Magic Speedhack

Discussion on Helbreath Hacks. New ones Released. and how to work them.
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Post by Devitt »

May i jus politely ask what the problem is with private servers? Making hacks is good, even makin em for private servers is ok... but all out trying to fuck up private servers... why?
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Post by Kinky »

were not fuckin them up we r testing to see how good the server is. if the server doesnt get messed up after it has had ppl running around with hacks its a good server and shud stay up. if it cant stand the hacks then it shud not be running :P :P

Edit this is a load of BS but it sounds cool :P
<span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'><b><a href='' target='_blank'>Look at this :p</a></b> </span></span><br><span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'><b><a href='' target='_blank'>and this</a></b> </span></span>
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Post by Devitt »

Jus don't hurt my private server cause i love outpost and also love my private server....
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Post by Kinky »

which is ur private server??

so i know which one not to hack :D :D :P
<span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'><b><a href='' target='_blank'>Look at this :p</a></b> </span></span><br><span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'><b><a href='' target='_blank'>and this</a></b> </span></span>
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Post by Devitt »

Give me all ur hacks and i may tell you :P :P :P

Grr I'm still having problems with the asprotect.. posted in forum but no1 got back to me... searched forum and didnt get shit.. so the hacks i can make at the moment = 0 :( I've learn't a bit about asm which is pretty much pointless since i can't put it in to practice.. looks like I'll be a tsearcher noob for a while...
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Post by Tom0 »

Code: Select all

no cast delay
004646A1  |. 8D5424 3C                lea     edx, dword ptr [esp+3C]
004646A5  |. 8D8D E0D30600            lea     ecx, dword ptr [ebp+6D3E0]
004646AB  |. 52                       push    edx
004646AC  |. C74424 40 00000000       mov     dword ptr [esp+40], 0
004646B4  |. E8 87BF0300              call    HelFart.004A0640
004646B9  |. FF15 64124B00            call    dword ptr [<&WINMM.timeGetTime>]             ;  WINMM.timeGetTime
004646BF  |. 8985 74D30600            mov     dword ptr [ebp+6D374], eax

004646A1     EB 22                    jmp     short HelFart.004646C5
004646A3     90                       nop
004646A4     90                       nop

Ok i have found this, but how do i know what value i need to change instead of "004646C5", or will that value work for any client, evne though 004646C5
was in later version of the int client? Thanx

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Post by Private »

Could someone upload the magic speedhack in the client please?

Whit 2.191 client & 2.20
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Post by silver »

Code: Select all

speed trap
00461F08   . 8B8D 98980600            mov     ecx, dword ptr [ebp+69898]

00461F08     E9 D6280000              jmp     HelFart.004647E3
00461F0D     90                       nop
That adress you make the jump to, is that a code cave of yours or do you just take one on random?
If it's a adress thats already exsisting in the game, how do I figure out where to jump to? :blink:
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Post by Private »

what did you do for the after cast pause?
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Post by Jen0va »

Can someone upload or send hack to or , thats why iam newb. with assembly :)
<u>+</u><br><b>Hack Hard - Go Jen0va.</b><br><u>+</u><br>(Sitez are down but still rocking!)
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Post by Private »

Has anyone noticed Jen0va trying? He's just asking for the hacks.

What I'm asking for is help to make the hack for myself. So any ideas on what to do for the post casting pause? (after you've clicked to cast the spell, it casts, and there is a slight pause)
just visiting
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Post by Juhei »

hi im trying to get remove speedtrap from 2.20
i find that

cmp eax, 12C

i know how to make it to jump but i cant find speedtrap code
i have no problems with other hacks but im unable to map it

my msn/mail is
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Post by iamme »

im a complete n00b when it comes to this stuff... with hexin an shit.. the most i can do with a hex is change ip on a client =-/ thats my skills for ya...
isn't there a way to use tsearch to let u cast fast? i know there was a long time ago but i have found that they either changed the value or masked it... if some1 could help me that would be nice ^_^
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