot of useful information.
I'll stick on helbreath in my teachings because me and it, have come a long way together :rolleyes:

First, The tools I use Usually order which and reason why I use them:

-Ollydbg ( good debugger, windows based, and I can save the changes I've made straight to exe. not the best but SoftIce boots me)

-T-Seach / artmoney ( mostly t-search because of its autohack capability, so I can record the addresses from the exe which write / read the values found from memory, Lacks the break on execution ability, thats why I use olly to do the a bit advanced stuff)

-ultraedit ( good hexeditor/text editor, for quick changin of some hex values )

-MASM ( <a href='http://win32asm.cjb.net' target='_blank'>http://win32asm.cjb.net</a> Let the webpage speak instead of me. The programming language which I use mostly because its kinda the same what I see when disassembling / debugging files and I've learned it the easies, quick, small, neat trainers/programs can be coded with it)

you can do VC++ / VB /delphi instead of MASM if you find it easier or suit you better. I would do VC++ Stuff but I'm not the best on it. (TMK, but i dont suggest using it)

Now you know the tools which I use, I will tell you a bit what to use and when to use:

For changing values and memory editing, you can use T-Search
if you are searching values that change, like logout counters or the level of character as in p2p hack, or any other values / names.
Now once you've found the value, you usually just freeze the value or set it to something else, like bigger etc. Well good, you've found the value, but there is so much more than get stuck just to constantly find the values again and again every time you play. Well there is a solve to it.

Lets take an example, how to find the not changin value and to make it work all the time, while using the same client. This hack should work in every version, its not even a good hack, but It'll help you to pose to your friends :-X
(I havent done this in over a year so sorry if I miss something and sorry that I dont have the real asm operand stuff that will be found)

things you need: T-search (&olly), a spell, friend or thing that makes you take over 42+ damage and fly.

while in game, do the basic t-seach search for the values 0 for standing, 1 for walking 2 for running, that should be easy.

Once you've found the value stay in t-search
there is the autohack thing, now, enable debugger
-click right mousebutton on the value you've found, opening you a chart (window whatever it was in english) where is all the commands. The most bottom one is the autohack thingie, click on it to enable autohack on that address.
Now Get back to helbreath and make someone fly you. Once you've flied once, go back to t-seach
-open up the autohack window
Now one of the addresses / asm stuff that has recorded there should be something like 47354 mov [address+stuff],07
<- 07 is the thing you need, It is the value that makes your character fly (as in criticalhack) address is invented, not the right one

( MOV is a operand MOVE, it moves a value from address to address or from register to register)

ok there is two ways to make your client bypass the fly stuff. either nop the address, I dont remember if nopping that is the right thing, or
you can make the operand to move something else to memory, so the character wont fly, like value 01 or 00
so edit the line you found in autohack, replace the value 07 with 00 or 01
or then choose NOP command under right mousebutton

(NOP in hex is 90, it means NO OPERATION or something, the thing you need to know is that asm will just skip the line holdind NOP, it does nothing on it)

ok you've NOPped or changed the value of the line you've found
now, get back to the game and see if you dont fly (or you crash your own client as I did alot of times back then, when searching blindly some stuff)
If you dont fly, cool. just write up that address or save it somehow, if t-search had the capability, Its always the same address if the client.exe does not change. (or code a program that changes the value to 00 or NOP the address in hex, remember, you have to NOP the whole command, explained later)

ok, If you want to add that hack to your client, first you have to have unpacked(hacked) client
close the client and close t-search.
you got the address from autohack written up? good.
- launch ollydbg
in ollydbg load the unpacked client to it
once it has loaded the client
push ctrl-g (goto address)
in the window that pops up, write the address you got from t-search's autohack)
now now, there should be the same asm stuff you saw in autohack, and a bit more.
theres the MOV something+something,07
now press space on the mov stuff ending with 07, it pops up assemble window.
Replace the 07 with 00 or 01 if you want to change that value. press esc to quit the assemble window, or you will accidentally write too much of the same to exe, you'll see, theres undo command if you screw up)
Or then if you want to try NOP:
click right mosebutton on the address you found, search NOP line command from it and watch how it NOPs the line once was the movblaablaa07
there wont be a single NOP, there will be 4 NOP's I quess 2-4

now once you've done the things and you feel its ok now, you can save the exe. Click right mousebutton, select copy to executable, and in the window that pops up, click right mousebutton and choose save to file, and save it to file.

after that, quit olly and try the client, try to fly yourself, look if you crashed your client(you did something wrong) or then it works great, congratz, you've dont your first a bit advanced hack. It's still very simple.

ok this was my first tutorial and FAQ part, I might be adding some pictures to it later on when I get to a real computer with capability to hack something :)
Feel free to comment, ask, add, or ask me to change something.
I might have mixed up thing but thats just typical me, I mostly just do stuff and dont make any notes of what I am doing. :blink:
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Post by binarydata »

that must have taken your like an hour to write
<img src='http://img88.exs.cx/img88/2290/7666.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
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Post by lupker »

good tools, i think i perfer tsearch over artmoney although artmoney is good indeed
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Post by kaikai10 »

ghostspider, you are my idol
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Post by loco »

kaikai10 wrote: ghostspider, you are my idol
father his children he will like you more
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Post by kmatt02 »

I don't know if this is possible so I'm asking :D

Everyone has mana points, and the mana points can change. So sure there is a value for mana points that can be frozen so your points don't change. So you can freeze the mana point value and have unlimited mana points? I don't know if this is possible and it probably isn't because it would have been done by now :D

This would be freaking cool if you could do the same for health points, unlimited health doesn't sound to bad to me!
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Post by kmatt02 »

Hmm, ignore that post above :D
I just read that it isn't possible :(
&lt;3 bd long time
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Post by delinquent »

kmatt02 wrote: Hmm, ignore that post above :D
I just read that it isn't possible :(
Well congratulations on figuring it out :] But yes if you freeze the memory address for Mana it may stay the same on the client but in the server it will be going down. It is just like when you repetivly cast something and press F4 really fast when you got no mana you still cast it but the spell won't come out :]
<img src='http://deli.lazyslacker.com/stupidnigga.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><a href='http://deli.lazyslacker.com' target='_blank'>http://deli.lazyslacker.com</a><br>Don't ban me, ban the idiot!
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Post by tombcatz »

where can i download the program "Ollydbg"
i cant find it on www.gamehacking.com
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Post by charlie »

weee i know how to do it now :)
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Post by kmatt02 »

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Post by dude »

delinquent wrote: But yes if you freeze the memory address for Mana it may stay the same on the client but in the server it will be going down. It is just like when you repetivly cast something and press F4 really fast when you got no mana you still cast it but the spell won't come out :]
Yeah, its like a gold hack. You hack the memory of your game, so when for example you sell a bread, you get 100000 gp on your screen, but in the server you only get 5gp.

So doing a hack for that will only fuck you up, cause you won't know how much mana u have left. :(
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Post by No-Fear »

can u tell me about ASM ... if u have MSN plz tell it to me or i can tell mine to u ... in forumis its hard to understand each other perfectly
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Post by Pyro[GM] »

Umm, in 3,51 when using TSearch, my client closes. I even named it hlkgh.exe and still....wut do i do?
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Post by blackknigt »

it will close if u focus the game, i dno how to jump that protection
what u must do is not to focus the client, save ur hack and then open client without the tsearch
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