v2.20 - charlie

Discussion on Helbreath Hacks. New ones Released. and how to work them.
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Post by Jiriki »

Ï just added the hacks for my client and ty all who has helped mii!!! :lol: :lol: :P
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Post by TyLLy_4 »

charlie .. i got something sreious to ask u ....
would u marry me?
muahahhahh ... no seriously ... thanks a lot man .... that codes are gonna kik some ares ass ..... hehehe thanks a lot .. eldineild migth porotect u

(dont worry about my mental health .. i just someked half a plat .... cya)
:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: B) B) B) B)
<a href='http://tylly4.3a2.com' target='_blank'>)-=[TyLLy_4]=-(</a>
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Post by GHOSTVMG »

only i have a cuestion, somebody can explain my that do beholder, i know when do for put it in the executable but i dind't know when is the efect

Tanks, sorry but i am spanish and my english is a little poor
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Post by mistdreamz »

u can see the effect when an enemy player appears to be transparent, then u noe ur hack is working
<span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:gray'>knnbccb 1 year liao lar....</span></span>
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Post by Down-to-ZeR0 »

can i save the changes in client with OLLYDBG ???

i edit the client and run, can save the changes in the client'???


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Post by Zanfa »

Can some1 tell how can I get Full Swing. Plz im really need help :(
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Post by blastah »

mistdreamz wrote: launch ollydbg
in ollydbg load the client
once it has loaded the client push ctrl-g (goto address)
then right-click, binary, edit (cntrl-E)
key in the codes provided in this thread

for instance,

Code: Select all

to go to the line
cntrl-E to edit and key in this code

Code: Select all

C686 2FE80400 00
for no delay restart
then right click aniwhere after keying in the code, copy to executable>>all modifications
a new window should appear, right click aniwhere in and "save"
In no cast delay hack, I have to change
0045960F to
8D5424 50
but If i find 0045960F (ctrl+g)
and then I edit it (ctrl+e) [hex+00]
then it already is 8D5424 50
what do I change then :blink:

EDIT:im using ollydbg
EDIT2:got all worked, charlie, ur da god B)
EDIT3:to test my hack skills, just pm me, and I make hack to u :rolleyes:
I gave my account away, i hope he wont spam the forum, thx every1 in this forum, charlie the most! respect 0X
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Post by blastah »

my last topic was getting too full :P

so 1 last question:

Can any1 explain me wat those hacks do:

Delay for Restarting
Speed Limit
Speed Trap
True identity
I gave my account away, i hope he wont spam the forum, thx every1 in this forum, charlie the most! respect 0X
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Post by mistdreamz »

charlie..i dun think the speed limit is working...i still get d/ced when using speeder
<span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:gray'>knnbccb 1 year liao lar....</span></span>
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Post by -Nicholas- »

can any1 give me ver 2.20 snakey coord?pls i need it badly .. thx
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Post by kakanaator »

It would be better for people if you put already hacked client in yout tutorial. So people had to change only ip address ;)
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Post by kakanaator »

00417D07  |. 8DB5 18E90400  LEA ESI,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+4E918]
0041A2A1  |. 8DB3 18E90400  LEA ESI,DWORD PTR DS:[EBX+4E918]
0041AF3F  |. 8DB3 18E90400  LEA ESI,DWORD PTR DS:[EBX+4E918]
00420B78  |. 8DB5 18E90400  LEA ESI,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+4E918]
0042327A  |. 8DB5 18E90400  LEA ESI,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+4E918]
00426A37  |. 8DB5 18E90400  LEA ESI,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+4E918]
0042DDEA  |. 8DB5 18E90400  LEA ESI,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+4E918]

00417D07    EB 0B          JMP SHORT 2_20.00417D14
00417D09    90            NOP
00417D0A    90            NOP
00417D0B    90            NOP
00417D0C    90            NOP

0041A2A1    EB 0B          JMP SHORT 2_20.0041A2AE
0041A2A3    90            NOP
0041A2A4    90            NOP
0041A2A5    90            NOP
0041A2A6    90            NOP

0041AF3F    EB 1B          JMP SHORT 2_20.0041AF5C
0041AF41    90            NOP
0041AF42    90            NOP
0041AF43    90            NOP
0041AF44    90            NOP

00420B78    EB 0B          JMP SHORT 2_20.00420B85
00420B7A    90            NOP
00420B7B    90            NOP
00420B7C    90            NOP
00420B7D    90            NOP

0042327A    EB 0B          JMP SHORT 2_20.00423287
0042327C    90            NOP
0042327D    90            NOP
0042327E    90            NOP
0042327F    90            NOP

00426A37    EB 0B          JMP SHORT 2_20.00426A44
00426A39    90            NOP
00426A3A    90            NOP
00426A3B    90            NOP
00426A3C    90            NOP

0042DDEA    EB 0B          JMP SHORT 2_20.0042DDF7
0042DDEC    90            NOP
0042DDED    90            NOP
0042DDEE    90            NOP
0042DDEF    90            NOP
im stuck with this one.
What should i search and to which line should i change in hex editor?
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Post by jrm. »

Sukkis wrote:
charlie wrote:
Jiriki wrote: :ph34r:  :ph34r: <span style='color:purple'><span style='font-family:Geneva'>I must say thanks charlie for these hacks</span></span>
:ph34r:  :ph34r:
omg thats a first

pat on the back for you
hey Charlie.... can you make hacked client of HBforsaken ... my MSN is Raffel_2@hotmail.com
Hey Sukkis, can you "Sukkis" my nuts?
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Post by n00b »

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